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Oxford Falls
Access from Morgan Rd Fire Trail
All - Having never ridden Oxford falls.
Can I access Wakehurst Parkway, from the Deep Creek eastern end of the trail. (Legally of course).
Or do I simply turn around and ride the way in.
Ready for oxford falls
Hey guys
looking for some expert advice. I am a bit bored of manly dam so want to go to oxford falls. However im not sure if im ready. I have been off 6-7 foot drops,does that mean i can go? or should i wait till im better. I m not gonna lie im pretty nervous. Really appreciate some feed back.
Clean-up Australia Day 4th March - Oxford Falls
We love our tracks and work hard to keep them great.
On the March the 4th, help us doing a little garbage cleaning on the Oxy downhill tracks and the road (Morgan Rd) back up.
If you can make it on Sunday the 4th it would be great, but if not, perhaps you can help by taking a little of the litter home with you when you ride the area.
See more details at:
(sign-up at)
Meet: Carpark on Morgan Rd, at turn off to model airfield
Mountain biking Oxford falls
So, I've looked at the trails which are at oxford falls and it seems most of them seem to be illegal. I've been looking for some singletrack and i was wondering if there was any out at Oxford Falls. Also for the downhill trail, I ride a hard-tail but love to do small trails is it possible to get down without destroying my bike. I've seen some videos and it seems the first past has jumps which look ok for a hardtail. Would i have to turn back afterwards? or is there a way around all the drops.
oxford falls
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Morgan Road, Belrose. At the second 90 degree right hand bend in the road. There's an area just before you can park and a firetrail heading off to the left.... i guess. if anyone wants to change this we can accommodate.
Hey guys. Just trying to organise a ride at oxford falls for the 9th of april. I will be making my way there from sydney city so if anyone wants to tag along for the trip you are more than welcome. Details are ready to chance (apart from date) to accommodate for you.
Oxford Falls Pallet
Hi - does anybody know what happened to the pallet jump on the road track - one of my mates rode last week and said it was missing?
Oxford Falls and Red Hill Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Area Forum
Not sure this is big news, but wanted to share these events just to let everyone know that various parties are still (always) working towards better trail access in the area.
Last night (Aug 16, 2010) a number of riders, members of the local bike industry, conservation group members, a representative from the traditional owners, National Parks Staff and Councillors met at Warringah Council for an open forum. The topic of debate was mainly Narrabeen Lagoon catchment which encompasses the riding areas at Red Hill and Oxford Falls (the latter being mostly unauthorised of course).
Vandalism: ban all drivers!
Re the NPWS pathetic response to removal of the "no access" barriers at Oxford Falls I noticed this article (and an editorial) in Today's The Manly Daily and cannot resist the urge to say here what the NPWS would undoubtedly already be advising the Police:
Ban all drivers from all roads in NSW. Now!
Oxford Falls closed sections: where is this heading?
I went for a ride at Oxford Falls (Morgan Road) yesterday, in the rain, very early. I haven't been there for 5 years so I was a tad uncertain about where all the tracks are and how they'd look, although I used to ride there pretty regularly so I did know my way about in a general sense.