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The Grove Bike Park CLOSED down.

Took my boys to the Grove Bike Park at Seaforth the other day to see a sign put up by Manly Council saying it was closed due to vandalism. I can't find out any other information about it on the web. I'm really not sure what that means - you can still just walk in and use it. Has the council just decided to stop funding it? Given it only opened about 18 months ago, it seems like a strange decision.... especially given the distinct lack of any evidence of vandalism.
Can anyone throw some light on that decision? Or suggest who we can push for a better statement than simply 'Its Closed'.
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That does seem odd considering it's recent rebuilding and opening!
We have been in liaison with Manly Council since before it opened due to safety concerns about the finishing details of the track. These were raised with us by the user group that worked with Council to establish the site.
Two main issues are the surface and the shape of the jumps. Particularly the more advanced line which experienced riders and professional builders advise needs to be altered.
Council for the last 1.5 years have avoided responding to us directly and continue to side step it and change the topic in their responses.
Council have now told me it was shut after someone modified the jumps which in their words were similar in shape to Castle Cove. The Castle Cove shape is safer, they just don't need to be as big at the Grove. This is one of the points they have been ignoring.
This is ironic because in a previous public meeting they also held up pictures of the Grove and Castle Cove stating there was no need to change the Grove as they couldn't see any difference between them.
Council also tells us the problem is the insurer. However our discussions with the insurance industry indicates that the issue isn't with them. For example Castle Cove is actually insured by the same insurer.
Councils most recent response did not provide an indication of when the Grove might be reopened.
They also told us that further discussion on safety with them was pointless. It is highly disappointing that their risk manager does not see the need to address avoidable risk and obvious safety concerns expressed by qualified people.
Councils opinion on jump design and safety differs from some of the most experienced dirt jumpers in Northern Sydney some of whom are ex World Cup riders or professional trail builders.
The Grove construction was finished by Manly Council staff following unresolved disputes with some of the user group and builders.
Why doesn't this response surprise me. Henry Wong ... The AntiCyclist.
I can't believe they renewed his contract. What they did (led by him) to Norman Monshall (cycling committee) was disgusting and they still haven't adequately apologised to him, despite an independent finding demonstrating their treatment of him was abusive and ordering an apology.
IMBA Australua facebook page was listing current projects.
For Warringah Council they had
Manly Dam loop Assesment and DJ feasability study.
Im not sure if they are planning DJ at the Manly Dam or if this is related to the Grove. Thought it was worrh a mention.
Thanks for making more people aware of this. It's been ticking over in the background.
We met with IMBA during their audit of Manly Dam and suggested they take a look at some DJ sites.
The DJ study is for a new facility, the riders from Freedom and TrailCare have been working with Warringah to find a new, better and official site that is wholly on Warringah Council land. IMBA reviewed the shortlist following initial feedback from riders on a number of sites.
There's two ovals. One is never used so could be repurposed. If the Bantry Bay trails ever go ahead you'd then have an awesome loop with some dirt jumps in the middle of it.
Throw in a kids park and a Cafe, have the gate opened during the day ( but locked at sun set... also a stop sign and some traffic management at the top of the hill) and we'd have a great asset for the Forest area of the North Beaches.