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Capital Punishment 2014

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
The Ride Canberra site describes the main forest entrance as being the corner of Kowan Road and Sutton Roads. There is a parking area 5km into the forest along Kowan road with gates that may be locked. Call Canberra Connect (13 22 81) for the combinations or ride from Sutton Road for a warm up.
Capital Punishment is the mountain bike enduro that takes in Canberra's best single track. It includes a 50km and 100km options. This is the only time you can link it all together - Kowen Forest, Majura Pines, Black Mountain and Mt Stromlo.
It is not too hilly and if it is dry it is fast and fun! There is the festival at the finish which includes jumping castles and a kids race. And to top it all off there is the After Party and Presentations at the Crowne Plaza.

Blog entries about this meeting (as this is a race standings and times are shown, click on the title for more and to comment)...
Who | Title | Status | Time | Pos.Gen. | Category | Pos.Cat. |
jp | The faster I get, the faster they get. | Finished | 02:10:48 | 46 | 50Km/Male/Masters | 14 |
andyfev | Virgin Capital Punishment | Finished | 02:38:26 | 246 | 50Km/Male/Masters | 83 |
Lach | It doesn't get any easier... | Finished | 02:48:19 | 311 | 50Km/Male/Masters | 23 |
Antsonline | Capital Punishment - Elite | Finished | 03:28:42 | 7 | 100Km/Male/Elite | 7 |
Tristania | Punishment with a Capital P | Finished | 03:47:33 | 29 | 100Km/Male/Open | 1 |
Dicko | Solid Start to 2014 | Finished | 03:49:52 | 33 | 100Km/Male/Masters | 3 |
Blades_Utd | Capital Punishment 2014 | Finished | 03:57:18 | 51 | 100Km/Male/Veteran | 12 |
nh | What a great event | Finished | 04:06:58 | 88 | 100Km/Male/Open | 25 |
sly_artichoke | Capital Punishment - Super Masters | Finished | 04:15:06 | 118 | 8 | |
garyinoz | First Time CP | Finished | 04:31:53 | 180 | 100Km/Male/Masters | 51 |
twotommos | First Capital 2014 | Finished | 04:36:08 | 203 | 100Km/Male/Masters | 60 |
Fatboy | My Family Weekend in Canberra with a Race thrown in | Finished | 04:36:18 | 204 | 100Km/Male/Masters | 62 |
Hasbeen Racing | Respect | Finished | 04:56:41 | 302 | 94 | |
Pete B | First time 100k | Finished | 05:01:45 | 337 | 100Km/Male/Open | 100 |
StevieG | First stab at a 100km event | Finished | 05:46:05 | 526 | 100Km/Male/Open | 162 |
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For the 50km. Was going to do the 100 but decided to have a crack at the Maverick series and see if I can get a decent placing in the 50km category. Only 10 weeks til race day...
Hey JP - if I were you, I would double check that there is actually a 'series' for the 50km / 1/2 distance races within the Maverick Series this year.
My understanding (which may be now incorrect) was that they would only have a 50m series score for the junior catagories.
Like I said - I could be wrong.
On a separate subject - you should have a crack at the 100km's - you'd be fine and would probably enjoy it. The Cap Pun is a beauty over 100km.
The following categories are included in the Maverick Marathon Series for both males and females:
Marathon Champion (the Top Guns!)
(Awarded to the fastest male and female in any category in the Marathon Distance)
- Open/Prime (18-29yrs)
- Veteran (30-39yrs)
- Masters (40-49yrs)
- Vintage (50-59yrs)
- Grand Masters (60yrs and over)
Half Marathon:
- Junior (16-17yrs)*
- Open/Prime (18-29yrs)
- Veteran (30-39yrs)
- Masters (40-49yrs)
- Vintage (50-59yrs)
- Grand Masters (60yrs and over)
*Age categories are determined by your age on the 15th of March, 2014 (the date of the first race in The Series)
My bad - the organisers obviously changed some plans.
Its interesting that 18-29 is called 'Prime' as I will happily bet the top 5 places in the series are all 'Vets', in fact I reckon 80% of the top 20 in the series will be Vets.
I'm massively charged up for this season, and the series. Cant wait to get racing!
How appropriate...
Skinny tyre
Spoked wheels
Need a crank to get started
Personally I prefer "Super Masters"
Can leap small trail obstacles with a single wheeze...
Thanks for the vote of confidence Anthony, I'll give it some thought. Although I'm sitting here feeling totally smashed after riding only 40 km this morning. I did push it pretty hard though. Don't you love that post ride coffee when you've totally smashed yourself?... And with friends arriving here in two hours there will be a few recovery beers in the sun this afternoon!
Interesting that there appears to be no elite category for the series ? Is this right ?
Makes the vererans age category damn competitive !
Seems strange that the age category is the date of the first race when normally it is the last or EOY. I guess it is the Maverick series though
Looks like I'm in vets for another year.
...about these catagories, and not sure how it will work without an 'Elite' category.
