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what new bike to buy?

hi there everyone. im looking to buy a new bike and id like to know what people out there think of my short list.
Pivot mach 5
yeti 575
Tomac snyper
id kit them out with the full sram xo gear etc and better wheels but which bike to buy... hmmm
any input would be much appreciated
thanks, DB.
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I'll have to say the Yeti...
Only one is a proven high end mountain bike with five point seven five inches of travel - the Yeti gets my vote.
PS I'm biased as well
How could u say no to?
(Caution could offend)
How could a yeti have 5 fingers and no opposable thumb?
When in the mountains...
...this is the only Yeti I would trust... get me back to the start of the trail...
< /bait>
May all your lines be the right ones...
... you have a look what LadyToast does with/on a Yeti, ... go the Yeti!!!
even I'm a Norco and FAT ( )fan, I do like the Yeti a lot.
But I'll throw this one in the mix too.
Rides great!
What kind of riding are you doing? Just standard AM work? Few XC enduro races? Few circuit races?
One of the BA guys was riding a Pivot at the Scott (sorry - don't recall the model). When I saw the components figured it would be lightweight, but picking it up proved this an incorrect assumption. Dude said, yeah, Pivot bikes are not aimed at weight weenies, more like folk who want strength and reliability.
For AM work I recently built up a 575 and love it... you could easily ride this all day or at circuit races too - think this would be my recommendation.
CBD have a couple Tomac bikes in but I didn't pay them any attention as it's a relatively rare brand here, perhaps will have a closer squiz next time and try and form an opinion.
i know we all push our own rigs but I can only say I love my Yeti 575 since i got it 6m ago; light, climbs like a goat and great on single track....if only my riding was anywhere near as good as the bike deserves !
It seems to me you wish to go the way of a custom build. Also your shortlist is odd as it shows one multi pivot bike and two single pivot bikes...
I say buy a Santa Cruz frame, which ever type takes your fancy(VPP or single pivot)then start building.
i dont have a clue about single pivot or multi... whats better?
Let's start with your GT Force. It's a single pivot, and a direct drive one at that. So regardless of the GT ID design which isolates the bottom bracket, it still exhibits the charcteristics of a single pivot type.
The best question here would be 'Do you like how your bike feels when you ride it?' This includes up, down and sideways etc.
Furthermore, please get some clues on this sort of thing because you may very well dump a shed load of moola on something and just not like it. Very bad.
well its the only dualie ive ever had. i think its great but i think you get used to what you got. heres my thoughts
A i have some money to spend
B if i sell the gt now it will be worth more than in two years time...
C i want to have to coolest looking fanciest bike known to man.
what would be your pic of bike in my situation? i like to ride anything.manly , love red hill and oxford single track . banmtry etc. also ride long distances sometimes.
I've heard that there is another new Enduro amongst the NobMobers...?
6" travel. 12.3 kgs of XC goodness. The young bike mechs at the LBS even take theirs for serious DH drops at Ourimbah/Oxford Falls...
BTW: Guess what Sam Hill is riding this summer...?
< /bait>
Rgds, Hans
Happiness is a warm shock.
Discussed here...
Follow the link that Rob put in and have a read. Then google up some reviews on whatever takes your fancy.
For now I'll say this. If you want real terrain sucking ability in a package with respectable weight, in a ready to go bike(and feauring your preferred Sram transmission)then get an Enduro or Reign. Both are multi link types and different to each other. Both are reliable and have good back up from their makers. Track down Hans for a go of his Enduro, he loves promoting them, you'd think he owned a share of Specialized! As it so happens, I now sell them...
Single pivots are good too and I happily admit to wanting a Santa Cruz Heckler. Santa Cruz VPP bikes(you'd like a Nomad)are great linkage bikes. Start here for a custom build.
Yeti is a popular make and also can be done as a custom. I hear only good things about their back up.
Pivots are a good thing. The reviews are all positive. Available as a bike or frame only. If you want one get in quick because the current batch was purchased from the US by Jet Black when the dollar was better. So the price will only go up.
Have a look at the Trek Remedy. I like the design and I have enjoyed any spins that I've had on the similiar Fuel EX. But Trek is very dear in Australia and the poor exchange will only make this worse.
Get reading and make an informed choice.
Another vote for the 575.
Mine's the 'Race' kit but with ST wheels. Weighed it at 12.5kg with pedals,bottle,cage, computer and bar ends. I only have space for one bike and this fits the bill nicely. I commute a lot and run a set of 700c road wheels for that. Freaks people out a bit but I just tell them it's an 'Xtreme Hybrid'. Done the Gong ride on it in 3.20. I'm sure I'd be faster on a road bike, but I couldn't use that for the Fling... or Fat Tyre Festival...or Dirtworks...or...
