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Weekdays, Oxford falls DH
I've yet to experience oxford falls for myself,, but i'm keen to...
Only problem is I work most weekends so It would be hard for me to meet up with you guys on your satuday and sunday rides...
Is anyone out there keen to ride Oxford DH on weekdays,
It would be great to hook up some shuttle action too.
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I was just browsing another forum today and the DH track may not be what it used to be anymore.
still all up? I only ask because i drive up Oxford Falls Road on my way to work and there was loads of wooden piles all along there and i wondered if either it has been a drop off for more of the north shore things or if someone (thing) had destroyed all the downhill stuff there...
If everyone reads the post on, all of Oxford Falls has been removed bar small shore parts and timber.
Thats bad but,
Apparently a rider was hurt, fracturing 3 bones in his face (while wearing a full-face) when he was riding at Oxford Falls on the Monday or Tuesday after vandals a few weeks back had ruined some of it and then later had demolished most of the shore lines.
The council was apparently not involved until there was a call saying there was rubbish (pallets) in the bushes that needed removing.
This sucks...
This always seeems to happen to me, I find out about dh track only to find out its been shut down...
So is it still rideable? or worthwhile riding?
What other options are there around sydney (particularly south)
I hope the dude who got hurt is ok...
really? we were there only a couple of weeks ago, and there was more north shore stuff there then i had ever seen, so much so it was practically unridable for me anyway, like 20ft gap jumps, big bridge drops etc etc...good luck finding b-lines too! not surprised someone had an injury of that magnitude there!..
nik, we enjoyed the red hill downhill trail (grizzly's glory), alot more, and is just around the corner..still some big stuff, few gaps, skinny's drops etc, but not quite so motox-ish!..anyway, ill give you a heads up next time i/we get down there if you like, might not be till the new year though. ourimbah is the favourite for me but thats definantley not south! i often have weekdays off myself..cant speak for south dh tracks, i know there are sure flynny and alchemist would know, they seem well informed.. i here of some stuff at menai way, but not sure..
occured because the woodwork had been taken away. Natural launch, to wooden landing no longer there.
Lesson in this is always scope out a trail before hitting it full pelt.
I can vouch for the Red Hill DH during the week if anyone would want to go
Yep its all gone the rangers came an removed all of the palet's and north shore construction .
I will post a photo up I found of what's left of the double kicker under engine block which went down to the wall ride
All though it is a bummer for the crew that hit it you have to admit the bush looks better without all that crap everywhere .
I was a bit dissapointed when I was up there last week , after the trailhead cleanup I organised (thanks to all that helped that day) there was so much rubbish up there again from the young DH guys , a huge pile of Maca,s rubbish red bull cans etc .
oh well
a piece in the Manly Daily yesterday about it saying that the council didn't do it - maybe someone should tell the Farkin guys that... I read their posts yesterday and they are not happy with the council!!
all the wood is gone from the side of the road now...
But I think a lot of that man made stuff takes away from the serenity of riding in the bush.
Besides, I remember riding up around that area over 10 years ago when none of that stuff was there, and I'm glad it's gone.
yeh it does make it about as flowy as a cement puddle
Browsing today and saw this
For another perspective
Now just to find someone to build it so I can watch others ride it
Is that guy crazy? Did you see the size of the last jump? The only way I would attempt the last "fly" would be if I was wearing a Michelin Man suit. And probably not even then. Thumbs up to him though. Brave fellow.
from a section of trail built for NW8. I found the pics on
actually just saw nwd8, there are some incredible camera angles on that it is really worth a watch, i rate it heaps above the other nwd's..that bit with the north shore lines is crazy, mind you there are some flying gap jumps in it that are s^%$ your pants insane!
Yeap that could be the sad end to some great lines at the falls. Although not for everyone the wooden sunts did provide a great environment for those of us who like to jump & drop in a relatively progressive way. What do i mean by that? ok most stunts had easy lines that you could take to get it right before you actual hit the big stuff. I dont know anyone who hit the big stuff straight off (they would be pretty crazy to do that). Even before the big jumps you had a small jump that you would hit and make sure that you are dialled before hitting the big stuff. So believe it or not there was a method behind the layout. I hope that answers the questions about the lines. Back to the topic....
Why the jumps were removed. The council is saying that this was done by the landowners, in this case the aborigal land council. Due to public liability issues? Anyway that is the best info that i have had.
I was not exactly impressed by the way that it was done, as no signage was left to indicate that structures have been removed. Some sections people tend to hit with speed and with little warning that the downramps are not there can only equal problems. As one guy in hospital has found out. Yeah yeah i know look before you leap, however some of the young guys are just keen to "pin it" rather than "check it"...Not everybody has equal levels of common sense.