The reason I say this is because the races within the series have Elite catagories, as well as age-group cats.
Lets imagine (and it is possible given how much more tactical the Elite races are becoming) that an age-group rider records a faster time than the fastest Elite rider.
Who 'wins'?
I'll check in with the race promoters for a bit of clarification......
Anyone know if there is any event camping available? From the CP website I'm assuming not other than dedicated camping sites that operate in the local area.
Has anyone used the Crowne Plaza rooms? Are they available for just a single night booking or is there a minimum stay of 2 nights?
Just signed up for the 100. Looking forward to my first full marathon.
Good luck champ, I just entered the 50km. This will be the only time I am quicker to finish a race than you (forget the distance discrepancy it doesn't count
If I'm not quicker I'll be taking up chess or something like that
Hanging out for this race just did the Andersen and oaks run this morning with my mate both trying to get some fitness up for the 100 , was an epic training ride
I've stayed at the Crowne Plaza before an event...ask for a quiet room, high floor #, as last time we could hear the noise on the road. Otherwise it was great.I've booked there again for this event and taking the fam.
How is everyone's training going? Just 4 weeks to go now... 3 training weekends.
All going well thanks JP!
I might suggest (if people are interested) in looking at doing either the CCOMTB club race at Ourimbah this sunday, or / and the Rocky Trail 4hr (either as a solo or as a team) the following Saturday.
Both would be great prep. Take the final weekend to yourself, then get ready to race!
I had a good start to my 7 week training plan but then on my training ride last Tuesday I just couldn't get my HR above 160bpm. Woke-up the next morning to a raging sore throat, which explains the night before! Haven't trained since hoping to be recovered for a session on Thursday... Gonna have to play catch-up which is difficult when fitness is not forthcoming!
Great tip regarding club race Ants, I've been toying with the Awaba one then tonight I read there's a backwards route planned... Now I'm interested
Might have a stab at my first ever solo Rocky 4hr to get the distance in the legs
My plan fell in a hole last week with a minor injury and a wet weekend. Back on the bike this morning and all good. I've a 100k road event this weekend so that'll get me back on track.
As this is my first marathon my primary goal is to finish. Secondary goal is to beat my team mates
. Definitely on track for the first but I suspect there's a bit of secret training happening that will make the second more of a challenge!
Well my training is going mostly to plan, just a couple of rain interruptions this week! I'm heading down to Canberra this weekend to do a bit of training at Stromlo, in particular to re-familiarise myself with the skyline/luge descent.
One thing I have been focusing on over the last two weeks is doing proper recovery rides. I tend to do hill repeats/intervals/tempo training in the morning, then my ride home from work in the evening is supposed to be an easy recovery ride. So I've been trying to get more disciplined about taking it very easy on the ride home, and not be tempted to push myself so hard so that I'm too fatigued to train properly the next morning.
Antsonline has made this point many times- there's no such thing as over training, just under recovering. And I recently saw a video with Mark Fenner saying that a true recovery ride shouldn't stress any of your energy systems. So I've been riding slower hoping that it will make me faster!
Looking forward to the race and catching up with some NobMobbers.
Cheers, JP.
+1 for recovery rides JP
So after a month in Thailand where the best I could do was running, walking and core strength, and then a bit of illness the week after returning, I've finally got my mental training program under control. Hammering the road bike on base, high intensity and recovery rides, this isn't the time the experience is the most fun but that's all made up for in anticipation of the event. The MTB has had a bit of fun on Great North Road with a tiring 65km ride there with a race simulation finish from the bottom of Shepherd's Gully to the Ferry - 9km in 16 minutes!
So what does GFF stand for? Simple. Get Fit Fast. The only way to ready oneself for a race in four weeks!
And only 2 training weekends to go...
I'm already looking forward to a better result next year
... for the 50. Half XCM's are usually a bit more civilised than that
Might have to have a nap before driving down Friday arvo.
Hope it doesn't mean they expect it to be hot. As I was reminded today, I don't go so well when it gets really warm. And humid.
Start list is up
I know what you mean Lach - 7:00am start meant I was finished by 9:16 last year... So a lot of waitng around for the Elites and friends doing the 100km. And a very long wait for the presentations at 3pm. But I understand why they do it - they want to avoid bottlenecks coming down Stromlo. The fast riders come down a lot faster than the 50km tail-enders, and it can become very dangerous.
I'll be starting in a later wave and taking a bit longer than you, so it's not so much the waiting time, it's more the getting up really early after driving down the night before
It's tempting to miss the 6.40am rider briefing as a) I've rarely heard anything I hadn't already got from the rider briefing document, and b) they usually repeat anything important before each wave.
I remember 2 years ago they had a real problem with the late 50's holding up the elite 100's on the way down from Stromlo, so I understand the rationale. I guess us 50's are just a bit of collateral damage to the main event....
At least it means I can get back to Sydney in reasonable time for a nephew's engagement party. I don't expect to be troubling the presentation ceremonies by my absence...
Plate numbers and start wave groups now available
Last training weekend. Hope the weather's good and everyone manages to get a decent ride in.
