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Great weekend!

Thanks everybody for the great weekend!
I loved every minute of it and thanks to kiwi boy and super girl I had the best time riding the 50km (even though I could feel my lack of riding over the last few months big time)! Nice pace and heaps of fun! I will especially miss your big sigh: "Hmmmmmm, oh dear!" at the start of every hill, kiwi boy. It made me laugh every time!
The track was quite nice (wish it had had a bit more of the nice single track through the forest)and after getting used to walking/riding through knee deep water every 10kms or so, no worries! Thanks to the weather gods the sun was shining like no tomorrow and getting wet wasn't a big deal.
The creek crossing, I feared so much, was very interesting! We had to walk through waist high cold water with muddy ground, carrying the bikes -trying at least to not get THEM all wet-! So glad I am not a cm shorter!! And even happier that I managed not fall in while alchemist was watching over all of us with is camera, hoping for the worst
Another highlight for me was my OTB caused by pure lack of speed and attention to where I was riding (on this most NON technical course ever)! I was so concerned with Andrew standing next to the track, looking like he was in pain, that I didn't see this tiny tree root on the ground. Because I was so slow, my bike just stopped and threw me flat face on the ground right in front of Brian's feet, hilarious!! As I said... always happy to make a fool of myself!
It was great to be back early and to be able to sit beside the finish to cheer for the others coming in. Hats of to everybody for doing the 100km, I didn't envy you one minute!! Congratulations to you speedy 50km and 100km finishers, very impressive!
Bernd I think you are amazing riding your super heavy bike up all those hills and carrying it through the water! I think I would have had to push up every little climb and probably would have drowned in the creek
Great weekend!
Thanks everybody, am looking forward to the whole palaver in two weeks at Ourimbah!
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for your kind words, Caro, but Pikey's bike is just as heavy as mine and he did push it along a "little" bit further!!
LEGEND'S they are!