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Thanks to Cyclists helping in Manly Dam
Just a quick note to say thanks to the cyclist that that helped me yesterday in Manly Dam. I went over the handle bars in the 19th hole area in and ended up with a dislocated shoulder and some nasty skin burns. I was riding alone so the 2 guys that were riding behind me (I didn't catch their names) helped me out to the street (one of the guys even improvised an arm sling). Not only that they called an ambulance and waited there till they showed up.
Two other MTB riders took care of my bike and possessions.

Killed my Garmin Edge 800 with OTB!
Went over the bars today, came away a bit shaken but apart from that, just a few scratches...... except for my Garmin Edge 800 which bore the brunt of a rather hard rock, smashing it's screen. The little fella was bravely beeping away on the inside, even though his screen was destroyed. Has anyone else cracked their 800 screen and what was the remedy/how much?
[Mod. moved to geek gear]

Yet another OTB, Pic taken by Gary
Mid flight. Despite the obvious distortion to my front wheel I was good to continue riding, no permanent damage to the wheel at all. Did however almost sever my rear brake hydro hose squashed between my lights and the log. Thanks to the Doc for a little trail side bandaging to the hose and I was good to go.