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Manly Dam Bike Storage

I live nearby the Hydro Lab at Manly Dam and was looking at setting up some lockable bike racks and lockers for people to rent.
Would this be something people would be interested in? Maybe for those without access to roof racks/bike racks on their car?
It would be in a secure, lockable garage and I would estimate the cost to be ~$10/week.
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let me know if anything gets going
Not something I am interested in (as I live nearby) but I can foresee a few issues. However, if the price was to include a hose for washing the bike & filling bladders, access to a basic toolkit and lube/rags then you may be on to a winner. Also, can people access their bikes when you are not at home such as away on holiday?
I was just thinking how good this would be the other day but it got me thinking about other issues:
- If the bikes are stolen somehow who takes responsibility?
- Who has access to my bike?
- What happens if my bike somehow gets damaged while I am no around?
Ideally I would love something like this as it would get rid of having to carry my bike up and down the apartment block stairs.
... like bike thieves?
I'd encourage people to seriously consider the security and insurance issues associated with doing this. Most home and contents policies would be unlikely to cover any losses due to away-from-home storage. Is the OP going to fill that gap with his own special cover for his clientelle? Are they going to be enclosed so the bikes are out of the weather and out of sight?
The only attraction I can see is if you live away from Manly Dam, outside of reasonable riding distance (say 20km). The only problem is, then you can't use your bike at other times and if you want to go ride somewhere else, you have to drive or catch the bus out of your way to come get it first.
While this kind of thing works OK for surfboards, which most people are unable to ride to their place of use
, I would not be optimistic the idea will transfer well to mountain bikes.