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Giant Bike Price Hike

Ouch... was thinking for a long time about getting the new 2009 Giant Reign 0, but not actively chasing it...
Went into Cranks North Sydney today and was gonna see if I could haggle down the $4295 RRP. Saw one on the floor.. asked how much it was.. and he goes.. $4900.
I'm like WTF?? I thought it was $4300. Then he goes, nup, Giant has just upped the price of ALL of their bikes. Next to no warning for the bike stores.. just told the new prices! OUCH. Me and my procrastination....
Giant Trance X0 now $6300 its crazy!!!
Oh well.. you snooze you lose!
I'm sure the other brands are gonna be doing the same thing soon if they haven't already done-so...
Better make my gear last now!!!
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You've got a Yeti! What are you thinking?
When our dollar is back as $1USD
Most brands have raised their prices for the 2009 range. Specialized raised the Enduro range by about $500. Find a 08 at a discounted price!
over and out!
I called Woolys Wheels the other day about a Scott bike and the 2009 model had gone up by about $200 - same specs as the 2008. Apparently the reason why their prices are up is higher fuel/distribution costs. There are a few 2008 bikes left - better be quick!
I was looking at a trance X2. giant's website said it would be 2695 for the 09 model 2 weeks ago, now says the 09 trance X2 is 3299. 600 dollar hike! not to mention the 08 model was 2300.
Might be worth calling around some bike shops and see what they've got...
Because I have been frothing at the bit for a new bike I had rang the shop I am getting the bike from about 4 weeks ago and have my name down for the first available. Just happens that first available was ordered at the original price. Gotta be happy with that. but I would be irritated if I had just walked in expecting to buy, and get told I would have to cop an extra 600!
wouldn't want to be pipped at the post
If I had known...
Apparently existing floor stock is only to be sold at the new price too.
:'( my 2007 Giant Trance Advanced - Carbon frame with XTR and X0 ..... $3,000.
Was $7,200 new !
Not only has the cost of Fuel and distribution gone up
And the Ozzie dollar fallen through the floor of late
But The Cost of Metals has gone through the roof
With huge demand coming from China, where almost everything is made nowadays
Copper has gone up over 300% in the last 2 years for example, Aluminium almost the same
Steel wasn't worth scrapping, whereas now days people are pulling out car wreck for scrap!!!!
So for all those with old holdens and fords rusting in the backyard
they might finally be worth something!!!
word is a lot of accessories are about to jump in price too. some up to 60%...
Man - I am so glad I have been spending a small fortune recently, there simply isn't anything left for me to buy! Who would have thought you could run out of bike bits to lust after... hang on though, there were those new tyres...
Hold on there! Don't buy just yet. Those price hikes will soon reverse. Retailers require the support of distributors who require the support of manufacturers. Prices will almost certainly drop to maintain cashflow along the chain. Be patient and in 6-9 months you will be able to pick up bargain prices on great bikes. The price hike before a downturn is an old tried and trusted marketing technique of tapping the market before it declines. Watch and tell me if I'm wrong in 9 months time. - Winco
The only thing that will bring prices down will be either competition or a softening in demand. With the fuel price hikes of recent times, most bike shops have been going gangbusters. I reckon it's just the distributors squeezing the market becasue they can. If anything a recession will see bike usage increase rather than fall.
Now we just need Malvern Star to bring out a dually at a competitive price like they've being doing with their hardtails...
In case anyone is thinking of buying a new Giant. I was at my LBS today and they had signs saying that as of the 1st January 2009 all new Giants will be going up 20% due to the exchange rate. This means a new Trance X0 will be $7,558.
I'll take 2 thanks
Fuel is cheap
Interest rate is low
Struggling ecomomy
New car prices low
Bike prices High ?
Lucky that I am not in the market for one then. Maybe used is the way to go?
"Fuel is cheap
Interest rate is low
Struggling economy
New car prices low
Bike prices High ?"
20% is excessive!!! the currency's did not drop that much.
someone is catching up on making a few more $ and I don't think it is the bike shop's!!!
I have an old 2003 Trek Fuel for Sale, a bargain at $3,000 ono
...which was $7,200 new a year ago. Add in a 20% price hike and it goes to $8,640 which means that buying it at $3,000 is a 65% discount to hiked new price and a screaming bargain!!
... r on fire, I wish I had a bike for sale!!!!
With the 20% increase, wouldn't the FAT be worth about $3000 now?
...... has gone from a high of 97c on July to an average of 66c over the past few weeks which would be a 32% fall over the period. Would paste in the graph but am too much of a tecnology retard to work out how to paste into here
...(I got it at E .59 (E1400 = AUD $ 2380), at Euro .49 it would be AUD $ 2860), so $ 3000 is on the $ champ!!! But it is N O T for sale....
I was hoping that figure was going to be insulting!
Here you go Chitts.
I have a used Giant Anthem 1 2008 for sale - $10,000 - an outstanding bargain in anyone's language. Any takers?
This is a live feed so you can check it daily. To embed images look here and its the 6th question down.
I thought Anke would have snapped up that Advance by now... what gives you guys!
Due to unforeseen cost increases, slightly massive interest and my uncanny ability to spot a rort I have been forced to raise the price of my 2003 Trek Fuel to $20,000 - no offers excepted.
Join the back of the line please.
... but has been moving house etc the past two weeks and our timetables have not worked out. Also, I get the impression that she wants to wait until the post Christmas period to round up some extra dollars. The question is, if I sell it, what am I going to but with the cash .... hmmmmm....perhaps a road bike
yeh ill take 3k for my trek session 05? anyone? anyone?
I just put a deposit on an 09 Anthem X1 and was told a 10% increase was on the way on 1 january , managed to get a Cygolite triden x thrown in to the deal also . Any stock not on shelf now will be 10% above current cost and unlikley to be discounted short term
my 2008 GT force 1 is for sale at 3000. its on ebay for a little more but 3 even for friendly nobmobbers!
I thought I would update this thread as there was a lot of speculation on how much Giants were going to rise by.
It was being said at somewhere between 5-20%. The Giant RRP have been posted posted and in my previous comment a 20% rise would take the X0 to $7,558. Its ended up being $7,699 so they actually went up 22%.
From when lozza looked at the Reign 0 when it was $4,295 they have gone up 37.3% to $5,899 in 4 months. Maybe I should show this to my boss when justifying a pay rise
Ahhhhh... I spoke to a local retailer yesterday and there may be some deals on Giants still to be had. I'll have a word and see what the news is.
I was bummed I only got it for $4300.. about 1 week earlier I had the opportunity to get it for $4000!! and now its $5900, WOW!!!
Now.. do I sell to make a profit?
Near New condition Reign 0 for sale, say, knock off $500 off the current RRP, $5400.... $1100 profit.. very tidy.. who needs to trade on the market!
..... walking along the trails, selling it probably won't be such a good idea, unless you buy my 2007 Trance Advanced which is now cheaper than ever on a relative basis at $3,000. Unfortunately as nobody has snapped it up, it may soon become a commuting bike.....Come one Anke.... Buy the bike!!
Sorry, mate. Would love to, but planning an around the world trip for August/September, so sitting tight.
Very pleased to know, though, that I bought my Trek Madone 5.2 Pro for $4200 in September and it's $6999 now
You know you want to put your K-Rudd dollars towards Chitts!
..... and it's now $7,000, then you are up by $2,800 and given that my bike would only cost you $3,000, the actual cost to you is just $200 which sounds like a great deal