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Cascades Weekly Ride

Brian's picture

By Brian - Posted on 17 March 2008

Wednesday, 19 March, 2008 - 17:45

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

1.5 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Meeting Point: 

Corner of Elm & Ralston Ave


Start with the single track then down Heath and up to St Ives via Lower Cambourne, back down and up to Davidson, back down and up Quarry Hill, back up Heath to car.

Who's in?
Rob, Mavrik, Brian, InC, jimi
Rob Mavrik Brian InC jimi
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
Andy Bloot's picture

Back at the bike mechanic anyway
So I have an excuse not to make this ride
And next week I will be away
But the week after- see you there
I'll make those bloody hills my friends if it kills me
Which it probably will

Rob's picture

For some reason I have this idea in my head to show up at 4:15 and do a 4 gates lap before this ride. Silly, silly, silly... PM me if you feel the need! Eye-wink

See the rest of the gang 5:45 as planned!

Brian's picture

I cannot get there any earlier this week but next week I might be up for an earlier start and go for 2 laps.

Mavrik's picture

Hi Guys,

I might tag along if thats OK.

See you there.


Rob's picture

Well, some slackers only did the second half (lap 5 onwards) of this Eye-wink

Laps 1-4 are the 4 gates challenge in 1h02m15s

Then sniggle and 4 gates again, but doing Quarry on the way back, which I only managed in 5m35. Might have been a bit tired by then Eye-wink

Top training, look at that vertical!

InC's picture

we are coming after you Rob!
Hope to do the first loop with you leading into next summer. Yep may take some time!
Thanks all for today. great fun. Look forward to it all again.

Brian's picture

I still have a long way to go. Just for the record my average heart rate was 164bpm.

Mavrik's picture

Rob, you on fire well done riding 4 gates twice Wed arvo! (Maniac!) Great time on the first round to. Well I was doing fine till Quarry climb. Granny ring chain suck took over as my granny ring is worn out(cause I use it so much!) Will get it replaced and see you guys again. Rob I was buggered after 1 lap. Don't know if I will ride with you again!

Andy Bloot's picture

Anyone for chess?

Rob's picture

LOL... you are too kind... and clearly haven't been riding with the real 'roid boys lately!

Andy Bloot's picture

But those guys are formula one.
Me, I'm more of an original Monaro with a bit of surface rust.
Fast in a straight line. Death defying on the downhills. Braking leaves a little to be desired. In danger of falling apart.

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