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Andersons & The Oaks

Damien's picture

By Damien - Posted on 27 March 2008

Sunday, 6 April, 2008 - 06:53

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Ride Database Entry: 
The Oaks
Meeting Point: 

Glenbrook train station carpark to catch the 6.53am train dont forget to change your clock 1 hour backwards from current daylight savings time.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

This will be a medium to quick paced training ride with the dirtworks in mind so there will be minimal stops and plenty of mashing up the hills (for me anyway on the single speed) I believe it is about 60km so you will need to be able to do that sort of distance with relative ease.

Meet at Glenbrook station carpark with plenty of time in hand to get ready and organized to catch the train now at 6.53am to Wentworth Falls from there I will need a guide as last time couldnt find Andersons and spent the day looking for it (would of helped if I had remembered to bring the directions).

Who's in?
Rob, pikey, craigs, tienster, Buck, Little-Ditty, murray, Bruce, ar_junkie, Peter Creeden, Steve 01, Carlgroover, Gary, Damien, mtbasn.alex, lozza6, Brian, linco, Supagav, Critty, bike182mtb (21 riders)
Rob pikey craigs tienster Buck Little-Ditty murray Bruce ar_junkie Peter Creeden Steve 01 Carlgroover Gary Damien mtbasn.alex lozza6 Brian linco Supagav Critty bike182mtb
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Peter Creeden Great ride thanks for a great ride. For those who had flats, the tire protection that we discuss has a brand name of Mr. Tuffy. here is a link to a random google result: See you on the next ride.
linco A great ride Thanks to all for a great ride and the legs are feeling it tonight. Just remember that every bit of pain we feel now is a little less we have to feel on the Dirtworks. I kept myself that as I continuously watched Steve and others disappear out of...

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Ride Gallery
Bruce's picture

.....for this, have been looking forward to riding this track again its one of my favourites.

Carlgroover's picture

The 29er may get some speed flying down these rides. It was Andos that got Kiwiboy + co horribly lost a while back so we don't want any more missing nobs in the bush.
I checked the train times and they depart Glenbrook at 6.53am or 8.23am would be the 2 best choices. I always like an early start, but I do live close and don't sleep much, others may prefer the 8.23am.

Paul's picture

How do you manage to get so many leave passes from the wife and family?

Carlgroover's picture

You just don't know how many wifes, de-factos and girlfriends it's taken to find a tolerant one.

Little-Ditty's picture

By Carlgroover:
"so we don't want any more missing nobs in the bush."

"Um, I can't think of any place more suitable." Smiling

ar_junkie's picture

Was wondering who would pick up on that... Eye-wink

Hmmm - sounds like a good ride, need to shake the cobwebs off both the Rush and my holiday legs...
Nothing better than a few hills!
See ya there!

Damien's picture

How is everyone with the 8.23am train I am not fused either way the 6.53am train wouldnt be a problem for me but I live a bit closer to this ride than most. Let me know what you all think.

I sometimes even start my oaks up and back rides in the dark with lights and watch the sun come up just past the helipad but I can understand most peoples reluctance to start that early.

ar_junkie's picture

Would be for the earlier start, so the whole day isn't taken up... but I'll go with the majority.

Paul's picture

Guys wish I could make it but I have family commitments - remember daylight savings ends on the 6th so when you put the clock back you get an extra hours sleep. It should make it easier to make the early train.

Rob's picture

As this is one of the few rides that can be reached with public transport thought I'd check it out.

You'd have to be on the 7:18am train from Sydney Central (platform 12). In order to be on that I'd have to leave St Leonards 6:43. Wonder how much this costs... if I remember tomorrow will find out.

FWIW, driving is 40 minutes faster... good 'old public transport Sad

Tomorrow: so this would be a $16.80 return fare (from St Leonards), which is maybe on par with the petrol a 140Km return drive would cost. Hmmmm... there is of course the availability of a return train, and having to sit out the return jorney in stinky, wet cycle gear. And then of course if we can get a car pool going the train will loose on the cost front instantly. Doh!

Supagav's picture

Mr Groover i hope the 29er is coming along for the ride then we will the others feel inadequate with thier smaller....... should be a great track looking forward to finding a real hill finally. There are hills up there aye?

