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Golden Jubilee Field Mountain Bike Park

Ku-ring-gai Council is seeking feedback on a proposal to upgrade Golden Jubilee Field in Wahroonga.
Council staff will be available for an informal meeting to answer any questions on Monday 22 November between 6pm and 7pm at Golden Jubilee Field.
Download the documents below for further information.
Letter to residents near Golden Jubilee Field (269KB)
Frequently Asked Question (40KB)
Golden Jubilee Field draft Landscape Masterplan (1.02MB)
Written submissions close on Friday 26 November 2010.
For more information or to submit your written comments please contact:
Roger Faulkner
Sports and Recreation Planner
Phone: 9424 0792
Email: [email protected]
This is a great move from council as there are already some decent trails in the area to link up with the proposed park (eg: North Turramurra) and this proposal is being delivered in accordance with the Council's Unstructured Recreation Strategy - hopefully meaning it will be one of many pieces to come.
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Good on Ku-ring-gai Council!
I sent some comments to Ku-ring-gai Council back in August in support of the mtb developments proposed for GJO and the Nth Turra / Nth Wahroonga areas as part of their unstructured recreation policy. Is there another process that I need to send comments in to by 26 November or is that the same process?
* metaphorically speaking....
@lach... Think you have to repeat yourself for whatever reason.
Got this through my letter box this afternoon, (and I quote word for word):
"Some of you may be aware that Ku-ring-gai council has approved a Dirt Bike Arena of International repute impacting many areas of our Bush/Backyards. Our streets may soon become congested/paid parking lots to support the Dirt Bike spectators, Crew and Bikers. If you feel bustling Traffic, 7 days of din and noise, misuse of our Bush/Ovals/Public areas, Vandalism, Graffiti and possibly widespread use of Drugs and alcohol is something which you don't want then come and have your say at our Neighbours meetings this Saturday at 10 Am in front of Rose Siddlers House (71 Clissold Road) and bring your Family and neighbours as we need numbers to our Petition. Remember no one else is going to fight for the safety of your area - only you can, so get out there and stop hoping it'll just go away - IT WONT!"
I guess some people have a very ignorant view of who mountain bikers are.
Perhaps us Nobmobers should also attend this tomorrow morning on our bicycles so the residents can see the difference for themselves?
Are they having a laugh?
These are precisely the things that will be reduced by the sort of facility the council are suggesting as it gives otherwise idle minds and bodies something to do. Or do they have evidence from elsewhere that this won't be the case?
I would imagine that, yes absolutely, someone should go and have a very tactful word that sets these people straight about what is going on. Who's most local?
This article appeared in the local news paper this week titled Residents want Ku-ring-gai Council to stop mountain bike trail.
RESIDENTS demand Ku-ring-gai Council rescind a motion approving a mountain bike trail at North Wahroonga until there is more community consultation.
Last week the Advocate reported residents’ fears that there would be insufficient parking for the council to approve plans for the track.
The council employed consultants The World Trail to investigate the possible construction of trails at Clissold Rd and Golden Jubilee Oval. The trails would go from Clissold Rd, through bush, to the north of Golden Jubilee Oval; which was once a landfill.
There would be four trails from 450m to 1.7km in length, a “high-energy zone” for gravity activities and a “skills zone”.
It could be converted into a loop of about 5km for mountain bike events.
Resident Ron Hicks said the trails, which would cost $220,000 to build, should be halted until the public knew more about them.
He said residents have started a petition against the proposal in its current form.
“Residents are not against mountain bike riding,” Mr Hicks said.
“The complex has been designed for competition-standard facilities that are likely to be regularly used by mountain bike clubs ... and attract bikers from all across Sydney. This will dominate and completely change the nature of the area and alienate it from other users.”
Hornsby Shire Mountain Bike Alliance spokesman Campbell King said a track would not cause traffic problems in the area.
“The unstructured nature of mountain biking means that the usage is spread over the whole day rather than peak usage associated with organised sports,” Mr King said.
Sixty people attended a meeting with council officers on Monday and were briefed about the development.
A report from The World Trail stated the track would be a “significant tourism attraction if done properly” and reduce illegal trails.
Seems the not in my back yard types are out spreading miss information the councils do read the comments sections so i would suggest that we need to add as many positive comments as we can
Gee... I wonder who needs more parking space... numerous sports teams that will congregate to compete on the fields there, plus their supporters and officials of course - or... well... a handful or even couple dozen bike riders? Hmmmmm.
Mountain Biking- it takes nearly all my money-sometimes gets between me & my wife-has me thinking about my next fix of it during the week & leaves me with a big come down after my Sunday ride knowing my next ride is not til next weekend!
go and have a look at the skate park at St Ives village some time. I think the "vibe" makes some of the local residents feel a bit uncomfortable. There's all these young people hanging around
but also usually a fair bit of graffiti and rubbish lying around (it's across the road from Maccas) and the odd bottle, bong etc. I think some people see the word "jumps" and assume that's the sort of crowd it will attract.
reviving an old topic but....
Great work by ku ring gai council to show some conviction in their planning processes rather than disowning their plan when concerns are raised.
Also thanks to the HSMBA guys for getting some positive press and support from council.