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TAke care in Cascades

A neighbour of mine has just returned from some hill training in Cascades and said to take care on BAre and Heath Tracks.
Bare track looks like it has had recent dirt bike action and has several "small" trees down across it. Not sure if this is from the winds yesterday and last night or from locals trying to stop the dirt bikers. All are small enough to ride over but mind your rear mech.
Heath track has Trans Grid on it doing power line easement maintenance, ie, cutting down trees. Apparently they are about half way up the hill but he had to get off and walk past in both directions. 4WD in the middle of the trail and their gear strewn all over what was left of it. Also lots of branches down in this area which he pressumed would be shredded sooner rather than later.
Any way, just thought I would pass on the info incase anyone was planning any hot laps there soon.
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There are always MX riders down there - perhaps the locals have had enough?
For what it's worth you should never be riding so fast as to not see a tree down. I welcome them if it deters the MX riders to be honest - especially if still rideable as makes a nice challenge (yeah - would be slightly annoying to have to stop and re-mount). Well - unless they have been purposefully hidden from view until you're right on them which would be just be reckless behaviour by the perpetrator.
the guy who lives in the house near the power station has an mx bike. I'll bet a case of beer that he'll blast around there. At least he'll know it like the back of his hand doesn't have the risk of getting caught by having a car and trailer parked at the end of the trail.
I noticed a few trees down on Sunday. They all seemed easily hoppable, even for a klutz like me ! I can't imagine them being a deterrant to MX riders.
loads of people who live around there have them, that doesn't mean they are the culprits -
I know of two people who take great pleasure in telling everyone they ride in Cascades on trail bikes but they don't live next door or even in the same suburb
AND! If you are talking about the guy who rides the KTM 200 he rides at Red Hill and is totally opposed to people riding in Cascades - I have known him for years but he has only just gotten back into riding properly...
MX riders are all scum and totally disrespect trails they ride in the wet an kill the trails they are the ones givng mountain bikers a bad name as the damage they cause is so much damage then walkers an rangers see this damage an think this damage is caused by us mountain bikers when in fact it would take about 2000 riders to cause the same damage as one MX bike i say tougher laws on moto riders should be in place!!!!!!DTM
this post was not, nor should be about slagging MX riders.
It was simply a warning about trees down and workers on trails that lots of people do use for both hill training and fast laps, nothing else
Let there be light
I'm sure that there are many bush walkers who make similar generalised statements about mountain bikers.
And I think saying all MX riders are scum is a bit strong, Dan
They are just trying to persue something they love as much as we do MTB
And similar to MTB'ers, I think you would find it is the minority that disrespect the trails they ride
with DTM, it is these guys that cause 90% of the erosion and have helped get us barred from the Nat parks.
People walking dogs around the dam unleashed run a close second though
Have to say I agree with Dan and Goatman. MX guys definately give us a bad name - we get lumped in with them for sure.
And don't even start me on the subject of unleashed dogs at the Dam. Nearly crashed into one for the thousandth time on Monday arvo as I came round a corner , as the owners, standing next to the sign saying "unleashed dogs prohibited" in bold red letters, look on stupidly...