Thanks for making me feel so old, back in the days xc and dh riders could just change their big chainring to compete in the different events.
I remember reading an article at the time on how to convert your xc bike to race dh, hardly recommended for the dh races these days, you just needed to drop your saddle a bit put a bigger chain ring on and maybe a chain tensioner and you were ready to compete.
John Tomac is still the greatest all round mountain biker to have swung his leg over a bike.
Submitted by Muffin Man on Mon, 10/03/2008 - 16:59.
Jimmy Deaton was also the pioneer of...BLACK SOCKS!! No more white roady socks thanks very much. Cully brought bmx style and air time to dh, tomac...what can one say - legend, and Jason McRoy was a legend and styled up dh in a big way, foot out drifting and looking like a demon, Rest In Peace JMC.
They were the days when men were men. Although I was but a boy. Oh well. We used to take our bar-ends off and drop our seats to race downhill on our xcountry race bikes. It was the norm and a total blast. Race dh on sat and xcounty on sun (I think?), or sometimes both in the same day for club events if I remember correctly. Awesome.
On a sad note, they still wear skin suits at the dh worlds............... shame, shame, shame.
i had the pleasure of being absolutely flogged by him in my first ever mountain bike race in 1989. it was a nemba ( north of england mtb association) we did a weekends riding. saturday consisted of an observed trial event followed by a downhill race( the event in which i was paired with him, both on fully rigid bikes, mine a 'GT tequesta') then sunday was a three lap xc ride. all the points were added together for a full weekends result so if you you werent an all round rider then it was hard luck! luckily i was average at trials and downhill so i placed about 12th for my first ever mountain bike race which i was stoked about. unfortunately that was about the best result ive ever had!!! also on squidly's vid, the commentator mentioned Mcroy was a scott. unless ive been dreaming all these years. im sure he was a geordie ( from newcastle) please correct me if im wrong!
Submitted by Muffin Man on Tue, 11/03/2008 - 16:38.
Wow, that's really, really cool, you are very lucky!! JMC was one of my idols when I started riding.
Was that the GT that was black with sort of white 'tiger stripes' all over it? Those old school GT's rocked, best paint jobs, Hans Rey also did so much for their image back then.
Yeah, I didn't think JMC was Scottish either..?
Haha, Chainsmoke was a great vid, although I'm still unsure who those diamond back riders were??? Funny how those old vids had a bit of everything in them. Randy lawrence only got in that vid because he was Palmer's girlfriend.
There was a movie I have on VCR tape called Ice Cream Heads From (way?) Outer Space. It was the first Cairns mtb club vid I think. Anyone remember it? It was very much like ROAM lol
Submitted by Little-Ditty on Tue, 11/03/2008 - 17:47.
But that's why you rode around Menai on the weekend with the suspension locked out? Sure you can do it, but it is not much fun. It sounds like Caro is keen for a fully rigid fixie then.
Shows you how stressed my poor German heart was about being late, I didn't even notice the locked out suspension!! And I followed you down ALL the rocks and drops!!
Thinking about it it... is that actually bad for the front shock, to ride technical stuff with having it locked out? Not that I want to do that again, just out of curiosity!
(2nd Video)
No shocks, no cleats, no disc Brakes but Lycra? Man that guy was ahead of his time.
Good Video
Thanks for making me feel so old, back in the days xc and dh riders could just change their big chainring to compete in the different events.
I remember reading an article at the time on how to convert your xc bike to race dh, hardly recommended for the dh races these days, you just needed to drop your saddle a bit put a bigger chain ring on and maybe a chain tensioner and you were ready to compete.
John Tomac is still the greatest all round mountain biker to have swung his leg over a bike.
Hardtails for Hardasses!
Got to love the Old Skool!
Why the hell does..Jimmy Deaton have a water bottle on the cage...??
Jimmy Deaton was also the pioneer of...BLACK SOCKS!! No more white roady socks thanks very much. Cully brought bmx style and air time to dh, tomac...what can one say - legend, and Jason McRoy was a legend and styled up dh in a big way, foot out drifting and looking like a demon, Rest In Peace JMC.
They were the days when men were men. Although I was but a boy. Oh well. We used to take our bar-ends off and drop our seats to race downhill on our xcountry race bikes. It was the norm and a total blast. Race dh on sat and xcounty on sun (I think?), or sometimes both in the same day for club events if I remember correctly. Awesome.
On a sad note, they still wear skin suits at the dh worlds............... shame, shame, shame.
Anyone remember the original Chainsmoke video? Bout 94/95 era. So many great names in there - Tinker, Cadel, Palmer, Lyons, Fuzzy, Missy, etc ...
i had the pleasure of being absolutely flogged by him in my first ever mountain bike race in 1989. it was a nemba ( north of england mtb association) we did a weekends riding. saturday consisted of an observed trial event followed by a downhill race( the event in which i was paired with him, both on fully rigid bikes, mine a 'GT tequesta') then sunday was a three lap xc ride. all the points were added together for a full weekends result so if you you werent an all round rider then it was hard luck! luckily i was average at trials and downhill so i placed about 12th for my first ever mountain bike race which i was stoked about. unfortunately that was about the best result ive ever had!!! also on squidly's vid, the commentator mentioned Mcroy was a scott. unless ive been dreaming all these years. im sure he was a geordie ( from newcastle) please correct me if im wrong!
Wow, that's really, really cool, you are very lucky!! JMC was one of my idols when I started riding.
Was that the GT that was black with sort of white 'tiger stripes' all over it? Those old school GT's rocked, best paint jobs, Hans Rey also did so much for their image back then.
Yeah, I didn't think JMC was Scottish either..?
Haha, Chainsmoke was a great vid, although I'm still unsure who those diamond back riders were??? Funny how those old vids had a bit of everything in them. Randy lawrence only got in that vid because he was Palmer's girlfriend.
There was a movie I have on VCR tape called Ice Cream Heads From (way?) Outer Space. It was the first Cairns mtb club vid I think. Anyone remember it? It was very much like ROAM lol
you don't need a DH bike!! You can ride anything on a XC bike, well in theory...
But that's why you rode around Menai on the weekend with the suspension locked out?
Sure you can do it, but it is not much fun. It sounds like Caro is keen for a fully rigid fixie then.
she could turn her road bike into a crosser
that was a rather uncomfortable experience!
Shows you how stressed my poor German heart was about being late, I didn't even notice the locked out suspension!! And I followed you down ALL the rocks and drops!!
Thinking about it it... is that actually bad for the front shock, to ride technical stuff with having it locked out? Not that I want to do that again, just out of curiosity!
And I never did compliment you on that, well done. I think you did a very good job.