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Need some training?

Saturday, 16 August, 2008 - 08:00 The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
4 hours
Come Rain or Shine:
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry:
The Oaks Details:
Hey all,
Looking for some training for the Doctor? Looks like its time for an Oaks up and Back. This will be a medium paced to ride with no dithering around - however if the roid boys do decide to come then there might be two groups and they can just leave later!
Should be a good ride - I haven't done the oaks in ages!
Who's in?
Rob, davis_jnr, Buck, evan, lorrie, lozza6, Brian, LadyToast, Alysum, Critty (10 riders)

What Happened?
Blog entries about this meeting...
Who | Title | Preview (click the title left for more and to comment) |
Brian | Oaks Up & Back Profile | This was the first time I had done the Oaks Up & Back. When we arrived at the first gate (start of single track) on the way up I wasn't feeling the best. I knew it was going to be a hard ride and I wasn't wrong as I was already stuffed. I... |
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sounds good..
reckon we can fit in some sniggle at the top at hazelbrook?
Hi... I'll be in this, but can we put a 3 hour target on it? You have billed it as training after all!
Of course there should be time for sniggle at the end. Hmmmm... can anyone say, 'burning legs'?
Although if I've never done the Oaks up I'm already worried this isn't going to be enough riding for me lol (am I crazy?
) so I'm definitely up for the sniggle even if I have no idea where it is 
You are already looking at about 53km for this ride. How much is enough??
I really want to do this trail, though I'm not old enough I'm told. If its at 8 in the morn I might turn up to check the bikes though
Crap! Robs Coming! I might stare down his bike now!
Well three hours might be a bit over optimistic, perhaps three hours moving time? but we are not going to stop and smell the roses. Lozza you're welcome to ride up to Hazelbrook and do the sniggle but I won't be.
Lorrie with all this bike weight loss program you've been doing lately you should be leading the charge up to the helipad
Three hours is what it takes if you dont stop. I did it last Saturday with no more than a minute or less stop at the helipad and the top gate and nonstop on the way back down.
I will be up there on Saturday again but a bit earlier for a 6.30am start I may turn around and head back up with you guys depending on how I feel and where I run in to you lot.
I think I'll be the last man up the climb on Sat! After you guys are training for the Doctor and I'm not really training for anything at the moment.
I'll be up for this is as long but would also be looking for something going on after.. as it will be my last chance for a big ride before the Angry one I need to be looking at more than 50, and judging by my last performance on Sunday I need all the help I can get.
Anyone else up for an explore afterwards?
We could always go out to Pisgah Ridge, etc. I actually haven't been all the way to the very end there - we usually just detour to Pisgah Rock (on the right as you ride out). Like this... but with more tacked onto the South leg perhaps:
Or detour to Eureka Clearing and back?
Like your thinking there Rob, that makes it at least 60kays - starting to get there. I've not done any of that so would be keen for an explore. That would effect the others though wouldn't it?
2 groups?
So is 4 hours the estimated time out. I might be a last minute entry for this one.
Does anyone have a map/motion based of that Hazelbrook sniggle ?
Another option is to go down the Murphys glen trail or even worse to the second creek crossing of the Andersons
You all have gone mad leading up to these races.
I'll be just doing the Oaks and possibly it's off shoots as I have a BBQ in the afternoon to get to.
I for one can't wait till the Fling is over so that some normal social rides can resume
Flag them as social and anybody who comes along and complains about the pace or tries to speed things up, has their tires let down - simple!
Similarly those that come to training rides expecting to 'Smell the Roses' end up holding up the entire ride and p-ing off those who are wanting to train.
I know there are different levels of fitness and/or skills, but ppl need to be aware of this when choosing to go on a particular ride.
I will not have a car Saturday. Was wondering if could grab a lift with anyone. I live at Harbord and I have done the Oaks out and back from Glenbrook three times before and Andersons/Oaks about ten times.
Lets ride up the oaks and see what we all feel like before we ride back down, and those of you can detour as necessary. Whether that may be to other detours up top or on the way down. hmm St Helena's...
But yes it will be a good pace. Anyone who came on this ride last time will know what the pace is like up to the Helipad. Most likely we will regroup at the helipad on the way up and then at the gate at the top and then again at the helipad on the way down and perhaps the start of the sniggle.
More than likely people will do their own detours as mentioned in this thread.
oh and we always go to the pie shop afterwards!
Did anyone remember what we averaged on the way up there last time?
Hey... is anyone going to offer John a ride? The usual suspects I car share with have other options so am looking for people to take.
John - if you can get over to St Leonards for around 7-ish you are welcome to a ride. Although I am up for the 'extended' version of this (Pisgah Ridge) if that influences car sharing.
You'd want to leave st Leonards before 7 wouldn't you? To get to glenbrook by 8?
I guess its not as far as Woodford though, where I've been the last few times...
You haven't driven with Rob before Loz...
Yeah Rob must think he's Colin Mcrae in that Subaru
haha - it only takes about 45mins to Glenbrook from the Lower North Shore
To avoid disappointment, I would allow 1 hour of travel time. 45 minutes cuts it close.
Sorry guys - I'm bailing from The Oaks ride...
Benji and I are planning to do a "father & son training ride" more locally (couple of MD laps on Saturday) - to get us ready for Mogo.
Benji is racing in the "Nasty Nurse Prologue" race (Extreme Junior Category, under 12) on the Saturday before the main Angry Doctor race...and is wondering if there is any other NobMob offspring going to Mogo...?
We look forward to hearing from you...!
Rgds Hans
May all your lines be the right ones...
I hear that Bruce was going.
Steve will be taking a bus load of Steves as well
I'm in
this spot is now filled, thanks for the prompt responces people - see you tomorrow.
I have room for one more in my car tomorrow, coming from hornsby area, give me a call on my mobile today if your interested.Sam
what have i done?
lets see if this gets striked-out too
you must have forgotten to close the tag !
hahaha this is funny!
Good work Sammy
Take a screen shot before Rob sees it and fixes it
this is a sure sign that the Qantas sys admin is about to block access to for good ;-(
"I thought of that while riding my bike."
Albert Einstein, on the theory of relativity.
can i fix it manually?
lets see..
is this better?
aren't any of you guys working ?
Yeah Sam forgot the / closing the < strike > - Rob allow us to edit our own posts !
me closing it didnt work... haha
something struck out
how did I fix that?
looks like my triple close strike fixed it - now that's not funny anymore sorry
Yeah i did a few closes.. they didn't work..
your triple worked great
I wonder if I can open it again?
try and close this one!
Oh no Rob is online
Fun may sooon end
Better do another one
Oh dear... muppets and HTML tags don't mix. Think it's time to disable that and make you all use BB Code!
How boring would a post be!
It's looking more and more likely that myself and Critty will be late to arrive (car problems), so we will probably end up bumping into you all as you ride back down. We will choose then whether to turn around and follow you all to the snigle, or continue going up to the top.
We will probably end up getting there about 9:30ish.