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Xmas BBQ

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
BBQ Area 1C, Manly Dam. Drive to King Street, Manly Vale then carry on into the picnic area. Will confirm just how far in 1C is later.
Just to set the date.
Have booked BBQ area 1C on Dec 15th. The area is reserved all day so the tentative time of 1PM is changeable. If we go for a midday ride (mad dogs and...?) and it's stinking a quick dip in the Dam might be very nice before some fud.
Sadly the covered areas like we had before were all gone but given our immense stash of poles and tarps and portable gazebos I'm sure the NoBMoB gang can do something about shade.
Things seemed to work out quiet well last time, so same deal again? Basically, BYO everything?

Were you there and have a story to tell?
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....Have a good time anyway
Away this weekend with the Family..catch you guys soon!
Damn I think I have the Army Christmas party that weekend!
I will confirm closer to the date
for our move next week...will get away if i can
Can't believe how many there are!
I'll be there complete with no sleep and one very tired body. Will see on the day if I can lift up my bike
Squid, there are no excuses in the Christmas season. There are hangovers and over-indulgence at every turn. Make sure you are there, as there's festivities to be had!!
I feel that given December is full of family (in my case bloody large) and work commitments, we should consider next year to have our xmas party in the last two weeks of November.
Although this is probably now getting off topic for this particular post
pass the Homebrew Shano ?
Ok it may be a little early but its Xmas...the brew will be a month ...drinkable
For riding before... do people prefer 9:30am or something (leaving time to go change/clean up after) or 11am (leaving time to rock up and eat smelling really bad)?
If it's a hot day we can take a dip in the dam to clean off anyhow.
Let's get a consensus and post a pre-BBQ ride
Early would be my choice, we could still meet up with anyone later for a second or third lap!
i am hoping to come along, the wifie is working that day but will come along with my 2 kiddies, will have my hands full with the kiddies so wont bbq, takeaway fish and chips might be a better option.
Any good takeaway/milkbars/fish&chip shops close to Manly Dam that anyone can recomend?
There is a good fish and chip shop in the Seaforth Shops. (If you are heading from the south side or Manly)
The New looking one between the Bank and the Chemist.
My wife and I had the crumbed fish on Monday and it was great.
It's a little more expensive than the average 'Greasy Joes' but worth it.
is my vote too, unless it's raining but it won't!
...I am moving on Saturday, so I won't be able to come. Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone. Looking forward to some riding in the new year. Cheers, Anke
i have to work now on sat early arvo
will see if i can do the ride and maybe not the bbq instead..bloody work grizzle grizzle
** yeh definantly out now.. anyone i dont see at the ourimbah ride on 22nd, have a great xmas and new year and no stacks! *touch wood for all lol*
hi all, i have never actually been inside the dam (only pedalled around it a few times), Is bbq area 1c easy to find?
dont want to aimlessly drive around.
Sorry folks, I have no idea where 1C is. Asked them for a map but it wasn't forthcoming. I do not it's not one of the undercover areas (don't worry - will be bringing a tarp for shade/cover) but aside from that... well... please just wonder round and find us, it's not that big a place.
Should be able to get there sometime around 1 or just after, look forward to seeing you all
Hi all!
Thanks for an excellent day!
Loved the ride, the BBQ, swimming, seeing everybody again or for the first time, just the whole lot
Thanks so much Rob for organising!!
Good night
Mitchell and I enjoyed our 1st trip around the dam and Bantry bay with a great turnout of about 20 people. I could get very used to having a beer and a dip straight after a hot ride, Also great to get to know everyone a bit better at the BBQ.
The social ride/swim/beer/BBQ has a lot going for it.
Thanks John.
"Believe it or not, non-cyclists sometimes think they have something interesting to say!"
Thanks to all for the turn out, a great ride, cool dip in the lake, good crowd, and great times.
It was especially great to see some of the new guys out on a ride with us for the first time. Good to see you out there... plus there are no excuses not to turn up for another one!!
Merry Christmas!!
Hey everyone.
Sorry I couldn't make the BBQ (biiig night/morning) but great to hear you had such a good turnout. Hope to catch up with you on a ride some time soon.
All the best and Merry Xmas to you all if I don't see you before then!
didn't get back from kiwiland till 4pm so was unable to make the BBQ.
Sounds like it was a great day..
thank you too to everyone for a great day - just so much fun! I agree with Liam - good to meet 'newbies and Lurkers!!!'
...hey! Bernd - you should have been there- Shano made THE BEST home brew!!!
a challenge. Well Bernd, you in?