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Social night ride + Dinner

Buck's picture

By Buck - Posted on 15 December 2008

Wednesday, 17 December, 2008 - 19:10

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

1 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Centre Track
Ride Database Entry: 
Duck Hole/Terrey Hills Trail
Meeting Point: 

Terrey Hills Tavern

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

Well I thought I may leave the Red Hill night ride for another time...perhaps next year.

Instead how about a cruisy social ride as the year winds down and grab dinner after at the Tavern.

The ride will only be short at around an hour so we can get back in time for some food.

If it rains as it is forecast to, then we go straight to the food part Smiling

Who's in?
pikey, Heckler, Bernd, christine, Buck, Paul, lozza6, steveb, LadyToast, rubba, Slowpup, SlowTone, andy m (13 riders)
pikey Heckler Bernd christine Buck Paul lozza6 steveb LadyToast rubba Slowpup SlowTone andy m
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christine's picture

if my girlfriend can get her recent and at times obstructive ex to mind the children i said i would see Australia with her...

Slowpup's picture

Should we plan to start a bit earlier than 19:10? The last Duck Holes/Center dinner ride was heavily subscribed, and ended up taking almost 2 hours.

Buck's picture

So far the numbers seem alright and should be a fairly fast paced pack.

As long as Pikey doesn't get his normal flat, broken chain or both we should be right Smiling

christine's picture

it's probably better to be later to the pub rather than earlier so as to miss the families and all those other people who eat between 7 and 8!!

Slowpup's picture

It's looking like I'll be the one holding up the pack....

Gary's picture

Not going to get there in time for the ride but may turn up for the after ride festivities,

SlowTone's picture

Then I'll be keeping you company Smiling

christine's picture

i am nearly always last!

lozza6's picture

is it going to rain?

For once.. it looks like its going to miss us! Smiling

isn't that right Chrissy Sticking out tongue

Morgan's picture

pulling the plug tonight. Too many gardens to schmickify before the big day and not enough energy to ride or stay up late.

If I don't see you on Sunday, before I forget, never, ever leave your yuletide log in someone else's bowl.

Bernd's picture ur bike at the bike-Hospital? ...At a nice bike shop!
and thanks a lot everyone for a gr8t ride, Buck, I hope your knee is ok????

lozza6's picture

Post it up!! Sticking out tongue

Yeap, thanks for the ride! Great ride and great food.

Loads of fun! Smiling

Hey, we even had Simon come along, a red and blue ring-in Smiling

ps, I beat you blondie Eye-wink

Buck's picture

Yep still alive and kicking here. After cleaning it doesn't look so bad. It's only 2-3 grazes that bled a lot so it looks far worse in Pikey's photos that it really is.

Thanks for the ride though. Finally got to take over from Christine as sweeper Smiling

christine's picture

all for a great ride and Buck, that was the most senstaional stack I have seen!! Worthy of being on the net. your dreams honey! My Ute only races other V8s..and even that is rare for him to be bothered (the Ute that is)
and Shaun!!! Can you believe a Turramurra boy came riding with us? He was very nice and very patient! Asked where you and Steve were...
That was just good a fun nite!
Hope you nooobs come back!

MEEE Smiling

Bernd's picture

... has do show the VW if it is as good as you claim!
The Turramurra boy has already got the part on the way, I need and no one else (in Sydney) has help'd me all of last week! Thanks mate. Fun nite, yes for most of us.... how is your knee, Buck?

Buck's picture

I had the day off today. Couldn't really walk properly in the morning. It is much better now though after a days rest.

Should be good to go for Thredbo in a week and a bit Smiling

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