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Sydney (North)

Tristania's picture

Quarry Road Track, Hornsby, closed indefinitely

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Bad news - as new trails are born, old ones seem to die.

Eyeball's picture


Is OMV stage 1 or 2 open? Here in the cave by the fire I don't have Face Book or Twitter, too busy hiding from the dinosaurs.

commandokamikaze's picture

status of OMV

Does anybody know for certain the status of OMV track in Horsnby? we were planning a ride there tomorrow but apparently there are signs up all around there saying track closed... can anyone confirm or deny this??

macca_chris's picture

OMV status?

Hey guys,
Anyone know if OMV will be open by late tomorrow arvo?
If not, can anyone tell me anything about the firetrail loop at hornsby heights (not stewart ave).


Hackasaurus's picture

Jubes MTB Park bikecare group

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I noticed a call for people to join a bikecare group on the Kuringai council website when I was looking around for a way to become involved in maintaining Jubes mountain bike park. I live up the road and it has become a bit of an eyesore and seems very much unloved with lots of weeds, dead turf and badly eroded pump track. So I sent an email to the address they provided and put my hand up.

Matt P's picture


Anybody able to show me this track or provide me a starting point?

Happy to discuss over PM.

BennoMate's picture

First time rider

Hey guys n gals,

Just got a bike off a mate who has moved away, was wondering where a good place to start might be around Syd.
Im in the inner west, have a car, and im keen to get going.

Thanks for your help,


staffe's picture


A little OMV flick featuring some native wild life and a funny little stack by a dude i caught up to.

Brilliant track it is that OMV

thehairynurse's picture

Is OMV weather proof?

just wondering as will be down that way tomorrow and wondering if ridable with all this wet or give it a miss. cheers

Matt P's picture

Old Man Valley Stage 2 coming soon.

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Apologies if this has been posted already.

From Dirt Art (the trail builders).

Best Mountain Bike