Rob's picture

Ay... that there are supagav, that there are. Luckily they are mostly down, but also some up. Here's the last time we rode there:

Vertical climb = 1,276m, descent = 1,948m Smiling

There was plenty messing about and a stop at the Woodford shoppe then, this ride is planned to be a good deal quicker.

craigs's picture

That is of course rob's driving in the turbo forester.
1h5mins from Central to the Mountains is really quite good I thought. Barely time to read the paper.
I'll meet you on the train Smiling

Buck's picture

Never done Andersons before. Keen to check out this and die on the hill out.

Also don't forget to wind the clocks back an hour before bed.

mtbasn.alex's picture

Hey guys all goood if I come along
i'm a newbie though and only
16 years of age so i dont no
if you guys are going for a full on fast ride or just fun?

Rob's picture

Mr Groover, you know this Alex guy, eh? Is he going to show us all up? Eye-wink

FWIW, the ride is billed as pretty full on, we're all training for the Dirtworks.

mtbasn.alex's picture

So its pritty much intense training?
When is the dirtworks 100??
Would I be to young?

alchemist's picture

I know him, yes he'll show you all up. Lots!

alchemist's picture

The Dirt Works 100 is first weekend of May, entries are sold out for both the 100km & the 50km Distance. At 16 you're usually too young to enter a marathon but are able to enter the half (which is not usually much more distance than a typical A grade XC race)

Carlgroover's picture

You have nothing to worry about, this is not A grade at the club. Guy's the last time Alex and I did Murphy's glen hill a few weeks ago, I'm working my ass off thinking I may just drop him with all this training lately, he's just riding along beside me having a conversation as I grunt back. I also did this ride tonight on the 29er and SuperGav she's good on the hills as for my butt mostly good except for the bit that was bleeding last week Sad
Anyhow I reckon we need to have the Ando's challenge where the voluntary entrants race from the creek to the top gate, we could time it for the hot laps section. We certainly have some talent doing this ride and I would expect A R Junkie, steve01 & Alex to fill the top 3 places, but just look out for the old guy on the 29er who even surprises himself sometimes. There will also be another lean keen kiwi there on a 29er SuperGav who is a little unknown - could be trouble if his chain stays on, have you got that chain guide fitted yet?
Cheers Guy's and can't wait Smiling

Rob's picture

Dear lord... now I'm scared! Shocked

That water to the gate Andos challenge is a goodie, but will let you lot go for it... think I'll save the legs for the helipad to gate challenge later on! Laughing out loud

Carlgroover's picture

I've known Alex 3-4 years I used to be faster than him when he was 12-13 and lately have been part time under qualified coach and training partner.
He won WSMTB club's junior of the year, Won the Scott or Mont 24hr Junior teams event I think Alex correct me if I'm wrong. He also got picked up by Blackmans cycles and has received a very good sponsorship deal. So get to know this young man now as he's just got a professional coach and is bound to go places. Good luck Alex.

wishiwasgood's picture

...earlier also would be good but being a first time nobmobber will turn up anytime...

Carlgroover's picture

With this mob wishiwasgood I don't think too many will attempt the creek to the gate challenge, and I'm not sure I need that much pain.
It seems that most here prefer the early start considering we get an extra hour in bed due to daylight saving ending? Would the early start be difficult for anyone? Hangovers don't count as they are self inflicted.
Cheers John

Damien's picture

Can we have a quick vote re every ones prefered start time. Remember daylight savings ends the night before so it wont feel so bad if its earlier.

Rob's picture

Pretty please! Smiling

Don't forget it's not summer any more. There's no heat to beat!

Little-Ditty's picture

As much as I hate a really early start to a bike ride, I reckon the earlier start will be better. You are talking 5 or 6 hours on the bike for this. We will finish too late in the day otherwise.

Carlgroover's picture

Would work to a tee.

mtbasn.alex's picture

i live just around the corner:D

tienster's picture

Looking forward to this ride.


Gary's picture

The earlier time would suit me.

Supagav's picture

Early suits me, i dont have my chain guide sorted as yet but i dont tend to drop it on the up hills. I might be silly enough to have a go at the creek to the gate thing but i am going into the unknown completely blind....

