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The best endurance race training ride ever?

Steve 01's picture

By Steve 01 - Posted on 31 March 2008

Sunday, 20 April, 2008 - 08:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

5 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Great Northern Road
Ride Database Entry: 
Womerah Range
Meeting Point: 

Meet at main (East) Ferry near shop.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

Update: Due to technical difficulties, the silly training ride will now take place Sunday 20th. This leaves Sunday 13th open for all to join the GNR Group 'C' ride.

Start at Wiseman's Ferry and ride to Webbs Creek Ferry which leads us to Womarah Range (72km mark hill in Dirt Works)this section is around 20km of medium climbs and some ripper downhills ,coming out onto the road and a short ride to the bottom of Shepherds Gully a great technical climb which lead us to the bottom of Western Commission Track with 48km's in the legs this is one of the best climbs you could hope for 10km's of a mix of grinding steep hills and big ring fast climbs that max your heart rate and keep it there.This leads to GNR where we turn right towards Clair's Bridge where we turn round and its GNR fun back to the Ferry.

This will be a hard race pace ride with minimal stops but you will be rewarded with heaps of Adrenalin and Endorphins to keep you going.

Happy for an A and B group So people seeking a more relaxing ride can still enjoy the fun.

Who's in?
craigs, Bruce, Steve 01, nh, Deano, Mick, linco, LadyToast, Critty (9 riders)
craigs Bruce Steve 01 nh Deano Mick linco LadyToast Critty
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linco Great ride Wow what a ride. I'm just glad we made it back before dark. Thanks to everyone that came along, that was definitely the toughest day of mountain biking I've ever had . I'm not sure what felt more punished at the end of the ride - my bike after...

Were you there and have a story to tell?

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Rob's picture

You mean meet at the East Ferry, eh? The one closest to the bottom of Shepherds Gully. This is where we'll end the ride even though we'll head out on the other ferry first.

I take it you measured the route to bottom of WCT to be 4048Km from the other week? From there to Clairs Bridge and back along GNR to top of Shepherds Gully is another 32-ish. Down Shepherds and back along the road another 12-ish, so that's a whopping 8492Km! This is not for the faint of heart but luckily there's bail out points around 45Km at the ferry, then again top of WCT you could head directly left skipping several Km - although if anyone feels at all dodgy riding up WCT think I'd recommend turning round a better bail option.

Should be good - a real enduro workout. My legs can hardly wait... NOT! Eye-wink

craigs's picture

Ok so I concede that my race pace is not that of Steve and co but I would still like a good hitout.
I'll start the b group list.

Paul's picture

5 hours at Steve's hard race pace - mere mortals read this as (i) 75k-90k's and (ii) the only time you will see Steve is on the ferry going over.

Maybe we should consider a C group for the normally aspirated riders who are just doing the 50k.

craigs's picture

right, I am coming this time, who else is game for a 'b' group?


christine's picture

are you going to do? I am only doing the 50k Dirtworks...

Rob's picture

Think Steve's ride is going to come out at 92Km!

You could bail back before going up WCT track though, which is maybe 45Km point and back where we started. But then you'd miss all the fun. In fact, if you only want to ride that far, there are much more interesting routes to take.

tienster's picture

if there is a B group.


Rob's picture

Do you want to create another meeting for the 50Km ride and it's entrants then?

Like I said, you do not want to be riding Womerah Range and the road when you could be doing something more interesting. I would suggest going up Devines, down then back up Shepherds along to Claires bridge (and beyond... enough to make it 50Km overall) and back down WCT.

Rob's picture
Brian's picture

I had to leave yesterday, what was the result of the discussion regarding this ride. Reason I ask is I can't do this weekend but should be ok for the following Sunday but I do need to confirm this.

Gary's picture

Count me in for the 20th, not able to make next week so am really happy that there will be a ride up there the week after.

Tom_B's picture

20th sounds good, but I am definately a 'c' grouper so if there are others similarly inclined I'll try and make it.


Gary's picture

Any chance of a lift if anyone is passing near Hornsby.

Deano's picture

Id be up for this one, probably have two other with me too

Will look forward to meeting you all then


Brian's picture

Okay I'm in for this one. So is this the same route as the previous one here but instead of turning around where we did push on further and then turning around to get more kilometers up?

Out of the nine riders signed up for this, who is doing the B group and is there someone in the B group who knows the area?

Sorry about all the questions but with the GNR Fun ride last weekend I wasn't sure if we were still doing groups.

One last thing, are there water stops?


Rob's picture

Hmmmm... funny you post this - was just mulling over the options. To be honest I rode yesterday with a bit of a cold and felt terrible today. After sleeping all day it seems to be subsiding but not sure I'll be 100% for the weekend and subsequently up for this huge ride. We will see... but I might be posting a couple of alternate shorter rides on Sat and/or Sun instead. Not to steal anyone's thunder - they will be no match for this outing!

Anyhow - as for water - you'd hope the guys will let you stop in St Albans (25-ish Km?) to fill up, but that's it - no resting like last time. They then plan on picking up some water stashed by the ferry at the 45-ish Km stage (this is reached by carrying on round the road, not doing Shepherds Gully climb like last time). Then you have the potential of water at the temple down by 10 Mile Hollow (would this be about 65Km?) - although it's pretty reliable cannot be guaranteed.

