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Team Toasted Sydney 24hr Trainig Ride

Damien's picture

By Damien - Posted on 01 January 2009

Calling team Toasted any ideas or interest in a team training ride before the big race.

I am doing plenty of solo training but it would be good if the team got together to maybe discuss the race and do some riding.

If you guys are intrested then where, when and for how long.

Rob's picture

Going on Greg's report from the other day, I reckon team toasted should stick to riding in the Tavern car park! Eye-wink

Damien's picture

I guess he wont want to tag along on our training ride then.

pikey's picture

I'm still recovering. Sad

There was no team riding the other day just four guys waiting at the top of every hill waiting for the old fat pudgy guy to catch up...

Yes the Terry Hills Tavern carpark is a much better training option for my present level of fitness.

The Liver is Evil and must be punished Sticking out tongue

LadyToast's picture

Hi Damien

I start work back on the 5th so I'm free up till then any time, otherwise any weekend day apart from the 17th Jan.
Location wise I'm easy but that ride we did the other day had a bit of everything and could easily be made longer if needed..
If that's not convenient for some then we could do something closer to the blue mountains. I'm pretty easy really.

Carlgroover's picture

If you'd like a mountains ride I can recommend and guide a trip to Mt.York or Glenbrook single tracks, both rides are great.
We could even let a few others in on this Smiling

Damien's picture

How about Sunday the 18th up in the mountains both Mt York or Glenbrook single tracks sound good to me.

Also happy to let a few others in on the ride as well I imagine Gav & V would be interested.

And Pikey.

LadyToast's picture

18th sounds good to me.

Damien's picture

I have created a ride in Hazelbrook I hope this suits everyone its a great buch of tracks and a hard but fun ride.

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