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Delicious FreeRideTastic

delicious's picture

By delicious - Posted on 28 July 2008

Saturday, 16 August, 2008 - 08:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Menai (Lucas Heights)
Meeting Point: 

The meeting point will be opposite the ANSTO nuclear reactor. Park on the road shoulder opposite the ANSTO sign on New Illawarra Road.


As described in the heading this is a freeride and downhill ride at Menai where we will visit several of the freeride constructions and also the very good downhill track. There is no shuttle. Everyone will be pushing back to the top.
Also we will go for a general pedal about the place for the sake of some exercise and to get muddy.
The pace will be relaxed with plenty of time to repeat jumps and downhill runs.
I've set a limit of ten riders to minimize congestion.
If you are not of a freeride or downhill bent do not be intimidated or discouraged. There is plenty of general purpose trail riding available and the drops and jumps are not obligatory. Feel free to just come and watch. With that said there are a lot of small drops, timber ramps and rock roll-overs that almost any skill level will manage.
Armour is a good idea. A full face helmet is also a good idea.
Ebony, the all-mountain dog, will be staying home for this ride as she does get in the way.
I've indicated this to last four hours yet I'll pretty much have all day available for those who wish to keep riding. So bring a cut lunch...

Who's in?
delicious, Little-Ditty, Matt P, sonicmook, McPete
delicious Little-Ditty Matt P sonicmook McPete
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
sonicmook's picture

Paul and I were riding at Menai on Sunday and he stacked pretty badly on the downhill. I've just got a message from him that he had x-rays and has broken 2 transverse processes which are the bones that attach the muscles to the vertebrae. So, get well soon Paul and we'll go back and nail that corner!

To everyone else, don't let it put you off Eye-wink

delicious's picture

Yes folks, don't be put off. Wear Protective gear and ride within your limits. And Menai as a riding location has something for everyone.
To Paul, get well soon mate.

Matt P's picture

Unoriginal sin?

Paul_J's picture
Little-Ditty's picture

Nice video. The understeer off the trail at the end is a beauty!!

Now I am thinking I should do this ride. I really hope I have the bike for it. I'll let you know soon.

ProfessorTomahawk's picture

but I'll be at the Zoo with my 3yo that day... Definitely another time though!

delicious's picture

I ride here pretty much every weekend and on both days. This ride can become a regular occurrence for Nobmobbers if need be.

kiwiboy's picture

We have had a few exploratory rides at Menai over the last few weeks and love it. It's definitely on our fav list. Haven't got our heads around it all yet but slowly getting it mapped out in the head. We won't be doing any freeriding or downhill, but happy to watch Smiling

There are 3 or 4 of us planning an XC ride at Menai anyway, so we might come and watch for a while before we do our own thing.

if at first you don't succeed, try not to look astonished.

delicious's picture

It will be good to meet you all and I can hand out directions if required.

evan's picture

Definitely want to have a look at all that Nth Shore stuff.


Alex's picture

id def be in but alas im working weekends now, havent been on a nobbers ride for yonks! any chance of a mon/tues bash there sometime?

McPete's picture

Yes! Another Lucas Heights ride!

I'm coming for sure, plus one.

Mr BigHit is coming back to Menai.

sonicmook's picture

This comment has been moved here.

kiwiboy's picture

probly going to have a ride tomorrow there but can't make this ride after all - away that weekend.
if at first you don't succeed, try not to look astonished.

Matt P's picture

Should be good for this still, however I might take it a little easier as it will be my first ride since my accident (and will also be getting my stitches out the day before).

With that in mind, I'll probably end up doing a lot of the easier stuff (the other singletrack bits), so happy to show people around that might not feel comfortable with the freeride type stuff.

Little-Ditty's picture

I have finished all my bike purchases and can now ride Menai on a machine that can take it. As they say... be prepared. So come with the correct equipment. Finally!!

Count me in for this ride. Looking forward to it. I am keen to meet some of the more recent Nobmob joiners! Smiling Will be nice to meet more new folks out there. This should be great fun!! Laughing out loud

NB - I am keen to head down to Bulli / Tarrawanna around Wollongong sometime soon. Within the next couple of months? Was anyone interested in a ride around there too?

Paul_J's picture

Wear your armour kids! I'm bummed that I'll miss the Menai ride as it sure is a fun place catering to all abilities.I'm putting my hand up for the Bulli trip and can also recommend Mt Keira(DH & XC) as well. Good to hear that Matt is ready to roll again.

