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The Husky 100ker

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Callala Beach Road, Callala Beach, New South Wales
The tranquil waters of Jervis Bay and the township of Callala Beach play host to this classic mountain bike marathon. Only in its second year, "The Husky", as it is affectionately known, has gained wide spread accolades as the most enjoyable, laid-back and achievable marathon on the Australian MTB Endurance Calendar.
Nestled just two short hours from both Sydney and Canberra, THE 100K'er takes advantage of the great single track throughout the Currambene State Forest, the likes of Coondoo, Superbowl, and the Butterfly Track – as well as other fantastic trails in the area. The course provides a great contrast of beach and bush, a bit of sand, a bit of mud, and a whole heap of dirty bliss, all looping back to the start!
All great fun!
***Event Postponed***

Blog entries about this meeting (as this is a race standings and times are shown, click on the title for more and to comment)...
Who | Title | Status | Time | Pos.Gen. | Category | Pos.Cat. |
beetle | Husky 100 | Finished | 00:00:06 | 129 | Masters | 43 |
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Big fan of this race last year - get some roadie training done though - its all about fast legs and smooth, efficient, pedalling...
oh - and if there is a 29er in your arsenal - it should be the weapon of choice.
Whats the el (elevation) for this ride?
About 50m (half serious).
I'm not sure exactly, but it is not a climby course. I am very amused and excited to see what they include as the 'King of the Mountain' competition.
Its really pretty flat. An awesome course, but you wont be needing your inner chainring...
I don't have a 29er as yet but looking
Here's Phil's blog from last year with a profile
I nearly spun out of my mind on the ss last year
I rode 32:18 on 26", thinking 2:1 is the go
any other ss got a thought on that?
click on "The Course" on the main web page you can see the profiles.
EDIT: had the wrong button to click, d'oh
Yeah, blog, course and elevation profile on my profile page
Interesting to look at the average times for the Husky last year to Dirtworks this year. The elites for this years DW was basically the same (04:37:12) as the Husky last year (04:40:14). The other categories were up to an hour quicker.
I noticed this too. Certainly it's a flatter course than DW - there's no real climbing of note except for the reverse single track (from memory is in the front 9). But why the Elites are not noticeably quicker however is a mystery. Perhaps average speed is not as affected by the elevation the same way it is for us mortals.
Ave speed is tough to get up above 25kph (4hrs) with any singletrack. Hills dont affect it at all as much.
With DW, there is almost no steering (singletrack) which consequently means no braking or accelerating.
Hills pose much less of a problem with ave speed at higher speeds than singletrack. My tyres grip the same as anyones, so our speeds will be much closer through the ST - bringing the elite average down much more dramatically than hills.
There literally is only so fast you can go through a twisty set of woodland tracks. There is almost no limit to the speed you can climb at (other than training), you can always be lighter, more powerful etc.
Only my musings on this subject.
One final thing - Husky is (was last year) a lot like a road race at the front, with groups forming and watching each other. As it was so flat, it was tough to get away, and therefore was a more tactical race. Again - may affect average speed.
On your final note, why do you think there are less team tactics played out in MTB than road?
Rockstar would be in a great position to send a team member off in a break, and have English or Mather bring him back while others sit on. Once brought back, the counter attacks could start.
I would have thought even with the lower speeds of MTB, drafting still plays some of a part and so making Mather & English do the chasing work would allow others to be stronger at the end.
Sounds like the husky course lends itself to tactics.
Rockstar do it pretty effectively actually. This year, they have just had less people around (Troy is not doing as much, and Gordo is broken, and Hamish is not racing really, and Carlso is in the USA).
What is much more surprising is the ladies TORQ team. They have a number of the top girls in the country and they really dont race as a team.
I think it all comes down to money.
It amuses me when you go to a C-Grade Masters road race and you see guys not working "because they have a team mate up the road". Its like playing soldiers when you are a kid. Except you are playing 'pro cyclists'.