Brian's picture

I would say ealier. Do I need to leave about 1 hour 20 minutes travel from Mona Vale?

Rob's picture

All you need to know about the creek to gate thing is that the hill will always end just round the next bend, so just sprint, sprint, sprint... Mwwwaaahahahahahahaaa

lozza6's picture

Watch Tien do it in big ring, hahaha

Damien's picture

Votes so far.

6.53am (10) - ar junkie, Little-Ditty, Carlgroover, mtbnasn.alex, tienster, Gary, supagav, Brian, Craigs & Damien.
8.23am (1) - Rob.

Majority to decide so a few more votes are still needed.

lozza6's picture

I'll vote 6:53 too

Morgan's picture

Once you get past 8am, getting 20 bikes on the train plus other groups would be extremely challenging. Love to come as this is one of my fave ride combo's, but am doing 2 days of MTBO near Lithgow which is much more fun (ie-less pain). Enjoy Bedford Creek....

Damien's picture

This ride is now starting at 6.53am from Glenbrook train station.

LadyToast's picture

21 riders?
Sprints up Andos?
Professional trainers?
6.53 start time?

I must have booked on the wrong ride Shocked

lozza6's picture

I dont think the Glenbrook pie shop can cater for 21 stinking bodies can it?

Sticking out tongue

Damien's picture

Dont worry it sounds like a long hard ride but you will be fine.

After saying that I myself am a little worried so I may ditch the rigid single speed in favour of the soft bike so as not to be left behind on the downhills though it would put me in with a very slight chance on the climb out cant beat a rigid hardtail for climbing.

ar_junkie's picture

As this group is now quite large, are we going to have a set pace for the ride? Alternately agree on meeting spots etc. just so there isn't anyone left behind due to mechanicals, punctures, blown lungs...

LadyToast's picture

Last time I did this run the group had 6 punctures (including one with the bike on the bike rack!), and I know for sure I won't be competing in the sprint-andos challenge.

Whilst I know this is a training ride, peoples expectations of the race differ. Plus I wouldn't want to feel guilty about holding anyone up.

Carlgroover's picture

I think everyone understands that on a group there's going to be some waiting around, but it's also a good time for a chat. I think if we had a set pace to suit the slowest rider it would be boring and unbeneficial fitness wise to the quicker riders so I'd vote for standard practice of re-grouping at intervals like the top of hills etc. We could also do a head count along the way.

Damien's picture

Its a good idea but I have only done fairly easy rides pace wise with this group so dont know what others might consider a training pace.

I tend to push myself on a longer training type ride not too extrems mind you but I certainly dont like to feel to relaxed on the bike and baring mechanicals I will usually only stop briefly if at all.

christine's picture

you guys had better take a photo - it's the 'roid boys spectacular this ride!!

lozza6's picture

Wouldn't it be better to get an A and B group going? That way people in the A group wont be waiting and cooling down too much on the ride?

We could meet at the pie shop or in the middle at the start of the Oaks?

The A group could also do St Helenas to bring the groups back together?

Regrouping 21 people each time could get tedious, especially with such a range of riding skills/speed.

Just a thought,


Rob's picture

Loz, you're a genius... make the 'A' grade boys to St Helenas too! They can leave a marker of some kind at the junction to indicate if they are still out that way or not. If they don't make it in time group 'B' could either hang around there or pop out to Pisgah Ridge if still not caught by then (or just hang at the gate).

That way we'd all be re-grouped for the sniggle and final leg into town and the bakery.

Hey, or the 'B' group can start at 8:23? Eye-wink

Personally, I don't want to visit the shoppe at Glenbrook and would like to do this in under 4 hours elapsed. What are the aspirations of others? Are the 'A' grade on a 3 hour schedule?

Paul's picture

The A group doing St Helena's sounds like the best of both worlds.
The A's gets to push it hard at roid pace and get more K's under their belt, while the B's can go at a their race pace with the aim of overtaking the roid boys while they are on St Helena's and hopefully beat them back to the cars.

The deviation to St Helena's will also allow anyone struggling to hold onto the A group to stop and recoup for the Helipad to Gate "hot lap challenge".

Wish I could be there it sounds like its going to be 67k's of agonising fun.

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