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(TH) Social Night ride + get to know the newbies

Slowpup's picture

By Slowpup - Posted on 02 January 2009

Wednesday, 7 January, 2009 - 19:00
1.2 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Centre Track
Ride Database Entry: 
Duck Hole/Terrey Hills Trail
Meeting Point: 

Terrey Hills Tavern, upper carpark

Aumuna Rd,Terrey Hills,NSW 2084 -33.692634,+151.219817 (Terrey Hills Tavern)

Hopefully a blood free ride this time, with a return time early enough, for those who wish, to order food.

Who's in?
pikey, Stuart M, Bernd, christine, shano, Buck, Paul, GAZZA, Harry, jpack, Andy Bloot, Gary, ScottM, lozza6, pieboy98, Hanno, anke13, Hans, MartinB, LadyToast, Cadam, Eyeball, Graham, Slowpup, jdb, Echo, georgesadlik, kiwigirl, andy m, Lawrencem, kel, Thom, Debs, Drew, steve_m_w, obmal (36 riders)
pikey Stuart M Bernd christine shano Buck Paul GAZZA Harry jpack Andy Bloot Gary ScottM lozza6 pieboy98 Hanno anke13 Hans MartinB LadyToast Cadam Eyeball Graham Slowpup jdb Echo georgesadlik kiwigirl andy m Lawrencem kel Thom Debs Drew steve_m_w obmal
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
Slowpup's picture

I'll still be there unless it floods, at Which point the Tav looks inviting.
The thunderstorm should pass early enough, and at least it'll cool things down.

Neither trail we are riding is susceptible to damage from riding when wet, and both drain quickly.

Do bring a tail light though.

For the late people, we will ride along Mona Vale rd to the downhill sniggle near Kimbriki,
Then along Duck Holes proper to the road.

I'd say we will be pretty slow down to the road with so many riders, so should be an easy bunch to catch.

Drew's picture

Although it's just starting to rain here, I'm not to concerned, from the radar at BOM it's a pretty small cell and it's moving pretty quickly plus i can still see sunny patches on the edges. Therefore I'm still keen to ride. Plus there's still over 2.5 hrs till we start there plenty of time for it to dry out a bit. Plus the fire trails are sandy and should drain quickly because its been so dry recently

steve_m_w's picture

I am a newbie and will ride unless its pouring down. Cant wait, see you guys there..........

christine's picture

they are tough!! i bet you Bernd a beer George drops out too!!! lol!
see you guys there!

MEEE Smiling

ps besides, as Pikey always says, we can always take our bikes to the pub for dinnner!!!

MartinB's picture

I am in terrey hills at the moment and whilst there is a bit of thunder I am yet to see a single lightening strike, also the rain is at best a light rain, mostly it is drizzle

Hans's picture

Bit of rain - good to get rid of the dust...

Pikey - What do you you think we should give the Tavern's kitchen a heads-up that approx. 20+ hungry riders will show up @ 8:30PM?

(Do you still have your hotline to the Tavern's chef?)

Beats eating the chips from the vending machine...Eye-wink

See you all at 7 PM Eye-wink

Cheers, Hans
Happiness is a warm shock

lozza6's picture

You still coming Stu?

seems its just about to finish.. with the chance of another set hitting a bit later....

I'm still keen...

always keen for a Tav dinner too

No Bailsies! I want to catch up with you all!

georgesadlik's picture

I'm still in.

Thom's picture

... but I'll be there whatever the weather.

I'm waterproof.

christine's picture

you weren't - usually its Loz or Buck who start the mass panic about weather.. generally the morning of the ride!!! Smiling

pikey's picture

All Systems Go!


The Liver is Evil and must be punished Sticking out tongue

Stuart M's picture

I just wanted to see how many worms were in the can Eye-wink

Let there be light

shano's picture

it seems that the weather has gone from wet to humid!
No more New Years excuses...time to wheel out the bike...Smiling

see youse there

LadyToast's picture

Sorry guys, had to work late at work - not going to make it

Have a great ride!


