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Talk about ACT/Canberra Trails
tommo's picture

Sparrow Hill Kings hwy

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For anyone who is interested , I rode Sparrow Hill this weekend. 26th April.

Last time I was there would have been over 3 years ago- when they had just started all the tree clearing for the Kings hwy deviation- i remember at the time it was quite sad to see so much of the forest cleared.
Well now the Kings hwy runs right through the middle of it! About 300metres from the start where the first fence used to be is where it runs through- there are several tunnels that pass under to allow riders to access the other side.

fh6162's picture

Stromlo Closed

Hi, guys thought you may be interested in the following re: Stromlo Forest Park

Benny737's picture

Riding in Canberra

Hey all,
I am Heading down to Canberra next weekend with the family and just wondering what would be the best trail down there. Ill have a few hours to ride. i ride things like Manly dam.
Thanks in advance,

Brian's picture

Solo 24hr Champs Live Results

In case you are interested. The live results are here

jp's picture

Stromlo / Capital Punishment Advice Needed

The only time I have ridden at Stromlo was during last year's Capital Punishment, and I was a bit slow on the final descent. I'll be at Stromlo this weekend but only for about 2 hours... Can anyone give me advice on the best loop to ride to prepare for Capital Punishment 2013? I'm doing the 50km, and as far as I know they haven't announced the route yet. But it's generally my descending skills I want to work on, so any advice on how I can best spend my time there would be welcome.

sydney cycler's picture

Kowan Forest trails

Hi, I was just wondering as I was heading down to Canberra next weekend if there was a way to get to the trail area featured in the Mont. As far as I am aware you are unable to reach the trail going through the paddock which was the Mont camping area. Thanks

danforth.69's picture

Lost wedding Ring at Stromlo

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.

Hi all, I lost my wedding ring last Saturday (05 May) while riding Mt Stromlo. I think it happened when I removed my gloves in the car park. I have had a good look around but it's nowhere near where we were parked. Obviously it has great sentimental value so if anyone picked it up please please get in touch with me. It is a tungsten carbide ring with a pattern of notches along each edge (see picture). Thanks.

hawkeye's picture

Sparrow Hill

Some of our ride from the weekend trip.

Benj and Ethan swapped bikes, Ethan not having ridden a dually before and Benj (wearing the camera) wanting a refresher on what a hardtail was like. This is part of the result:

Matt P's picture

ACT Conditions

Any Canberrans able to advise conditions for Stromlo and Majura? I'm there there tomorrow and just wondering if the recent Sydney weather reached that far.


ecca's picture

Stromlo xc trail condition?

Heading down to Stromlo at the end of October. Just wondering what the condition of the trails are like presently. Some trail footage from the Scott 24 looked like it was washed out a little in places. Any update appreciated. Cheers Ecca

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