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Husky vs Fling

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
I was wondering if anyone could share their opinion on the husky vs fling. I did the husky last month and it was my first 100km. Took me 7 hrs... Anyway a few riders said to do the fling and its a great enduro which I've now entered but I've heard since then it's a much tougher ride than the husky and a lot more climbing. That's cool if it is but if anyone can share their experiences I can suss out how much I really need to step up the training. Cheers all.
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I've done both more than once, and I've actually found the Husky harder. Mainly due to the mud which can be mentally tough, but also due to the relative flatness - it's pretty relentless with not much in the way downhill cruising to catch your breath. But more training makes things more fun regardless!
The two Flings I've done I rate as very slick events all round.
The riding is probably tougher but I rate it as a much better (and hence more enjoyable) course.
the Full Fling is actually about 110km. There are more climbs (including the dreaded wall and "halfway" hill) and some of the sniggle is more techy than the Husky. Overall more variety and a real festival atmosphere makes it a great marathon or half marathon. An interesting creek crossing as well, especially when there's been some rain before the event
The fling with its extra climbing around 2200m compared to around 1500m with the husky, takes its toll, especially on the last third of the course.
The difference with the husky, is once you pass the 60km mark it is mainly fireroad and downhill. with the fling at around 60km you hit halfway hill, and then you still have some more climbs, techy single track and grassy farm paddocks to negotiate.
For the fling, I would be tring to get in some solid 4 - 5 hours rides on your leadup to he race, and try to aveage at least 100km a week on the bike (road or mtb) to get your base fitness up. Of course if you do more things only get easier - train hard race easy !
I haven't done the husky but the fling was a good track. I was warned about 'The Wall' so I made sure I had something left for when I got to it, I think it's the last big obstacle you need to save energy for so you can bring it home strong after that (someone correct me if I'm wrong). I find it good to have some goals like this to aim for during the marathons.
If you wanted an easier 100km (even as a part of Fling training) then you could try the Back Yamma Big Foot.
Comments on 2011's BYBF:
Is a lot harder by a long way imo.
Keep more in the tank for after the Wall, that climb up Grass Mur is a killer when your 90km or so into the race not to mention you need to have something in the legs for the Rollercoaster backwards as well, because that is a impossible when your cramping.
Thanks for your comments guys. Appreciate it. Sounds like it will be a great event and a good test too. Love the sound of Halfway hill and the wall. That sounds soooo much fun lol. Anyway see you out there, I've got some training to do.