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Have you tried our new Trails Finder?

As we mentioned a while back the trails DB on this site has had a bit of work done recently. With points of interest and other features now able to be classified we've been able to build a complete trails finder page.
On there, you can filter and search by features and instantly see on the map where those trails are.
Currently it's possible to filter on level of trail difficulty and other features. A few examples might be:
- Downhill and freeride riders will probably want to look for black and double black trails.
- Beginners might look for green and white trails.
- Those without a vehicle might look for trails accessible by train.
Hope everyone finds this useful and any suggestion are always welcome. Would anyone find the ability to filter by distance of track in the trail network useful, for example?
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Good work Rob. Thankyou.
Great work, I'll have to do some more updates to my local trails.
G'day Rob, Having a bit more of a play now on a PC. I have had some thoughts and ideas.
While it is possible to find DH trails by filtering for diamonds, you still get other results like Mount Annan for example which is not a DH trail. I think there is still a need for a DH and XC filter.
I loaded to see what would happen and I loved the page with its focus on just the local area with the filter options. On NobMob I think it would be great if the rides page was merged with the ride-finder page. On Nobmob you could have the large map off all rides instead of just the Northern Beaches focus and have the list of all rides down the side, then you could click on a Location Catergory such as Northern Beaches or Blue Mountains for example and the map would then just focus on that local area. Kind of like another filter. Maybe it could default on the Northen Beaches map with link for a Top Catergory eg "NSW" so you could zoom out and see all the rides, future potential for other states eg QLD, VIC, etc.
On Bmorc, I think the ride-finder map with filters would be better than the current local map.
I know what you mean about DH, etc.
Thing about Mt Annan showing up for blacks - that has to be a data error, right? Someone has marked the 'Advanced loop' there as black. Is that really correct?
To find DH, XC, FR etc. tracks we'd have to have another type of tag on each one. It's doable, but was hoping not to have to do that as it's more data to maintain and (see above) we seem to have plenty to do just to clean up what's here
Maybe one day we can merge the 'rides' and 'ride-finder' stuff. But 'rides' was specifically left to spiel on about specific things for the area the site is meant to cover, where as the 'ride-finder' is more of an explorer of other areas too.
Something not related to the (great) trails database, but the red color on the links is quite dark and not underlined… so its hard to see there is a link in a paragraph. I would suggest to underline the link, and make it a more bright red – and the a:hover status no underline and pink of course
There is a chance my browser is playing up (he does strange other things), so I will let another user confirm.
+1 to create the DH tag. To my point of view, DH and XC are very different sports and I'm getting over watching DH videos when the preview thumbnail look like a XC/AL video… but that's on Pinbike and it's about videos, sorry it's Friday evening.
The rock roll down and a few other parts are black maybe but there is another line and 30 min a lap if you arent racing is not do able on the full loop maybe on the green at a social pace .
The last loop at Mt Annan is actually signposted black Diamond. It was going to be more technical but they dumbed it down for races. It is also incomplete. The final downhill firetrail is only a temporary solution. There is more Singletrack planned for the descend back down the hill, I recently confirmed this is still on the books. I believe they still have plans for a 4X track also.
... the newest loop (northern end) is rated black on the Gardens' web site. Definitely not as black as OMV's black bits though!
Great resource Rob.
I think some "total distance" details where that is readily discernible and some "links with" details where trails are in close proximity to other trails might be useful if that is do-able. Or at least provide some fields for those items and let the troops fill them in.....