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Where is it dry!? MarraMarra?

I know there's a planned ride tomorrow morning at the Royal, but it's looking a bit wet down there, with more forecast.
Check out our rainfall graphs. Hmmmm... looks like MarraMarra on Sunday might be a goer. Anyone game? Coba Pt for sure, not sure about Smugglers though, but can do another out and back blast down the firetrail (quiet dull, but good training).
Any takers for a 9am meet Bloodwood Rd? Depending on the rain staying away that is.
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I was heading out that way sometime this weekend, so Sunday morning sounds great.
The whole of the East will have rain and wet tracks in some form or other. Somewhere inland will not have rain, hopefully?
Evan and myself had been toying with the idea that Lithgow would work on Sunday? If it is drier, maybe we could get Flynny to play Tour Barbie somewhere?
Not looking good
See here:
Sunday is fine and sunny albeit cold.
How do you people deal with the cold?
As much as I love to ride, I much more fancy curling up in bed most days, especially when the temperature is only 1 digit.
We're just mad.... Mind you leg warmers, arm warmers and long sleeve jerseys help .
Sunday maybe a goer.
Yeah, the cold is no bother on it's own (just wear more clothes and don't stop) but I can't handle cold + rain.
I could be talked in to Lisdale Sunday if there's a guarantee of no rain.
Check out:
As far as i know they are having their DH series at Lisdale on Sunday, which would leave Donnybrooke (no idea how to spell that??) but there were parts we hadn't done anyway, weren't there? (And I think somebody missed out last time because he forgot his shoes??
Considering Coffs -and in case Lisdale is closed- can we do a ride there that has quite a few Kms??? If it is as cold as I think it might be I would prefer a longish ride over hanging around and play at jumps this weekend!
I have cancelled the RNP ride - track will be a shocker, especially as it has been graded in some areas recently.
where are you going on Sunday? Donnybrooke? where is that?
I am keen for a ride - need some training!!
I am keen. There are a whole maze of tracks and fire trails in and around Lithgow. Doesn't have to be at Donnybrook. But at least we know where Donnybrook is. Maybe it is a good start?
I spoke to my brother who said there was some rain over the last few days in Lithgow. But nothing too heavy like Sydney. But it is bloody cold! I am with Caro on this one... just keep riding and you won't cool down too much.
Finally, if you want to get a ride in before Coffs, this weather looks like it will be hanging around for a while. You may just have to bite the bullet and ride in the rain.
(Rob, there are no guarantees mate!!)
If all the trails are washout and I'm pretty certain it's not going to change before Sunday, I'll be hitting the tar on Sunday...
I know road cycling is usually frwoned upon on this site, but given the current circumstances (weather & Coffs) anyone up for few kms on the skinnies?
Drop me a line...
We'll only be using the top Dh runs at the Northern end so plenty of other stuff for you to hit. It has been raining all night.
Hassans Walls tracks drain pretty good after rain. Try the old Dh track. Second bit of single track on the right just before the gully at the start of Donnybrook
I presume you mean you will be using Lisdale for your DH race.
It's now official. Everywhere within a 1-2 hour drive of Sydney is saturated
Lisdale has had some heavy looking stuff last few hours, most of Sydney (Manly Dam and RNP in particular) look to have had just as bad a time as last weekend.
Time to load up the MP3s and head to the gym. Grrrrrrr!
Grrr ... just when I rediscovered how much fun going off road can be.
Hmmm, like what ar_junkie said, it could be time to take the Pampered Princess (*) out for a spin ...
(*) i.e. my road bike
So how is it in the mountains? Might Oaks be rideable tomorrow - whats the rainfall like up there? John, can you comment?
Oh man! You don't want to ride The Oaks in the wet:
MarraMarra looks to have had less rain than up there anyhow.
Geeze, this is getting desperate, just spent an hour on the gym bike!
Bruce, Gazza, Carolin and any other closet roadies?
Hi Shaun,
definitely will be looking for a ride, already had something planned but dont know if its going to happen now with the weather. will text you tonight to see whats happening.
I am going stir crazy cooped up at home all weekend. After the last few weekends of XC utopia, the inactivity is killing me. Is there no end to this madness? ^&*%#!!!
a hybrid game of rugby and waterpolo at Uni oval. Ahhhh almost as good as being out there in it myself....those were the days.
I don't mind the cold, don't mind the heat, can't ride in the rain. But I am going nuts here not being able to get out I'm going to have to find a spinners class to keep the fitness up. Arrrrgggghhhh!
At least the rain is getting to Warragamba.
Stu, did you pack your snorkel?
so I don't know what the roads will be like tomorrow.
I don't think I can keep up with you guys (and gal)!
And I'm afraid of the wet.
Mmmmm ... must avoid riding over wet white road markings ...
The roads drain pretty well round these parts... =;o)
Fair enough mate, always ride within ur comfort levels... we are gonna do mileage so I don't think the pace will be that fast, maybe on the odd hill =;o)...
Yeah - sometimes I forget that I'm on the roadie and try and bunny hop the obstacles... not a good idea in the wet (or traffic)...
Having spent too many days stuck inside, for sake of mental health I just had to face the weather this morning. Most of the firetrail was'nt too bad but there was a fair amount of water collected on the singletrack and where it went downhill there was a full on stream. I am sure my drive train will resent me for it, but it is sram so not expecting it to last too long anyway. Didnt go too far up the single track, the little voice at the back of my mind kept muttering about trail degradation so the ride only ended up being around 14klm, but after the last few weeks any saddle time better than none.
After some desperate calling around a few of us managed to get a ride in this morning, and here it is:
We ended up doing Duck Hole/Chiltern/Centre. 23Ks in total. These trails are on ridge lines or steep rocky-ish climbs so weren't in that bad a state to be honest. In fact, we rode them Easter and were probably no worse than then.
Desperate in more ways than one, Bruce managed to lug his new Faith around and up those almost 500m of climbs. Must admit feeling a twinge of jealousy as he played on the rocks by the road bottom of Duck Holes. Even though it was a small drop, on the big bike he rode off it like it wasn't even there.
.... for the ride guys, it was so good to get out of the house. All in all I think we were pretty lucky with the weather, a few light showers at worse.
Lunch & bike retail therapy was also fun.
See ya next weekend.