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2007 Highland Fling

leximack's picture

By leximack - Posted on 21 July 2007

Sunday, 11 November, 2007 - 07:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Penrose State Forest
Ride Database Entry: 
Wingello State Forest
Meeting Point: 

Ferndale Oval Bundanoon


More details at

Who's in?
Rob, pikey, Peter R, Bernd, tienster, Buck, Paul, Andrew, evan, Nic, Caro, Truthman, Bruce, lorrie, kiwiboy, ar_junkie, leximack, leopafe, Steve 01, Andy Bloot, Carlgroover, Gary, raving_hippo, Deano, TheFrenchie (25 riders)
Rob pikey Peter R Bernd tienster Buck Paul Andrew evan Nic Caro Truthman Bruce lorrie kiwiboy ar_junkie leximack leopafe Steve 01 Andy Bloot Carlgroover Gary raving_hippo Deano TheFrenchie
What Happened?

Blog entries about this meeting (as this is a race standings and times are shown, click on the title for more and to comment)...

Who Title Status Time Pos.Gen. Category Pos.Cat.
Rob Fling Minus Some
Truthman My full fling report...
leximack Ouch
leopafe Fling = Big regret
Buck 2007 Half Fling
jedijunglesnow Fling for me
Caro Great weekend!

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
Andy Bloot's picture

so see how I go with 50k's

lorrie's picture

Although i have a sneaking suspicion that i may to be at the airport for a 5pm flight that day... I think both things are compatible??? haha


leximack's picture

you doing the 50 or the 100km Andrew


lorrie's picture

therefore I should be right for the plane flight - pity the person next to me!


leximack's picture

average riders (ie, no tree stump type legs) will do the 50 in 3 - 4hrs

jamess's picture

It should be my first event as long as i can get my lift down there organised with my dad and convince my mum that it is a good idea...
With a bit of luck I'll have convinced my friend to come along as well seeing as I agreed to do the Syd-Gong with him.
We'll be sticking to the half fling because of age restrictions Sad

shano's picture

...we are going to Bonny Doon!
...we are going to Bonny Doon! ah well Bundanoon is close enough!

Paul's picture


I thinking of doing the 100 (yes I have just returned from the pub). The way I look at it, at 15kph that's only 6 hrs and 40 minutes of pain, plus overnight in intensive care, a week of recouperation, a month of physio and 12 months waiting for next year.

Is that just madness and are there any other non-roid boys doing the 100 to keep me company.

alchemist's picture

6:40 is a respectable time, you'll still have half the field behind you to keep you company

Paul's picture

6:40 is riding time, add sustenance stops, possible mid race heart/lung transplant and a couple of latte's and the elapsed time will be 8 plus hours.

The more I think about it I had better pack my lights and a change of underwear.

alchemist's picture

Ah but you said 6 hour 40 minutes of pain, what makes you think the pain stops when you stop for a drink or a bit of food? Eye-wink

shano's picture

Eye-wink Anyone doing the hunnerd want to wear blue face pain...ala Braveheart Eye-wink

Paul will keep you company..I'm recovering from ligament damage ..
My training program consists of watching Highlander the Movie..there can be only ONE!
ach aye Smiling


Carlgroover's picture

I'm up for it, I had to bail from the Netti, so I'm up for the fling now, despite what I was thinking last time from around the 85km mark onwards, something about "what am I doing here and not another stuffing hill"

Bruce's picture

for the hundred, guess the next big one after this will be the ottway, anyone up for that one?

Rob's picture


Erm... I mean, "No thanks".

leximack's picture

This comment has been moved here.

Paul's picture

I've signed up for the hundred and paid my money so there's no backing out.

Shane you can have the blue face, mine will be red and puffy just like Cadel only older and no hair.

Paul's picture

Those of you that have done it before what are your suggestion for when to drive down, where to stay and when to travel home.

I was thinking that after 100k's I'd be cactus so I'm tempted to stay Sunday night to re-hydrate. I was also thinking that a comfy bed would beat a sleeping bag, but I'm happy yo go with the flow.

Caro's picture

Isn't the Fling the event they are trying to keep carbon neutral? I think I read in their last e-mail that they are organising a train froma dn to Sydney that can fit x no of people and bikes to have less people on the roads. Might be worth considering?
(On the other hand car pooling would be nice thinking of all the gear...)
Just a thought...

leximack's picture

my wife will most probably be working the sat so i have to be home to look after the 2 kiddies.
I will be driving down when she gets home, leaving sydney at about 5 or 5.30pm, then either camping sat night or staying with a friends mother in law who lives in bundanoon (friend is doing the fling also so will stay with him).
Then pretty much drive back straight after the race when my legs and lungs start to function again.


Carlgroover's picture

I camped last year and found it good as you camp right beside the event area, also you're allowed to park the car beside your tent, If not doing the train thing, then I think car pooling is the go especially from a safety point of view, as driving back alone after 100km race is not something I'd like to do.

Carlgroover's picture

Paul, for a comfy night's sleep I find a 50mm self inflating mattress pretty good, certainly much better than the std air mattress and you only use about 5 lung fills of air vs 500.

Rob's picture

Lookie here... in for the ton. Yay! Smiling

Now, let's try and not develop any mystery illnesses between now and then! Eye-wink

P.S. Anyone know of any accommodation which doesn't involve sharing a room with a human snoring earthquake or is above the noisiest pub in Australia?! Sticking out tongue

pikey's picture

....I didn't hear any snoring.

At least not over the f%#king disco in the bar below our room Eye-wink


Alex's picture

im thinking of entering but is anyone else whos slow, not very fit and on a heavy ass bike with 1 chainring planning on riding too?