McPete's picture

Sorry to say guys, but Bulli is a bit inconvenient right now. Bulli pass has been closed, and I believe it's for a fair while.
Keira, Thirroul and Tarrawanna/Balgownie are very viable options though. Give me a shout if you're heading down.

orfeo's picture

Thanks for that video paul! i'm stoaked to come check out Menai as it seems similar to the riding i was introduced to in canada. Unfortunately i can't make it this weekend due to uni commitments. But i'll be there for the next few sundays i think, if anyone wants to go sunday let us know, or if this becomes a regular thing i'm in! Smiling

orfeo ([email protected])

McPete's picture

Myself and two others will be in attendance.

Little-Ditty's picture

Great ride today fella's. I was impressed with some of the skills out there and enjoyed the ride immensely. I am sure it won't be long before we head out there again soon. There were some parts of those trails that I did not do today. I came away from them thinking they are unfinished business. So the next time I go to Menai, there is plenty more for me to try. And also a pleasure to meet you all. I look forward to another spin on some nice techy trails.

Little-Ditty's picture

...and I can't wait for the piccies and videos! Smiling

McPete's picture

That was excellent, thankyou for organising the ride. I think I'm going to have to go back and have a proper session on those drops. It was great to meet you all.

It was bloody hard work though, pedaling that STP all that way, through all the chop. That Reign X is definitely on the cards.

I'll get my photos up ASAP, nothing special, just some reasonable shots of you guys hitting a berm section on the DH track.

Little-Ditty's picture

Just emailed Rob about the footage, so should hopefully hear something soon...

Matt P, are you in contact with Steve? Do I just organise for the files to find their way over to him? Can you help me with that? Smiling

delicious's picture

Many thanks to all who attended. I'll post another one in the same place soon.

sonicmook's picture

Here you go gentlemen...

Thanks Delicious P for guiding us through the bush and to Matt 'Scorsese' P for the direction and camera work.
Apologies to McPete your shots disappeared somewhere!?!
Apologies to Little Ditty - there was no footage of you on the North Shore rollercoaster - just an excuse to go again though eh Eye-wink

Alex's picture

i cant do weekends anymore (work etc) any chance of getting some directions to these top looking trails? unless any tour guides can do a mon? like next monday perhaps?

kurt's picture

No "A line"
heres a few weeks back

MMMMM Transition Bottlerocket


sonicmook's picture

Does anyone else now feel slightly inadequate after watching Kurt's video?

For most of us, this track fell squarely into the 'maybe next time' / 'you must be f@*kin joking' bucket.

All respect to you though Kurt, maybe you can show us how it's done next time.

Little-Ditty's picture

You did pretty good that day I thought. Plus, you have to start somewhere. As the posts say at the top, always ride within your limits. If the jumps / drops look a bit risky, you don't do it. No shame in that. Also, there will be a next time, so we will chew off that little bit more... Laughing out loud

kurt's picture

Sorry Steve thats not me
Thats Brendon from the out and back Boys
im in the "no F#@%king WAy" club with you
i never ride over or above my limitations

i loved the berm track out there and i thought "dirtbag" is the best track for miles

riding as ditty says is a chip away thing
i will hit that hip jump at the bottom too


wonga's picture

hey can anyone tell me if the downhill still exists at menai i live in the area and am super keen for it. also keen to ride thirroul if anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great

Matt P's picture

And its now strictly out of bounds.

There is a huge amount of work going on currently to legalise the trails and there is even some sanctioned trail building happening. That said, please don't be tempted to ride there as this could make the attempt to re-open the area much harder.

Re Thirroul, I believe the tracks there are also illegal. You could try asking on rotorburn however if you're not a member or if you have only a few posts to your name, do not expect a kind response to a request for directions to trails anywhere in that region. The reason is that there have been several attempts by local NPWS rangers to "trick" forum users into revealing where illegal tracks are.

My advise would be to head down to the DH track at Nowra - I think its call Funnelweb....?

Simon's picture

Tracks aren't official and in Parks land are not really DH tracks.

Some locals showed me a couple of the tracks there, rode fine on AM hard tail. Only a couple of big jumps I'd want more squish.

If you want tracks on southern side of Sydney I'd get friendly with the guys at TBSM. There are other tracks closer to Sydney than Thirroul.

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