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Deano's blog

First SS team race
Well what a great race & my First 24hr on an Single Speed. We arrived around midday Friday set up camp quickly then headed to rego, to see if we could change are team members around as we had decided a few day before to enter a SS team for fun. Well the Girl at rego was very accommodating & quickly changed it all around & then we where set. We headed out for a few laps, & realized that my head set had shit its self, thankfully the onsite mechanics where able to fix it. So now I was ready.

My first DNF
It was a great day for a race, felt good at the start. Started a little further back in the pack than i would have liked but was starting with two other friends on their first full fling. The gun went off & we were away, after fighting through the pack I was happy with my position after the first river crossing. Though the stomach wasnt feeling to good, had a bannana before the first single track & started to feel better. Spotted a friend further ahead & chased him down catching & passing him at the first transition, as i didnt stop.

yet another great event
7.12 feeling very happy with that considering the complete lack of training well if im true full none really. Plus the large amount of pain killers to forget about the aback pain worked a treat
well for about 4hrs until I ran out
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