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Oaks Fire Trail 17th March

Hi Everyone,
A few of us are going to do the Oaks trail (Yes I heard you groan Liam) This time it will be with a twist. Don has agreed to lead us on the ride with his GPS to set the pace.
We aim to start at the top of the track at the gate at Woodford and finish at the top of the hill at the entrance to the park (Don? was that the end point we decided on?) after the weir at the bottom of the stairs in 1 hour 23min.
In order to keep it simple and fun. Don will set the pace and we (most likely me) will play the sweeper at the back of the back. It will be this person's duty not to leave anyone behind and to help if they have an equipment failure or just ride back with them.
Meet at the Glenbrook Station Carpark at 8am for the 8.23 train. I'll be in the Blue Falcon. This is the 7.18am train from Central
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No, no, no... you big girls... you need to stop the clock after sprinting up that hill from the weir to the park entrance.
Said Rob, who sadly can't make it
Erm... although... having said that - I only can't make it 'cos the old man is in town, but we planned to be in the Blue Mtns that day anyhow. Oh... I see a plan forming where I get collected at Glenbrook
In which case... stop the clock at the weir!
hi all, the desired time is 1hr 25mins from the start of the trail (at woodford where you jump the gate, ie start of the dirt section) to the top of the hill at Glenbrook (ie ranger gate where you pay the entry fee if driving, this is after the road water crossing and up the big windy hill)
I have done it a few times in 1hr 25 all the way back to the station so it can be done, just requires a decent pace all the way with no stopping at all. I am no speed freak super athlete or anything, just have a good base fitness level and can keep a healthy pace for a good distance.
For those of you who went to ourimbah last saturday i was in the small group who went around for the quick lap (2nd lap) around the xc course, so i know that the 4 of us who made it back together can do it, i think it was Rob (black canondale), Steve (yellow canondale), i was 3rd in the train (silver/black anthem) and there was someone behind me who i forget there name and bike type (sorry, was not looking back very often and im only new here).
The aim is to have fun though and have as many people going down the track at a fast (but safe) pace. I have logged the course (with a 1hr25min finish) on my garmin gps so will use this to set the pace required to finish in the appropriate time. The biggest hurdle is getting to the clearing section and then its all downhill and fun from there.
I suggest you ride up to the top gate just to warm up, have a quick rest, then start your timed ride back.
Oh, bye the way I cant make it as I already have plans for that day. haha
dont think so, one way is the go for a fast time, both ways sometime in april in training for the dirtworks though
hi again, please note that this ride will be down the oaks only. There will be no additional trails linked to it (ie nepean look out trail). Start at woodford, up/down/up/down to the clearing, super fast run to the start of the single track, hammer through single track trying not to kill ourselves and then up the big hill to the ranger gate, all within 1hr25mins. Should be fun.
Should be fun!
This may not cater for everyone it may be too short for some people and too quick for others. But its worth a bash. After all how bad can 1hr 25min flat out down the hill really be???
looking forward to this, hopefully we can all make it down quickly and safely.
Ah... so, the 8:23 from Glenbrook gets to Woodford 8:54.
Given the bike now has a new BB (yay!) and I'll be in Leura that morning (yay!) I'll join you (yay!).
Either by car at Glenbrook or meet at Woodford. The train from Leura leaves 8:28 and get's to Woodford at 8:50 - sounds like top timing, but think it would be best to drive down to Glenbrook to get back up top soon after the ride (sorry - won't be able to hang about).
P.S. The forecast is good, but I won't be there if it's raining!
Yeah I agree!
I don't have internet access at home. there is a southerly coming this aftenoon and these days these changes can bring either wind or rain or both, So if the weather looks dodgy we can do the usual text thingy on Friday night. But if the trail is damp then this will make it much easier to grip
Confirmed to ride is Rob, Don and Andrew.
hopefully the rain will hold off till the afternoon, i will be heading there regardless of how the rain is at my house, as i have found that it can be pouring at my place, and totally sunny up there, will be riding even if it raining, as long as it is not hailing/lightning etc, the track doesnt not get effected too badly with rain.
2 Friends of mine should be coming also, so maybe 5 of us, hopefully more will show up.
See you all for the 8.22 train, call me on 0402810773 if you have any questions
See you at Glenbrook for the 8.23 train. I'll be riding a silver heckler with upside down forks.
This comment has been moved here.
Aside from the few minor issues, I found this a good ride, at a good pace. I was lagging behind Don, Steve and Andrew early but mechanical + flat saw Andrew and I off alone. I was struggling to keep Andrew within sight up the top but caught him a bit on the run from the helipad. We were together through the sniggle but he got away on the technical bit and I just couldn't find the strength to sprint up the hill at the end. Doh!
Anyhow, here's my profile (sans HR data - forgot the monitor):
Trail head to helipad: 38:27
Helipad to gate: 8:53
Sniggle and climb: 25:27
Made a total of 1h12:47. I'm pretty happy with that, could have tried harder on the top section, and also the climb. What a slacker
Would be interesting to see the dot race with Don & Steve... where's your MB data guys?
thats a great time for both of you, i was quite annoyed when i heard the "hissing" sound coming from my back wheel. I then knew that my fast time was out the window. I think i ended up with 1hr 33mins, this included Flat tyre change (pinch flat), my skewer got filled with crap so couldnt screw it back on so wasted more time cleaning this out (thanks for the help with the Lube Matt), then i stopped to help Steve out with his flat at the bottom of the fast downhill run, i think i was stationary for maybe 15-20mins all up, i will load the motion based thing when i get home from work tonight.
I still had a good time, Maybe 1hr 5mins is possible??
shame about a few mechanicals,would have been great for everyone to have a trouble free run .I run tubless in the rear but managed to cut through the tread & suffer a slow leak that I thought (or hoped) would repair itself with the help of stan's but after pumping it up twice in a short distance had to resort to using a tube.Still had a gret run this is my data hope it works. Steve
Although you have to tell it 'real time' and change the background to 'basemap' for best effect. Seems there's no way to specify this on the URL.
I notice it says you have 1h05 of moving time... I don't think cracking the hour on this course is that unreasonable then
moving time of 1hr 11min, pretty happy with that, Steve is the man to beat though.