Buck's picture

Well just signed up for the half Fling. Never done a race before so I'll see how I hold up.


tienster's picture

well, only Half Fling

any one driving down in the morning?


pikey's picture

I did my First 100 km Fling on a 18.5 kg downhill bike with dual crown forks, but I did have 27 gears. (I bit dumb but that was the only bike I had then)

What’s the longest you have or regularly ride? If you can comfortably do 40-50 km then give the 100 a go but you would need a middle cog, granny only would have you struggling.

And take plenty of food & water


Alex's picture

well ive got a 32 teether chainring, weight isnt a big deal cause ive never ridden a light xc style bike really so im used to it!, as for distance i think the most ive done is about 40 odd ks, but i think i could do more now, i usually ride about for about 3-4 hrs once a week on varying terrain, sometimes downhills, sometimes xc, sometimes both...i have ridden all day before, but i dont know the distance.. the only thing concerning me is cramping up beyond repreive!
also, i do find the lowest gear gets me up as steep a terrain ive ever "Wanted" to ride up Smiling

leximack's picture

for those attempting the fling in november the maps and profile are up

seems to be similar to last yr from what i can remember, according to the profile its 2100m of climbing.
the climb halfway through the second stage looks like a killer


Rob's picture

You mean Halfway Hill, at 34Km in Forests NSW stage? Nah Don, you'll be fine there - don't sweat it. Both Craig and I powered up there the first year, it's only 60-70m vertical. Laughing out loud

Buck's picture

Just looking at the profiles for the Fling. So I'm doing the Half Fling and that seems that it totals around 900m of climbing over 55km or so.

Now I had a look at some of Rob's Motion Based profiles for various rides and Perimeter/Long Trails have over 400m of climbing over 20 something km.

So if I can do Terrey Hills twice then would I safely say I'd be OK for the Half Fling?


leximack's picture

the 50km circuit at the fling is not too difficult
the climbs are not massive (ie none that you have to walk up or take 15mins to climb), but there are lots of little to med size climbs, 900m over 50km is not very much and achievable by most riders, there is no dirtworks style climbs that 99% of riders walk up. The circuit is generally smooth and allows for lots of rest opportunities also. There is a few flat dirt road sections that allow easy spinning also.
If you can do rides of 50-60kms at the moment on the mountainbike on any track you will be fine.
Take it easy and within your abilities and you will have fun


leopafe's picture

I’ve just signed up for the Full Fling (kind of crazy as I’ve never ridden 100kms before). I was truly thinking about doing the 50, but 900m of elevation is no longer a challenge and also the best part of the race seems to be the Forest and its sniggles (unavailable in the Half Fling). So that is it, I just hope to live to tell the tale…

See you all there.

Rob's picture

... those doing the 100K fling might like to look at the pics and profile from yesterday. Fling will be going through the 10-ish Km loop we did just before the 50Km mark. On their map it's shown as Virgin Blue Network and Tangles.

Oh, OK... pics, profile:

Caro's picture

So the single track through the forrest is part of the 50km?
Just checking, am a bit slow today Smiling

Rob's picture

Nope - the 50K fling course doesn't go to Wingello.

Paul's picture

I've pulled the plug on the Full Fling and I'm going the soft Half Fling option.

Part of me is disappointed, but I know one part of me that is going to be very happy I'll be spending only half the time on the bike seat.

ar_junkie's picture

Your training seemed to be going so well! What happened? Everytime I saw you on the trails you going at a rate of knots!

leximack's picture

the fling entry list is up.
have a look and make sure your name is there and in the right category


christine's picture

i am shocked, you have been a training Demon - bet you whip all the half flingers and do the best nobmob time!!!

Paul's picture

I had this great training plan mapped out with cross training, speed versus endurance rides and gradually building up the K's and time in the saddle peaking at the Mont and then into my taper ready to rock and roll in the Full Fling.

The problem was I forgot to take into account my wife, 2 kids under 5, the need to work for a living, domestic duties and there's only 24 hours in a day - bugger.

As this will be my first distance race I've decided to take it easy and next year when I'm in the SuperMasters class (sounds impressive) I might give the ton a go.

Bernd's picture

onya... and I have the same prob:
"The problem was I forgot to take into account my wife, 2 kids under 8, the need to work and travel for a living, domestic duties and there's only 24 hours in a day - bugger."

kiwiboy's picture

also going to pull the plug on the full fling - conflicting family engagements, lack of accommodation and worst of all not enuff training... 50k for us,
Plus, its kinda nice getting in when there are still folk around!!

leximack's picture

incase you didnt get it in your email, you can get the Fling Final event details here,

basically whats on there website in a pdf, nothing really new .
Full fling starts at 7.30am, breifing at 7.10am.


leximack's picture

anyone have a weather forecast fro the fling

all sites i have checked say showers all week including saturday, then clearing showers and sunny on sunday with 40% chance of rain, with min temp of 10 and max of 20. Sounds like it might be ok.
Anyone know what the track might be like after a full week of rain, i assume the wide open fire trail sections should dry up quickly but the foresty single track bits might be a tad boggy.


alchemist's picture

Most of the course is very sandy so mud shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Bernd's picture

Hi see link below, looks good to me, but coooool

Rob's picture

I beg to differ, some of the course is sandy. Some, like Fern Gully here, is like this:

Fern Gully

Hmmmmmm.... muuuuuud Eye-wink

Whisperer's picture

Hi all,
Got a taker for my entry - Andrew Davis & his wife, they are going to do a gruesome twosome.
Well on the mend now, but still clearing my head and chest (no more details required!)
Have fun, I'll be wishing I was there .... except of course if it is raining haggis and black pudding ;}


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