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Condition of the tracks around Orange

Hi all,
Just curious if anyone who is either from out west around Orange way or ridden there quite recently could comment on the current state and quality of the local trails in particular Kinross & Canobolas I have heard quite good things about these two trails and am thinking about coming out that way possibly over the coming long weekend to see what they are all about just hoping that there would be enough km's and variety of riding to keep us occupied for at least a couple of days I have heard that the DH track at Canobolas is quite good as well with plenty of vertical..
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Everything is really wet and boggy around Orange at the moment. We've had record rainfall this winter and it continues.
Nothing is officially closed but if it was in a big city (with more riders) it would be.
I'd suggest waiting for better conditions before travelling here for the trails to make the most of them. Especially with wild wet weather predicted for later in the week:
Most locals have been riding fire trails lately, if you feel like exploring those then by all means come visit!
No worries Grantd I appreciate your response mate sounds like I would be better off waiting for better conditions before making the trip out there I am still keen to check it out though I have heard some pretty good things about the riding out there. Might end up going down to Canberra this weekend instead
I'd check out the weather forecast before heading to Canberra! Been a ton of rain , I think everywhere is really wet.