For me it will be 50km at "race pace" under race conditions - no stops, race nutrition etc. Quarry track for the hills, OMV for the skills, and a couple of roads to link it all up.
What's your plan for the weekend?
A long road ride for me, it's more about time in the saddle at the moment. If I lived closer to a trail I'd do the time on my mtb but with limited time for riding this weekend, I'll have to settle for the black top.
High tempo road ride for me too but on the MTB. Will be heading out to West Head & Akuna.
Can't wait for next weekend
... a reasonably high effort 45 km from St Ives to the end of the Long Track and back yesterday, via as much sniggle as could be managed, followed by a more leisurely 60km today with a mate on road and bike paths out to Parramatta and then back via the M2 bike path detour to get a few hills in.
Probably a short spin Mon or Tues then a bit of bike fettling and hopefully good to go.
BOM currently showing a few showers likely in the 'bra next week, but a fine day for Saturday. Let's hope it stays that way!
My training has been very concentrated due to my being in Thailand until early Feb and being off the bike due to illness immediately after. Three weeks of solid effort, each weekend having a hard-out long ride.
Did a 65 GNR ride two weeks back, then 70km 3 gorge road ride last week and today hit a variation on the two gorges road ride on the MTB including a good bunch of singletrack work, leveling to 80km. Time for some R&R to prepare for race day!
I'm keen. It's the first MTB race in four months and it's well worthwhile so train, rest and recover hard now!
I went out on Saturday and today and rode my bike.
Sometimes, I went as fast as I could go.
I've a race on Tuesday night which will be my last hard session. Easy day weds, day off Thurs. 60mins spin on Friday morning.
Bike is clean, everything is ready.
Possible broken toe, possible broken finger, front brake squealing like a bansheee....
(Finger from mtb incident, toe from kicking wall accidentally. Repeated efforts on brake seem to work and then squeal returns.)
Car Pool anybody?
Hi, does anybody have a spare seat in the car? I am looking for a lift. I am at Lidcombe.
It's a real challenge getting to the 100km start so early....and the whole notion of "get a mate to drop you off" thing wasn't particularly met with great enthusiasm....might as well ride to the start....hehehehe
Has anyone got a GPS Trace of the 2013 50km route they wouldn't mind sharing? The course is apparently pretty much unchanged this year.
Wet or dry lube?
(For the chain)
Dry on the chain. Wet on the chamois.
Just completed my final training session. Can't wait
So the training is done, the bike has been serviced and prepared, and I'm leaving for Canberra straight from work at about 2 PM tomorrow. Saturday weather is looking okay, at least in the morning.
So what do you do for inspiration just prior to a race? Personally, I like to watch footage of cross country races. There's a great selection on Red Bull TV of World Cup XCO replays. Or there are films like 24 solo, where Gordo tries to kill himself.
What's your source of inspiration?
Red wine.
I need to relax, not get hyped up! The more hyped, the more nervous, the less I sleep, the less I will want to eat breaky on the day, the more of a kn0b I will be to my loved one! Mostly, the worse I race.
Red wine, no talk of racing or cycling at home - which can be hard when Kyle is here. Then I'll get inspired as we get into the car on Sat morning, put on some music, and be as relaxed as possible the whole time.
and then - BANG.
I'm getting to my last years in the over 50's and want a good base to hit the over 60's with....
That and I reckon it's fun and a lot better than lawn bowls.....
And if I stop riding I'll probably need to have a knee replacement so I can get some decent exercise some other way.
And red wine. And the beer after a race....
After 2 months off the bike and only being back on it for a few weeks I have only one goal tomorrow - to get to Stromlo before the kiddies races start. My daughter turned 5 a couple of weeks ago and we gave her a bike. She'll be easy to spot as she's most likely the only one racing with training wheels on and will more than likely be carrying food and toys in the basket hanging from the front of her bars. My 6yo son will be out to do better than last year where he crashed heavily and spilt blood...
Who knows for me. Generally the focus is pretty intense study around any event and being able to study hard knowing that the race is the escape from study usually does it for me. That and having a nice casual ride the day before, and spending time talking to other competitors helps rev me up. Going to leave Hornsby around midday so will hopefully be in Canberra with enough time for a casual ride this afternoon to ensure both my bike and I are in good working order!
Capital Punishment is the Cape Epic Prologue for me.
I finish work at 3pm, which will mark the start of the biggest MTB challenge for me to date.
Travel to South Africa next week, to start the Cape Epic the following Sunday. So, like Tristan, tomorrow is a pre race checkup to ensure that me and the bike are in good working order.
Bring it on !
P.S. Can you tell i am a little bit excited.
This is just your warm up, WD & BT!
My thoughts will be with you in the coming two weeks, but wishing you all the best for your CE Prologue
Unfortunately I'm sitting this one out as recovering from a slight mishap last weekend. I'll be all good for the Cape Epic which is good though.
There's going to be some serious fast times posted by nobmobers this weekend
The have live results. I'll be refreshing the page like mad