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Fright of my life

Well Loz and I went for a ride in Cascades this morning. Bumped into Sean, Steve and Bruce at the head of the trail too.
Anyway on our way out of there we were heading down this slope and Loz was leading me by probably 2-3m when he shouted out something. I thought he said spiders as he always does when we ride at night in summer. But nope turns out he was yelling SNAKE!
Well Loz nearly ran over its tail and the snake doubled back to have a go at him as he pedalled furiously away.
That left me all of 3m to realise what he had shouted. Since the snake had doubled back I was heading right for it. I snatched at the brakes and was doing a bit of a stoppie as it was downhill and I grabbed so much front brake. Gracefully unclipped, ditched the bike on the snake and ran away down the trail after Loz like a big girl
I think it looked a bit like this one but cant be sure as I was too busy running away lol
Anyways lived to ride another day. But boy did that get the heart going.
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