You are hereCommuting to work....
Commuting to work....

Yes, and I love it!
46% (22 votes)
Not right now, but have/will when possible.
19% (9 votes)
No, but am thinking about it.
13% (6 votes)
No, I like burning hydrocarbons!
6% (3 votes)
No, public transport is tops!
4% (2 votes)
No, I work from home :)
6% (3 votes)
What's 'work'?
6% (3 votes)
Total votes: 48
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I just started commuting to work and love it!
I'd strongly recommend it for anyone who is considering doing it.
It can be a bit cold in the early morning, but still bearable. No worse than a deep valley night ride anyway
The only downside I've found so far is that I'm CONSTANTLY hungry!! I bought 2 lunches today just to satisfy me! The saved trainfare is just going on food now, lol
Smaller meals instead of your normal breakfast, lunch and supper/dinner/whatever-it's-called...
That way you don't increase your daily overall amount of food intake (that much) but still satisfy your hunger!
... full stop!
Don't listen to that skinny Junkie... does he look like he eats enough?
Good trick mate. I'll give that a go and see if I can portion some constant meals all through the day....
I have the same problem, I try and munch on Milo bars and bananas in the arvo but they don't seem to do a huge amount, I can still be a bit lacking in juice on the trip home. Any recommended foodstuffs at all?
Mind you it's great to get home, for a homemade banana smoothie with extra everything
1. Petrol - $1.70 a litre
2. Traffic jams (on the Central Coast!!!!!!!!!)
3. It only takes me an extra 5 or 6 minutes each way
4. I don't need to get a leave pass from the Warden to have a ride
I'd be crazy not to ride to work!
Door to door it takes the same amount of time to drive as it does for me to ride!!
What's your journey Lozza ?.
I'm North Curl Curl to Wynyard and back and find that the only way to stay fueled for the ride home ( too many bl**dy hills ) is to stuff down a goo 10 mins before getting on the bike.
In fact, it's almost goo time now!
I do this route... its amazingly about 90% bike laned!
Loz include a tick box "Can't ride as I need my car for my job"
I know I bag the scummers
but if I didnt have to travel to various construction sites each day I probably would ride a bike to work.
Did I just say that???
But not on the road, thats what foot paths are for, cars own the road.
Ride to various site's, I'm sure it will catch on!
Maybe forego the Lycra though...
yeah, I live ridiculously close to work and try to do an extended loop on the way there when possible but a lot of the time I have to do stuff through the day requiring my ute or pick the kids up from sport on the way home.
It's not just about being lazy or scared of traffic
Hmmmm... when you change a poll it invalidates the votes already cast. Clearly. I mean, add some more options and people might have voted differently.
Don't blame me... it's all Lozza's idea!
Do you keep a change of clothes and shower stuff at work? I don't have it far to work (Vaucluse to Kent Street), but I would have to get ready at work and then there is my gym bag (which I have almost daily).
Given the options, any votes already cast would be from scummers, sorry I mean cycle commuters, so does it really matter if their vote doesn't count?
Oh come on people you know I'm joking
I still thank that's the long way for you - just hit George street in the morning if you can beat the traffic it will save you quite a few minutes, I weighed my bag the other day and it was a nice 5kgs of crap!
Pikey, I'm disappointed.. I put in the hydrocarbon's one just for you!!
Anke, Being a bloke, I got it quite easy. I just go into work all stinky and sweaty...
hahaha jk
I leave a towel, pants and shoes at work... So all I need to bring in each day is undies, socks and a shirt. Very small and compact.
Then once a week I exchange the towel and pants, voila!
I leave all my amenities at work, which basically is just soap, deodorant and hair product.. for fabulous lift
Lorrie, no way will I go down George Street in peak hour! I am still on a MTB after all!
PS, rode down the harbour bridge ramp for the first time last night
Felt great! Back wheel was in the air for the most of it though
Hows that for an urban assault 
i commute 4 days per week, shortest route is 8.5km, generally i will do an extended loop of 15-35km depending on what i feel like and the time i wake up. I am lucky in that i can commute 99% on off road bike paths and on road cyclelanes, so i dont get in the way of traffic and its fairly safe. Its a great way to start the day, very peaceful and a great time to think about life and the day ahead. Alsi with having 2 kids its about the only time i get to ride, so if i didnt commute i would hardly ever ride. I commute on a cyclocross bike running 28mm slicks, jump if gutters and through parks and creeks doesnt worry it the slightest. Basically if i change jobs i will make sure its within a distance i can ride everyday. I save approx $40 per week in petrol, and not to mention tyres, servicing costs etc, even if i change the whole drive train every yr on the bike i am well, well ahead. I ride rain or shine.
I can't tick "No, I like burning hydrocarbons!" as I don't totally like burning them.
I do enjoy my high ride position (I drive a V8 petrol Landcruiser for those not in the know) that enables me to see what is 10 cars ahead slowing down traffic, we all know that answer!
Hey did you know that one lone cyclist holding up traffic, stop / start / brake etc over a 12 km journey creates more impact on global warming (not that it’s man caused anyway) than it would if the cyclist was in his car! Something to think about
I need a 4WD as I am in the construction game and therefore need to cart in heavy gear , in often boggy conditions.
I enjoy my bull bar that enables me to protect my family all that little better (bloody wild life) as we do go off road camping and such.
I need my 8 seats as my family of 7 needs to sit somewhere.
But most of all I love the fact that it now costs me $200 (I get 700km for my $) to fill my vehicle which enables the government to use the excise to fund alcoholism and obesity programs.
So Lozza you gotta change the poll so community minded people like me that have no choice other than to own and drive to work a thirsty but fun vehicle, to vote honestly.
For the love of crude oil, Lozza, Pull the Poll!
Wow, very happy to see a very majority for commuting!!
I love it and am hooked now. Have not stopped at all since I started riding to work, 2 weeks now. Hope I can keep it up. I'm still a bit sore in the legs....
The best thing about commuting is whether I ride at full pace or at a slow leisurely pace It seems to only vary from 45 to 60 min
So if i need a break from riding, I don't have to skip a ride to work per se , but instead I just cruise along for a 60 min ride instead!
Don't normally watch car-related shows, but that was very good! Although it probably didn't help the cyclist's stress levels much...
he did seem to be a stress and cranky little man in the traffic at times
he did seem to be a stress and cranky little man in the traffic at times
Riding in London traffic is diabolical make the Sydney CBD kind a tame by comparison. Did it once and it scared the crap outta me.
Given a steel fixie he would've attained a zen like calm.
Funniest bit was that he couldn't swear! And that the woman who passed him at the start said his legs weren't bandy enough, I think?
Waiting for councils/governments to amend road rules & infrastructure may take a while, so how about this?
I rode in London for about nine years ( right through the middle.... every day)I have to say I found it a lot safer than Sydney to ride in. The car drivers are at least attuned to looking for two wheeled traffic ( motorcycles and bikes).
Now Paris... that is dangerous !
Yeah... but what I find amusing is imagine how much faster the bike would have been without the spindly legged hamster riding. I mean, at the end when he was allegedly pushing to finish there was a shot of the cranks and he was in middle-3 or something. Durh! Come on Hamster, TTFU!
The Junkie posts the pedal car for a joke no doubt, but really, they are coming:
The Flintstones theme playing in the background?