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Blue Mountains Trail Advocacy

Isildur's picture

Suunto Clinometer

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Hi Guys,
After the awesome workshop & prac stuff done on the weekend, it occurred to me that it may be a good thing to get our hands on one or two Clinometers. They're usually pretty expensive, but given my field of work, I'm able to get much better pricing on a range of stuff.

Now obviously, I'm not going to be able to get one for everyone, but if we want to get a couple for the BMORC group, to be looked after by key personnel, them I'm happy to arrange it.

ChopStiR's picture

Linden Ridge Single track

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G'day guys,

I have been liaising with NPWS to try and get approval to trim back the Linden Ridge single track.

It's been a slow process and we still don't have approval. Firstly they had to work out who's jurisdiction it belonged to. That has been solved now they need to know more about the track as there isn't much known about.

The ranger in charge has been out to investigate but could not find its start or the photographed sign post found in our rides database.

J the B's picture

Great Blue Mountains Trail: Upper Mountains Component

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An interesting read for those that don't know about it: the feasibility study for the Great Blue Mountains Trail: Upper Mountains Component, dated Feb 2010. This is a shared use walking/cycling trail between Leura and Mt York.

Unfortunately it's not a mountain bike single-track or nature walk, but more like a tourist walk/commuter track. Still, would be a great thing to have anyway.
It under "G", for "Great Blue Mountains Trail (GBMT) Feasibility Assessment". Look on the right for the link to the PDF, or click here:

ChopStiR's picture

Blue Mountains Draft 2012-2013 Operational Plan

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Blue Mountains City Council has released there Draft 2012-2013 Operational Plan for public review and submission.

I feel like Mountain Biking should be part of the plan. But not sure how to address it.

moggio's picture

Have Your Say "Downhill Bike Track Knapsack Reserve" - BMCC

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from the Blue Mountains Gazette by the BMCC.

Have Your Say Downhill Bike Track Knapsack Reserve

The Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the Knapsack Park Mountain Bike Plan is now on public exhibition.

Public exhibition closes: 5pm 15 August 2011
Closing date for public submissions: 5pm 29 August 2011

Have Your Say

The REF and submission forms are available at:

-Council's Sprinwood and Katoomba offices
-Springwood, Blaxland and Katoomba libraries

philberesford's picture

BMORC Call for Volunteers

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FYI everybody


Firstly, apologies for the lack of information that we have been sharing with Blue Mountains Riders of late. We understand not everybody has time to browse the website, however, this is always the best source of up to date information.

Apologies for the extreme short notice, however BMORC and NPWS/DECCW have banded together to organise our first joint trail care program in the Blue Mountains, focusing on the single track at the Glenbrook end of the Oaks.

Christoffa's picture

I cant' get there until 7pm, can someone BMORC get there

Dear Stakeholders,
Further to my previous message about the draft Discussion Paper on Mountain Biking in NSW National Parks, I would like to advise you of a public meeting that has been arranged in the Blue Mountains, to allow you to discuss the issue with staff from the NPWS.

Details of the meeting are:
Date: Tuesday 5 October
Time: 6pm to 8pm
Venue: Springwood Country Club, 70/84 Hawkesbury Rd Springwood NSW

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP by phoning 4784 3700 or emailing [email protected]

J the B's picture

BMORC web site as PR point

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Hi guys, I'm just writing some letters to council and thinking about whether to mention BMORC, and if so, how. Also, having just read that we now have some stickers, I'm wondering what it is that people will do when they get that sticker.
What they're gonna do (I hope), is visit the BMORC web site. And this is also what I'd like my councillor to do when I send him/her a letter.

Kingy's picture

Signage on Old Bathurst Rd

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Is it just me or are all my fellow residents also under the impression that the signage at the trail head on Old Bathurst Rd would lead you to believe that "reserve" mentioned in the sign means all the reserve in the general area ie Knapsack reserve.

I have avoided riding in the area since the signs went up i can't risk an $1100 fine, to say the sign is somewhat ambiguous would be an understatement.

Your thoughts?

[Mod. fixed image rotation]

moggio's picture

Make sure you can come !! Council Meeting 29th June 7:30pm

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Ok there will be a very important council meeting on the 29th of June. This will be the one where the council's report on alternate downhill track sites is discussed.

What will be very important is that we get as many mountain bikers there that evening as possible. We need to show numbers and be a presence. The last meeting with 9 of us there we were a joke.

Best Mountain Bike