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Any 450 x 2.25 springs out there? swap!! 4

dez_b's picture

By dez_b - Posted on 15 October 2007

Gday nobmobers I have a need for a progresive 5th element spring 450lbs 2.25 or around abouts will swap for 300 lb 5th element or manitou 550lb x 2.25 or 500lb x 2.0
or even money could change hands
thanks call
dez 0403191772

craigs's picture

Ever thought of getting them made to your exact specs?
Lovell Springs will custom make springs for you. I used to get custom race car springs to exact specs. Very reasonable prices at the time. They used to be at Strathfield but I think have moved.
There will be other companies as well if you are interested in going that way.

dez_b's picture

There is a factory in the back of Mona Vale that I have on my list to check out as well as a US site that has some Ti springs I have enquired about but just thought I would ask around the nobs first

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