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Cancelled Rides

Has anyone noticed that the calendar has changed? No? Well do a hard refresh (control-R) for most and you might see that cancelled rides now show in strike through.
This means when you cancel a ride just edit it and change the status to 'Cancelled' (or one of the other reasons). No need to change the subject and no more silly 'Terrey Hills *** CANCELLED DUE TO SOFTIES ***' titles.
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Nice one Rob, calendar looks heaps better IMHO.
Cannot see the
strike outin the calendar. eg the Capital PunishmentEv - I thought you knew what you were doing? The CSS will be cached so reload it!
Shift-control-r in FF.
That happened a while ago.
Also can't see on few Mac browsers
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10.4; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092414 Firefox/3.0.3
Version 4 Public Beta (4528.16)
Version 3.0.4 (523.12.2)
No I make it look as though I do.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.1
Actually its running in Windows 7 beta
Same here can't see on Mac OS X 10.5 latest FF & Safari
Can someone look at their calendar, and check the DIV with class
is around a cancelled event (Eg. Capital Punishment).And then look in the CSS ( and check at the bottom that DIV is defined.
Damn standards... I imagine that some browsers will want more specific definition of the strike through but as I cannot test...
Have submitted the calendar to browsershots to have a look (erm... wait a while while they process it):
There is no 2366 in the source code at all
It's also not working on FF3 under Linux
Hey Rob
I see an empty class around around the event.
(I've included spaces so the code displays)
< div class="">< a href="/node/8066" >Capital Punishment Enduro< /a >
Hmmm... so how about now? See the strike through?
to both IE 8 and FF 3.0.1
Use FF3
Refreshed cache etc still no display on Mac Firefox
I can see the strike through at home now on mac with FF 3.0.10 - not sure if it's the latest latest FF that solved it or forced cache reload. Still no go in Safari 3b though.
It now works
Safari still no-go.
The computer is Evil and must be turned off
works now in Safari 3.2
with IE but I'm sure it was just before this thread started, sorry
Complete reset of browser, cache, history, files EVERYTHING total reset.
FYI I am running MACOSX 10.4.11
(Same with public beta 4.0 too - that also doens't display the strikethru)
nothing is appearing on my 2009 Hallmark "My Little Pony" wall calendar. Please help.