Slowpup's picture

It was excellent to see so many newbies, and some special appearances by long time members.

Total count was 36 riders, with some unsigned and some missing persons.

A shame about the stoush with Tavern management, but I am sure they were happy enough to take the
grand or more that went through the tills from 34 NoBMoBers.

The pace was impressive given that we had so many, and lots who had never done Center/Duckholes before.


lozza6's picture

Great time out..

puffed but a good ride! Good dinner too but yeah totally cheesed about security kicking up a stink!

Anke, I've still got your water bottle in my bike! Will have to get it back to you sometime!


ar_junkie's picture

Was upset about getting a large group of people for meal? Tell me I have this all wrong?

Stuart M's picture

of customers parking in the carpark. Apparently it's only for other customers

Let there be light

Andy Bloot's picture

Isn't a full carpark a good advertisement
Like, 'wow, that place looks popular for a Wednesday, we should try it out one night'

Empty carpark
'Jeez, that carpark's always empty. Must be hard being stuck all the way out here'

And, each rider would contribute an average $30+ to their nights takings
If it were my club, I would have an MTB night to attract more hungry and thirsty riders

anke13's picture

and even better company. Fantastic to see you all, especially the newbies.

NobMoB seems to be getting bigger by the second. Might be time for another jersey and knicks order soon!? I suggest something with pink, as it goes well with Christine's sequenced bra...or was it red?

Yes, Lozza - I noticed last night. Will get it off you next time I see you.

See ya Smiling

lozza6's picture

I still don't have a Jersey Sad

Bernd's picture

Thanks, everyone.....
and ditto Andy:
"Isn't a full carpark a good advertisement
Like, 'wow, that place looks popular for a Wednesday, we should try it out one night"
and getting a cool 1k of the NobMob.... If the "Owner" of the pub would know, he would do
a MTB Wed. night special Dinner!! and Drinks!!!

LadyToast's picture

I'm pretty sure the Tavern has no problem attracting punters, every time I have been there it's been packed, there really isn't that much choice for a drink around those parts (it's pretty much my local despite being a couple of miles away). There is almost always parking spill out onto the road. That said with all of the nobmobers getting meals it's a pretty decent amount of cash that they are getting from us so they can't really complain.

kiwigirl's picture

thanks for an enjoyable evening everyone, it was great to meet some new nobbers and catch up with the few oldies. Hope to do some more group rides soon. Smiling

shano's picture

that the Publican (and staff) came to realize that we have been turning up at the Tavern using the carpark and going riding for bloody years along with everyone else.
However it is essential that we do maintain some sense of decorum. Of course people need to get changed after a ride to enjoy a meal without wearning sweat nix and jerseys.
Perhaps we could all walk in after a ride in full kit, helmet pack and covered in grit and then maybe they might start to recognise their customers!

Perhaps we should complain about the beer because I reckon that first one didn't even touch the sides.

Smiling until next time

christine's picture

Yes it’s a busy pub these days but they had no complaints about us at all when they weren’t renovated and quite as popular – besides, we ARE patrons and we are there for the ‘second sitting’ I can’t tell you how many of my friends won’t go there for dinner because they can’t get a table, or leave because they can’t sit down – they don’t care about the parking...
plus if they don't want extra people in there why are they doing the two meals for one deal? I don't know anyone (other than antique dealers, who are totally 'out there') who doesn't want more revenue!

But APART from that, I think the award for the night has to go to Paige who battled through like a trooper and with a big smile even though I think we are all fairly safe to assume she would not be declaring a new love for the sport!

anke13's picture

I can remember my first ride with you guys around Manly Dam (in the rain). I think I pushed my bike for 3/4 of it. But I did come back Smiling

steve_m_w's picture

Thanks to all the people at NobMob for making all the Newbies feel welcome and at home!!!

pieboy98's picture

Thanks for organising a great ride, new track and plenty of new faces, great turnout
Sorry to leave b4 beers, but being an oncall fridgie during a heatwave is more demanding than i'd like
Will be keen for more rides in the future, esp night rides

Cheers Paul

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