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Bikers ... a charming bunch

This morning dawned overcast and perfect to screw our courage to the sticking point and give Manly Dam track a try. My girl friend and I have been cycling gently for about a year. Nothing too energetic, and more often than not, around Narrabeen Lagoon, but we've kept going. This was a quantum leap, and we hoped to survive.
We finally found the Hydraulics lab, and thanks to the annotated pix of a kind Nobmob poster, felt reasonably informed. It was a bit awe inspiring being left in the dust by energy on wheels as we tried getting our gears right. What a gorgeous spot. Ocean views, spinebills, spring flowers, were all admired.
What really blew us away though, was the unfailing cheeful enquiries after our health ... "You alright?", "How're you doing?", "You'll be right" ... and sometimes grins at our misfortunes. What a great bunch of chaps were on the track this morning. A sincere thank you for your encouragement and patience with the two puffing patouties that blocked your path on occasion. We did our best to keep out of your way as we watched you hurtle past ... but I have no doubt that grateful thanks are in order for your cheerful and tolerant good humour. Thanks for the friendly encouragement out there!
Oh oh, does that mean we'll be back sometime soon? For sure! See you there.
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Glad you had a good experience.
Mountain bikers are very supportive and laid back bunch of people. Much more so than road cyclist or surfers, maybe because they are not battling for waves or with traffic.
We all started off slow so don't worry about it. Have fun, we will see you on the trails.
Was great to see you on the trail. I had to over take twice (flat tyre). Was a great day for it and very busy! Manly Dam is a big step up in gnarl factor so if you had a few issues with getting up or down a few things don't let it put you off (it almost put me off at first). Try a few other places too, Terry Hills springs to mind. But always happy to see newer people on all trails.
I remember my first ride at the Dam about 8 years ago on my Giant Boulder
GF turned around and I had plenty of doo doo in my pants at the end
I even rode one section the wrong way
But people were too polite to say anything
MTB is the most friendly sport I have ever been a part of
maximum enjoyment is the goal (except for the occasional painful injury lol)
MTB sure is a friendly sport, but.. I have to say roadies can also a friendly bunch as well.
it's about getting out on two wheels and giving a nod and a wave to the other like minded folks out there, invest in being nice and you will find that it will come back to you with interest when you least expect it