You are hereForums / NoBMoB News / Keep those comments coming, and come along Thursday!
Keep those comments coming, and come along Thursday!

As you all know, the campaign for mountain bike access in NSW National Parks is hotting up. Feedback from the first forums is that email submissions are split 50/50 between those for and against the proposals put forward in the recent discussion paper.
This shows that there are opponents out there who do not realise the positive outcomes that this could mean for all parks users and who can organise a negative campaign. Yes, those positives are many, and they will benefit all users, not just mountain bike riders. This is a key concern to us - the trails are there to share!
While there are many comments online that support mountain bike riders, I know there are many riders out there who have yet to get behind this effort. Take a look at the enclosed graph knocked up earlier. This shows that there were big spikes in response early on, and again after a couple of organisations sent out email reminders. However, the number of submissions flowing has returned to a trickle once more. The comment count is currently not even 2% of the monthly visitors to NoBMoB which is pretty disappointing
Make no mistake - if you think your voice cannot be heard, or will not count, or that you can rely on others then you are wrong! It's is vitally important that we show the authorities how much we care and how many we are.
For those that think lobbying like this doesn't work, remember this:
- The Manly Dam closure earlier this year - completely reversed due to a massive campaign.
- Glenrock Regional Park - now with an official trail network after many years of such campaigning.
- Trail maintenance days in the Royal National Park re-instated - in no small part due to lobbying by local riders.
- This current discussion paper itself - a result of many efforts and has NPWS acknowledging several key points riders have been saying for years.
So please, take 30 seconds to visit the discussion site and leave your comments (scroll to the bottom of the page)... now!
If you can come to the NPWS MTB forum in Turramurra on Thursday night then all the better. See you there?
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See you Thursday night!
It is concerning reading a few of the comments such as the below, where they commenter keeps referring to 'trail bikes' and not Mountain Bikes.
"It’s all well and good to say we have rules and regulations’ introduced along with trail bike riding it still comes back to the traditional owners having the first and last say and I am one traditional owner who will say NO to any trail bike riders"
It would not surprise me if a fair few of the negative comments actually have no idea what they are commenting about, and I do hope the NPWS staff taking all this down at the end realise the distinction between 'trail bike' and 'mountain bike'.
Yes, time and again you go to meetings to discuss mountain bikes and those against it complain about how noisy they are. Eh? Once we distinguish between motorbikes and mountain bikes a lot of their concerns vanish.
Please people, do not use the term 'trail bike'. Say, 'motorbike'.
That aside, the comment that says, "NO to any trail bike riders" isn't actually against mountain biking then?
The emails to councils DO get noticed. I got a great supportive response from Ku-ring-gai council on this iisue
So... see you there: