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Temporary compromise . . .

Hi everyone,
It seems that there are a lot of you out there trying to get the Manly Dam track reinstated which is obviously what we all want, but I havent seen any discussion on proposals we could make to the council that would be a "compromise" to their current decision. Whatever happens lets be honest, it doesnt seem like there will be any decision made until after the March 23rd meeting, and the current notice on the council website says that a full consultation process may take up 6 months . . . . . .
I know none of us want the track closed for that amount of time, but I think in all the emails we are writing, all the calls we are making, we should also propose an alternate solution to their current solution; my suggestion is that we push for a "walkers on Saturday, riders on Sunday" type of arrangment until council can have their "due process".
Not sure what you all would think about something like this . . . . . . .
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Dear .....
It is with great sadness that I received the communication of the Manly Dam single-track closure. I am a local resident and long term user of the facility, one of the very few quality riding areas in metropolitan Sydney region.
I ride the circuit at least once per week, and find it a safe haven from road traffic, of which I have commuted to and from work for the last 25 years. It is a facility that I have introduced and mentored many new riders to over the years. Through this use, local businesses have benefited, and the riders have gained much personal fitness and satisfaction with their skills development.
The safety issue that is cited in the communications is worthy of discussion and consultation, something the local mountain bike community has offered to the council extensively, along with volunteering to assist in sustainable maintenance and development of the trails. However, the conduct of the council administration, and the manner of implementing the closure has been extremely detrimental to the relationship and engagement of the community. This is perhaps the most troubling aspect of the closure, as it has the potential to anger and incite rebellion from junior and less mature sections of the community, to the significant detriment of all involved, and due process.
It is my wish that the council acts swiftly to repair the damage in what was excellent community relations and engagement, through an open and mature response to the closure from all levels of the council. My recommendation for interim solutions to the potential safety issues that has been identified, are:
1. Close the sections of the Manly Dam single track to pedestrian traffic in the interim, as these are minority users of the affected sections. Walkers have many exclusive tracks at the Dam facility, and this should be taken into account.
2. Designate the single track sections one-way (south to north).
3. Place warning signs before the two steep/technical sections along the Wakehurst Parkway section, alerting novice riders to take precaution and ride within their capabilities.
I hope we can rebuild the excellent relationship that has been developed over the last decade or more of mountain biking at Manly Dam, and am willing to help in any way possible myself.
Yours sincerely,
I guess what I meant was that I think we should all push for a coordinated realistic temporary solution - that is, everyone of us who has written and/or called the local MP's propose the same temporary solution, while still making absolutely clear that we are not happy with the desicion and that we will continue to push, call, write and protest until due process is has been carried out.
By suggesting a compromise it sounds like you think there was something wrong with the way the track had been used for the last 15+ years? I think the position is that there has been a poor, bureaucratic decision made without appropriate consultation, possible based on a mis-interpretation of the rules.
I don't recall any issues over the 2-3 years I was riding the manly trail - and i would regularly only see 1 walker on the trail - even if i did 3 laps...
I guess there is the risk that to seek a TEMPORARY compromise could be misconstrued as admitting the track had been used inappropriately for 15+ years - which legally, under the strict reading of the law, it may have been. I don't know im not a lawyer . . . . . which is an intersting question in itself - are there any lawyer cyclists out there who could give their opinions on that?
And I agree with you Justin; I've been riding Manly dam for 7 years [frequency has varied a lot in that time] and I can honestly say I have passed less than 10 people in that time [on the single track portion], more on the fire trail protions.
My suggestion was more because I think this issue may take some time to resolve [although I have an email in my inbox from a Councilor saying that a solution may have been found in our favour and to wait until the 23rd], and given that council now meets every month if they dont resolve in our favour at the next meeting then at least we get a compromise while they decide . . . .
I think what Exxodus is asking for is a constructive approach where viable solutions are being presented rather than a simple rant. I bet if we can all do this, our strategy will be far more productive than the complaints that are levied to the Council by the lobbying walkers.
In my email to the Mayor, I proposed a licencing/waiver arrangement, where all Manly Dam riders must put their name down as having waived their right to the Council's liability for having ridden the Dam. No waiver, no ride. Which would/could then be policed by Rangers. Walkers and riders get their trail back.
from experience, waivers are legally not worth the paper they are printed on
Understood, I agree, but maybe lawyers can come up with something useable in this case. Its not like riders don't know what they are in for.
The track has been closed because of a "technicality". It isn't a debate, and it isn't a walkers vs riders issue. It was presented by council officers as a fact. Councillors can choose to accept or not accept the recommendation, but they didn't even consider this because they were too busy arguing about $450 in mayoral expenses.
The compromise that we should offer is we will pass around the hat for the $450 if council will focus on real issues!
At the risk of starting a "flame" war, im not sure we are in a position to take a hard stance on this. Two days ago we were told that a solution had been found and to wait for the council meeting of the 23rd. Now we are told (by the newspaper) that the ban may stay in place.
This "problem" has the potential to last some time and unless we are all willing to put some $$$ behind and get ourselves a lawyer and attempt to prove the ban is illegal . . . . . which unless i've missed something we are actually not 100% sure it is I still beleive we should be putting forward a compromise solution that can be implemented immediately and that resolves the "problem" council feels it has - which is the danger of collision / liability issue.
That is why, in my opinion, asking for walkers to be banned on Saturday and riders on Sunday [or some such variation of this] is still better in my eyes than the current situation, it can be implemented by council immediatly and it can be policed by the rangers easily.
All this without taking our foot off their throats, and continuing to push for an all inclusive solution that walkers, riders and council can be satisfied with.
There is clearly some serious political gamemanship going on behind closed door at Council and we need to be as smart as we can with this. If we can offer a politician a soultion that allows them to save face, then they are more likely to accept it. Yes, THEY did something wrong, possibly illegal, but the rules of the game are beyond our control and we [at least I] are not practiced politicians . . . . .
Just my two cents worth
PD - Keep up the fight guys/gals I dont think they were ever expecting this result