You are hereForums / Archives / For Sale/Trade/Wanted / STOLEN SCOTT RANSOM 40

I had my Scott Ranson 40 stolen last night from inside my garage on the north shore.
Black bike with red platforms in very good condition.
Anyone with info or if you happen to see one that looks like it may be it please let me know.
Just for good taste they even took my camelback, helmut, gloves and pump - pricks!
looks like Ill be staying at home untill I save up for another 2 years
scott 0410 611 324
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I had my bike taken from my locked up shed a few years back, devastating mate.
Did you have the frame serial # on record?
If so, register it on here
I dont ride my bike, my bike rides me... we are currently in counseling...
I work mostly from home
Every time I read about stolen bikes
I run outside and check on mine
Then we just spend a few moments together
Heartbreaking, mate
We all share your pain
This is bad shit! Wish the prick took your car instead. At least thats insured! i ride with this guy every weekend and its going to be hard to see him running beside me. I would ask all the NOBMOB riders out there to keep an eye out for this guy, his bike stands on the track. Not many of them around. (
I don't want him to have to go back to the Mongoose pro!
Was it a block of units? or a house?
Seems common for bikes to go from garages in units.
I bet it the same dude that has been stealing lots of bikes on North Shore and has been spraying out the security cameras as he does it. I really doubt people would sell/ride them locally, I bet they all get trucked to another city and end up in the Pawn Shops.
Post here too:
Hey Scot
What suburb was it taken from?
i have insured my bikes with VeloSure.they are specifically for bikes by bike people who understand how the bike world works.
if your bike is stolen from your garage or crashed during a race even you will be covered. i highly recommend it. check it out they even have an instant quote thing on their homepage so you know how much it will cost you.
i dont work for them if your wondering but i feel much more relaxed knowing that my precious is safe. Darren.
Good call Darren.
BTW I have my bikes covered by my home & contents with AAMI. Probably not covered for crashing out in a race, but theft from in and outside of my home is.
GIO will insure your bike for inside and outside the home if it is listed as a specific item. i got a quote from aami and they don't cove the bike if it's not at your home.
Re: velosure
just did an online quote with velosure and it's more expensive than GIO
PS: i don't work for GIO
I'm am with aami and all you need to do is list the item and you can pay extra to have it insured outside the home. It is not insured against damage while in use.
unlucky man, i had my bike stolen from hornsby station few years back, pricks
sux big time
where abouts on the north shore?
and do you have any pics of the bike?
ill keep my eyes out when im around hornsby incase i see it
Thanks for all the replys guys.
The bike was a Scott Ranson 40, black with red platforms. In the past year ive only seen one other so theres not many around in Sydney / NSW.
It was stolen from Pymble. We have footage of the person on CCTV and Im hoping to get a copy to post online soon.
It seems this is the second week the theif returned as another unit has advised they had a road bike stolen last week.
As there are many visable bikes down in our carpart but the theif carfully selected the bikes to take (eg, most expensive and hidden)it leads me to think its someone who knows what they are looking for which makes it worse.
any one who can help me with sightings or being offered stolen bike goods will be my new best mate.
very sad and saving from scratch
scott 0410 611 324
Post screen capture of person from footage
I spoke to the guys at Velosure about... erm... insurance and explained their name came up online a lot.
The guy there gave me a referral code to spread about... if anyone does insure with them, if you quote this code it would be nice: 0992