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Google Maps street view

Google Maps “Street view” for Australia went live this morning.
Go to Google maps ( and select a location (your house address for example)- select “street view” and double click.
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yep saw that today but I'm very surprised my street in Hunters Hill (as well as some others in the suburb) aren't photographed !
was home with the car in the drive ,if only i had of known i would have come outside and smiled for the camera! does anyone think this is the slightest bit freaky?
In terms of our sport alone, how easy would it be for some dodgy character to simply check out a potential victim's pad without having to leave his/her computer...
What can you really see
im sure in 99% of cases you cant see anything
can you
i mean places if looked at dont have any thing really apart from the front of the house
is it all just another media lead beat up ???
or is our privacy really being challenged
Kurt the nth degree. I agree with Kurt.
There are more important issues to worry about in your community than a picture of your house on the internet.
Someone I know had their garage door open with all its contents on display. How would you feel if it was your place & everyone could see where your prized bikes are stored?
Most garages and sheds in Sydney have good stuff in them whether they be bikes or a real cool mower. The random event of one's home being shown on a website won't increase the risk of one being robbed.
Besides Google Earth imagery is always several months old to prevent proper bad guys from planning real atrocities. I doubt mtb thieves are scouring Google maps for opportunities. That sort of crime is for small time scumbags and not organised crooks.
Not to mention how impossible it would be to maintain live images on street view.
I think people are more worried about getting caught somewhere they shouldn't have been.
this is true,,, but then again, when you leave your garage open, anyone (and this includes people who live near by so have more opportunity than those across the other side of the internet) can walk along the street and look in and see what you have inside. the only difference on the negative side is that once the little google car drives past, its stored forever rather than just for the given time that you left it open. From what i understand, google is reasonably accommodating and im sure you could have your garage picture altered if it showed your ferrari in much the same way that some military bases have been blurred on google earth.
Makes buying real estate much easier, so long as the A hole agent will provide the address.
I can't see a way to link to the view yet for Street View.
Was listening to AM radio and the shock jocks trying to wind up the paranoid. I don't think most of them realise that we could see where every chair and table in their backyard is for the last couple of years via google maps... but now they are worried about the view from the middle of the street?
For example: You can see Dorris* left her washing out at Toukely.
*fictitious name, I don't know anybody in Toukely and I certainly don't know anybody alive called Dorris. That house is a completely random example of what has been available for years.
How bout using this technology on the trails, could call it trail view.
now thats a good idea! make a helmet with the rotary camera on the top and ride down all your fav trails.
oh but then there might be complaints from nearby wombats that the front entrance of their otherwise concealed burrow has been exposed.
Hmmmm... so you don't like ???
OK, so you want to view it in a browser?
This will shortly have colour coded trails on it (as opposed to the random colours on our static KMZ file).
Someone give me a 3D (surround thingo) camera and will gladly make the trailview you require.