Appin meet point

jdb's picture

By jdb - Posted on 10 July 2009

The last ride I posted to Appin I didn't check the site default meet point and it took people to market and burke which had them turning down the road next to the sports field. This lead them to a dead end and a fire trial ride to get to the gate.
I was waiting where I usually park and wondering where everyone was.

Coming from Campbelltown, if you continue on past this street and the shops then turn at the next left, marked with a sign to the scout hall you will end up in the carpark where the gate is.

I will have to mark it in my phone so I have proper GPS coordinates when we meet next weekend and talk to Rob about getting the default meet point updated.

Rob's picture

The default meeting point is where they have the start/finish and other stuff set up for races. I'll change the default one to somewhere else if you like, but there is a dirt carpark there so seemed as good a place as any.

jdb's picture

If you have a look at street view you will see you can't get to the Dirt carpark via Market St you need to take King St onto Burke St.

Here is the street view link looking at Market St, it is a bush walk/riding track

Rob's picture

Maybe I should change this to 'North end of Burke St' with some caveat about how you can't get there via Market?

jdb's picture

That should clear up the confusion, last meet I did at Appin we had people parking in two different spots.

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