But thats why most of us race - to feel like racers.
Its a solo sport, and although huge gains can be made riding together, it doesnt really happen as splitting money etc just isnt worth it. Team profile is less too.
Regardless, at Dirtworks, myself, Shaun, and Jason worked to keep Ben and Matt close enough. We all did turns, and didnt try (too hard) to drop each other. We (mostly) waited at water stations for each other too.
Husky - at the front, I think will be very tactical. Its a race that requires a bit more thought. Elite couldnt drop bottles last year, so its a stop and fill affair - there will be camelbaks everywhere on the startline. I hate camelbaks!
Riders briefing and start list are available
I get to drop bottles and avoid using the camelbak! My lower back is delighted.
I much prefer outside assistance within designated zones. That way I get to use bottles and save my back from carrying the extra weight and wife & kids get to participate rather than spend all day in the bush waiting to blow a kiss to dad as he rides past...
Maybe I'll suggest to my wife and kids that they spend all day in the bush to hand me bottles and wipe my sweaty brow at irregular intervals. That would be rather nice. On second thoughts, carrying the bottles would result in less pain! You must have a very understanding family Fatboy
She will be at the Fling doing bottles for me, the trick is to get quick so that they don't have to hang around for a long time.
Also I think she is keen to see me do well in my sport and supports me in achieving my goals.
So does anyone know how the tracks hold up down there? Its looking like a wet week in Sydney and down there
If I was a betting man, I'd say it wouild be cancelled.
SCUM cancelled their XC race down there on Sunday, due to conditions, and its set to get worse.
I'll be pissed, but reckon its not gonna happen.
It was cancelled and postponed last year, so there is a precedent for sensible trail management down there.
@Logan: sounds like you've got a keeper
....then fine through the weekend. May still be damp in places (remember the bogs last year?) but I'm thinking it will be ON.
But I'd also rather race it in better conditions!
I just hope the organizers decide to pull the pin before we all turn up there!
Considering this weather station is based at Jervis Bay I can't really see it happening. The weekend is actually looking good too.
Ok, so what's the odds on them pulling the pin?
In a way I'm hoping they do. I think I'm in good form for this one but I recon I can hang in a few more weeks untill things dry up a bit.
Plus I dont think the owner of the 29er I've borrowed would be too chuffed at me racing it in these conditions!
They've said its going ahead but will have a final decision on Thursday. Also, if it gets postponed, have they said it will be only a couple of weeks? last year it was postponed months later I think.
It's part of the CycleNation series, the calendar is now much more crowded than when they postponed it last time (from "wet" February to "dry" June!!), so finding another date will be problematic, weather forecast is pretty good for a couple of days leading into Sunday. Just depends on whether a few of those bog crossings are going to be navigable... pack a snorkel?
Cards on the table, I'd like to race - I am fit, need the points for the series, and frankly like the course down there. It suits me and the style I ride.
HOWEVER - I dont want to race in horrific conditions. The course was pretty wet last year in places (un-rideable) and that was after a long dry spell.
I trust the organisers and think they have the balls to make the call, but i dont want them to run it if its not appropriate. The issue with making the call on Thursday night, is thats when the rain is set to abate. As such they could say 'its bad, but it will dry out' - without really knowing if it will dry.
Its a hardtail race anyway, so there are no linkages to get ruined by the mud, just BB, Chain and brake pads.
As a tip (from a Pom used to racing cyclo-cross and very muddy mtb) - if it does happen pick some skinny tyres. The type of mud down there is clay based, and nothing will grip. as such you need to cut through it and get to the hard stuff beneath for any traction or hope of moving forward. I'm looking for some 700x35c cyclo cross tyres for my 29er, although there aint much in Sydney!
Are you serious about the cyclocross tyres?
