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after "work" Ourimbah ride

Bernd's picture

By Bernd - Posted on 13 January 2009

Friday, 16 January, 2009 - 14:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

2 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Ourimbah State Forest
Meeting Point: 

North End of Red Hill Rd, Ourimbah State Forest. There's a large-ish parking area here, just off the main sealed road. There is also a smaller parking area a little further (400m or so from the road) where the trail splits - this second area is the usual meeting point. If you end up driving up a steep hill you've gone too far.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

I'm in Newcastle early for work!!! and on the way home will stop at one of our favourite XC loop!!

Who's in?
Bernd, Harry, unclebullbar, Graham, bluray
Bernd Harry unclebullbar Graham bluray
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Ride Gallery
Paul's picture

Bernd 14:30 at Ourimbah - its only after work if you are a baker, deliver newspapers, garbo or hooker/gigilo.

Which one are you?

ar_junkie's picture


Bernd's picture

by the way, If you start working on a Building site in Newcastle at 7am, I think you are allowed to have a early mark!!!..... and go for a ride ......

Stuart M's picture

would know you'd only want to do this ride if you were coming from Newcastle.

He certainly isn't a gigilo or a baker, it's been a long while since he put a bun in the oven and he can't even give it away to his wife so I don't think anyone will pay for it Eye-wink

Let there be light

Rob's picture

Nah... this is the only pool boy around here isn't it?

Dr Eggs

Bernd's picture

... that one:

Bernd's picture

... there are 3 more "baker, deliver newspapers, garbo or hooker/gigilo" going in the bush on a Friday afternooooon......

bluray's picture

but i'm on holidays

Paul's picture

I was going to insert some smart ass comment here but I then remembered that I have Friday off to look after the kids.

So really I'm just jealous that I can't go - c'est la vie

Bernd's picture

... will be thinking of you every lap!!

unclebullbar's picture

I'll be there but I have to leave early to go to training. I might do a lap before you get there and then meet you in the carpark for your first lap.


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