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Brits Domination (!)

I would just like to say well done to the Brits in the Track cycling. As a Pom myself it makes me proud to come from such good stock, this year anyway
Oh, and the Aussies did quite well too.
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Ahh another pom bragging here:
Are the Brits good at track cycling because they don't have the weather to ride outdoors?
I have one word to say to that... Athertons
Dosnt say much for the breadth of British cycling when just one family so dominates the MTB scene. Peaty of course being the exception.
Hi Gary
I don't really follow, the events were international so one family winning against the rest of the world is pretty good going. As for the breadth of British cycling, check out some of the trails here as an indication of how popular cycling is there.
Imagine what the rides around NSW could be like with this kind of organisation.
well worth doing! if they ever get dry....
Can anyone pronounce any of those Wales trail names?? WTF?? Are they even written in English?
... not German!!!
For the last 100 year Great Britain and all their component countries have been chronic underperformers on the world stage (they are the Bart Simpson of the sports world).
However in the lead up to London 2012 they are pouring in funds equivalent to the GDP of a 3rd world country into winning and finally from their 60 million population they have found some champions. I say "Well Done" and let them enjoy their success because genetically they are rubbish and before long they will revert to the mediocrity we have become used to.
Go Big or Go Home
quite simply the best
moved to Aus to live?
i moved here for the weather
and the sheilas
never saw myself as being much of an olympian, didn't fit in with all the super athletes at home so joined you losers over here.
on reflection, not a bad move, i compare more favourably here.
I mean you can't be a true Brit, you've got a sense of humour
Hey Valium you are putting me to sleep.
While Great Britain are doing great on a per capita basis you are still rubbish. You have a population of 60 million. Start bragging when you actually achieve something.
Go Big or Go Home
population thing really is grabbing at straws.
ozzies always (i think) talk of their genetics being so much better than ours (possibly from their mixed mongrel race background), so surely all of you should be better than us.
it will only get better for us and worse for you (i hope).
if we're doing mathematics (and you were/i am) then lets take a look at trends, our comaparative medal haul per capita will be similar if not better at the next olympics.
unitl then i'm overjoyed to be able to gloat that, overall, we are a far finer sporting NATION than you.
we have gone BIG thus i shan't go HOME (yet - i have a 4 year visa and i am enjoying my stay - it is invigorating to be from such a fine country amongst relative urchins).
Our policy of leaving no man behind on rides could change Richard. What a guy!
I'm happy that GB is doing so well at the moment naturally, but I have no doubt at all about where I would rather be living. That said, some people on here are clearly not used to loosing and can't stand a good natured ribbing. That one country is more genetically sporting is pure doo doo
But "before" this gets out of hand it should be remembered that a problem with forums is people often take things the wrong way, no facial expressions and a sharp whit can cause threads to steer wildly off coarse. This is a forum for friendly people
my facial expression is one of sheer joy.
it's funny how ozzies can not take a joke but are the first to dish it out.
rule britannia
As I have said in previous posts - well done Great Britain.
It is genius of the English join with the Scottish, Welsh and Irish in order to be competitive with stand alone countries and occassionally they even beat some of them.
Enjoy your success.
Go Big or Go Home
barbaric, we forced them into it many years ago.
Go Home
Sonic? Matt P? Are you going to get in on this? I for one am an Aussie and I enjoyed very much my time living in the UK. And I miss it. And the weather isn't all that painful. One must simply wear more clothes. All at the same time.
And I rather like riding with my British chums.