As I said, I've borrowed a 29er and it's got Hutchinson Pythons on. When I took it up to Wisemans a few weeks ago I found that they were great on the sandstone but any soft sand or wet stuff and the front was twitching like mad and felt very unstable. I've borrowed a 2.25 rendez for the front thinking it would give more stability at the front in the mud. I've never raced down there before. Have I done the right thing with the Rendez?
I'm running Kenda Karma's 29 x 1.9 front & rear.
the issue is that its half nice loamy, singletrack, but the fire-roads are clay based. If they are wet and soggy, then I am serious about the rear tyre for certain, and probably the front too. Sure, a wider front tyre will help with the ST parts of the course, but I have a concern that frame clearance is also gonna be an issue. Slopping to pull mud out of my frame where it clogs around the tyres is pretty low on my list of 'things I like to do in a race'.
Skinnier is defo better in deep sloppy mud. frame clearance, and cut down to the hard stuff.
They will be harder to ride though.
Google "Maxxis Mimo CX" - its not a tyre for the faint hearted, and frankly, if they are needed, the race should be cancelled - but you never know!
I didn't look too closely, they were a continental CX tyre but they were pretty slick
GAZZA, Ants is just trying to give the other elites a bum steer
. You know what he is really going to turn up on 
That is probably what I should have bought.
Sounds like I'll have to leave the new scott at home it has almost zero tyre clearance, removing the rear wheel is a nightmare.
Now I'm completely confused! Like the look of the skinnies but doubt I'll fork out the cash for one race only. ( mind you, a crosser is on the 'want' list!)
Maybe I just run the Pythons and hope for the best. At least they're fairly skinny!
Use the skinnies at the Highland Fling, and then as a commuter tyre.
I agree though - its big cost for a 'maybe'.
@Brian - awesome.
@jdb - you cant leave the 29er at home for the Husky.
You want a tyre that will shed clay mud OK and still have decent grip in sandy / loamy sniggle. I think a Python might not be too far off the mark.
Another tip for the really boggy bits is "don't follow the 4WD track into the water". It only leads into the deepest, churned out sections and you could lose the bike (well, almost). It's not sniggle, so trail widening is sort of OK. Stick the bike on the shoulder CX style and head for the edges as best you can.
I'm a Carpenter! If I went to work on my bike with all my tools in a trailer I'd either blow my knees out or maybe get fit enough to catch you!
I'll stick to my van thanks and the Pythons I think.
Maybe I'll do the fling on a crosser one day soon though? Before I get really old!!!
I love my Rendez but I ran it on the front at Mt Annan on Sunday and it was horrible. It filled with clay straight away and didn't shed a bit of it. My mate ran a Ardent on the front of his 29er and it looked much better. He also ran an icon on the back which coped way better than my crossmark. Another mate ran an ignitor and although not as good as the Ardent it was better than the rendez.
Sell your van and ride one of these to work, this should harden you up.
Where very good for shifting clay in them when I used them back in the UK, they were my all year round tyre as they offered great grip and didnt clag up at all and this included riding in the Qantocks/Afan/Forest of Dean as well.
Come on Jay, you got it to race on, not leave at home
With less clearance, doesn't that mean the frame scraps the crap off the tyre?
Think I'll be going to Canberra for a weekend of dry tracks
You may want to check the weather forecast out before you put that one in the diary mate
Anything is better then more time on the indoor trainer
Lucky Gaz didnt buy those CX tyres then
Personally upset, as I do love a race, but its the right call. Looking forward to the diary juggling now to fit it in.
See y'all on the tracks somewhere - its meant to be a nice weekend in most places!
But where does one go for a dry off roader??????????
Road bike it is then! Anyone know of any road races?
I think Jay has the right idea!
It looks like Canberra is the closest driest place
I've now rented houses in the area for three weekends in the last 18 months, for one lousy 50km ride last year. Most expensive race ever on that basis.
Might just take the tent next time....
I'm getting very close to the age where that bike would really suit me.
Just need me Flat Cap and i could put me racing pigeons in't bag
your Whippet and Ferrets