Anyway.... It's very versatile !
Extreme hybrid LOL!
It's certainly distinctive. I've seen you a few times since we met climbing up Battle Bvd, usually when I'm on the bus on a non-bike day. I'm on the hunt for some similar wheels for my newly-acquired hardtail, but I'll need them with a Lefty front hub.
It's a most impressive bike you have, CB.
Australian National DH Series R1
1 Jared Graves 0.02.02
2 Ben Bell 0.01
3 Mitchell Delfs 0.02
73 Sam Hill
Look at Iron Horse then DB...
GT-Force1 said:
"" C i want to have to coolest looking fanciest bike known to man. ""
GET a Nomad, however be willing to spend about 7k. I did a pricing on one as I was going to get one, but when i reached 7k I decided i'll wait till i head to the US/Canada and bring one back. Even after getting the frame posted from my uncle in New York it was quite expensive with the new exchange rates. It was still cheaper, then a local purchase including postage. Its a shame that a local Santa Cruz dealer won't be seeing my dollars, anyway thats why i bought something else.
Just look how nice these look?
Hey Hawkeye
I used to have a Cannondale F1 with a lefty and ran a set of 700c wheels on that for commuting too ( as suggested by Warren at KOM).... It was seriously fast ! I think Warren done a hub swap with a set of Bad Boy wheels. I know you can buy various Mavic wheelsets with their Lefty hub, but I don't think you can get the Speedcity 700c's with a lefty unfortunately.
Hopefully catch you on the road ( or trail) soon
Good news everyone! i just bought a bike. firstly i must thank all of you for your fantastic input. it is much appreciated.
i will soon be the proud owner of a blue anodised pivot mach 5 with super duper(actual tech terminology used) red bits all over it. im calling it the pivot 3D( blue and red...)
things i asked for... xtr cranks and front mech.
sram xoshifters and rear mech.
thomson elite seatpost and x4 stem. red headset(although you wont see much of it...)
red magura brakes with red centrelock thingys(also pro tech term!)
and possibly some red cables and quick release skewers and some other stuff too.
i look forward to meeting you out on the trails. youll certainly see me coming!
heres a thought... if you look to closely at my bike you might get cross eyed?
thanks again one and all for super helpful advice. Darren .
are you going to change your user name to Mach5? Or maybe even pivot.
hmmm. now theres a thought.
Congrats on the purchase, sounds like it'll be fully dialled up
make sure you get some bling photos b4 you take it out and put a scratch on it!!!
Have fun
Scratch? SCRATCH? there shall be no such thing!!!!
You mean like this?
Nice looking choice - Bling!
Mate I know you are going to love that bike!!
this thread is so funny with everyone recommending the Yeti yet no-one mentioned the Pivot! Though I must say I've never heard of it before. Gt-force which store in Sydney has the Pivots?
Enjoy the new bike
I think Pivot, Ibis and Turner are the only manufactureres using the DW link now that IH has dropped/ lost the licence.
The DW link is lauded as the 'best' suspension platform since the Horst link.
My knowledge is rudimentary at best, so correct me if I'm wrong.
My dream (well, somewhat achievable dream) is to one day buy a Turner 5 spot frame with the DW link.
All reports are that the Pivot is just as good.
Well done. You have made a great choice. (IMHO anyway)
I hadn't heard of these before, they look great and they get very positive reviews. I like the clever mounting of the front dérailleur. From the few reviews I have read the summary I take is that they don't bob under pedalling and feel more firm than the Yeti, and feel smaller/lighter, perhaps better suited to XC.
Who is selling them over here? And the big question, what colour did you get?
Very, very good choice Darren.
Check these bikes out
Something for your consideration
Works best on longer travel ie/ over 5"
That looks cool! Would love to see that in action!
6"+ would probably be best hey.. I assume it would add a fair bit of weight too?
the double shock to control different travel areas concept has been around for ages.
crack'n'fail even had a go at it with the original Gemini DH prototypes
The 2 stage bikes are suppose to ride OK
I see the problems in that the first stage shock constantly bottoms out before stage 2 kicks in.
This could lead to premature wear and a distinct feeling between one bottoming and the other openning.
bike is being built by "love4riding" hes wazza the legend xc racer from KOM cyclery. they are pivot retailers.and GT also.they look after me and theyll look after you too. the finished bike will be blue just like the picture above. only better! just you wait and see... i have to!
Without wishing to appear disloyal to the Yeti Tribe.... That looks seriously cool !
Yeah, looks very cool.. just not as much as the Yeti
That goes without saying...
Can I have your Force?