Brian's picture

But doesn't the ride post say we are going up Shepherds Gully?

Rob's picture

Ah, yes... that it does... Ooops Eye-wink

But then you will be going straight back down Devines at walking pace! Water pickup will be there. Think that's their plan anyhow.

Bruce's picture

yep thats it, Steve's evil plan is to put as much climbing into the ride as possible, the ride up Shepherds is good fun though.

craigs's picture

Bruce, your idea of fun is a little different to mine...
Riding up Shepherds will be rather interesting, have not done it before so will be intrigued to see how it goes.

For those who drop off the lead pack, like me probably, I know my way around most of the area. Not so sure of the area around StAlbans though.
I have a GPS and can load up the maps to instill some confidence.


Little-Ditty's picture

Poor Bruce. His mental state must be in total disorder. Riding up Shepherd's Gully is not fun. Yes, you can do it, and some aspects are a challenge. But fun? Mate, your enjoyment and pain receptors have been swapped around in your brain. You think you are having fun when in fact you are experiencing pain, hardship and discomfort. Poor, poor Bruce.

Rob's picture

Actually, it's really not that bad!

Last time there Cupcake and I were trundling up that hill chatting about how nice it was. We both agreed that riding a hill like that all day would be very nice. Come on, it's not so steep and the technical challenges are well spaced.

Then he dabbed... will he ever learn? Sticking out tongue

P.S. Steve 01 was waiting at the top - as if anyone had any doubts.

Bruce's picture

I thought it was Steve03 or Steve04??? Eye-wink

It isn't that bad of a climb, its easily done in the middle chain ring & has just enough challenges to keep it interesting.

Learnt how to ride around puddles yet Rob? Sticking out tongue

ar_junkie's picture

Hey Gary,
I'm still tentative for this ride, but if I do go I can swing by and pick you up.

I'll let you know by Thursday.

linco's picture

Is there anyone going anywhere DY on their way out to this ride that could give me a ride? Also does anyone know how these tracks will stand up to the predicted rain we're supposed to have this week?

Cheers Lincoln

LadyToast's picture

I may be up for a group B, but will hold the right to drop out at anything over 60kays (which I believe is 45 odd).

If I do go I may be able to carry another bike, but I will let you know closer to the time.


Brian's picture

Hi Shaun
I have already organised to pick Gary up on the way through.

Mick's picture

Dylan, I might grab a ride with you if there's room. Wife has the Holden and hence the bike rack so I will be looking for a lift to join this one. I too plan on bringing up the rear on this ride but will aim to ride pretty much non-stop for the duration, whatever distance that ends up being. If you don't have room in your car, no dramas as I can always take my hatch-back (I'm sure there's a way to make my bike fit).

LadyToast's picture

Not a problem Mick, probably best you don't drive, just in case you get another speeding ticket Smiling
I'll try to borrow the mega bike rack from my mate, if not we can sling yours in the back.

kiwiboy's picture

no ride posted, cos didn't want to steal any thunder from this, but kiwigirl and I & a friend or two are doing a replay of last week at GNR, will probably push on past Claires Bridge to hook up with the top end of GNR - estimated ride 40 - 50km. Pace average old fart.
We will be stopping as and when we feel like it Smiling water at the monastary.
Start 9ish, if anybody wants to join.

Caro's picture

don't be tricked into this by a terrible understatement!!

Clearly this well be a ride at nice normal pace (as oppose to crazy 'Steve the machine' pace) and more importantly with little stops (these crazy kiwis don't hang around much!) Eye-wink

Enjoy!! Laughing out loud

kiwiboy's picture

Laughing out loud
Caro you say the nicest things LOL
Seriously, we aren't out to set any records, but we will try and keep a steady pace up.

if at first you don't succeed, try not to look astonished.

Morgan's picture

I'm up for your version of this ride on Sunday. What's your planned meeting place at 9?

kiwiboy's picture

Meet in the east ferry carpark at 9.00. We will be in a teal Freelander, with a couple of Cannondales on the back.

Morgan's picture

I'll be the one peering into car windows suspiciously.

Mick's picture

Unfortunately a family emergency has come up and I won't be able to make this ride (the hits just keep on coming). Anyways, enjoy. Dylan, I'll give you a call over the weekend.

Deano's picture

is it looking like there's still going to be a B group as not shore myself & a friend are up for the pace of the A group, & what sort of time frame is the B group looking at?? 6hrs.

Question on the water drop, if where riding up Shepherds gully, will everyone be dropping water off at the bottom or at the gate at the bottom of devines on the other side, as im guessing there isn't atap (think everyone's on tank water around there). then riding back up devines & to the temple & bridge??


If your not out there doing it,
Someone else is

craigs's picture

looking forward to it...
There hasnt been too much rain out that way so conditions shouldnt be too bad.
See you in the morning.

Gary's picture

I am pulling out of this one, hope you have a great ride.

Steve 01's picture

There hasn't been much rain today and the tracks at Wiseman's drain water better than most,so unless its raining heavy tommorrow morning the rides still on.We can fill up with water at St Albans or the at Buddist water tanks, if it's a cool day like today 3litres will nearly last the ride
The B's can bail out after Shepherds Gully approx 45kms or after Western Commission approx 70km

Brian's picture

I think I will give this a miss.

Bernd's picture

... Steve, they all jump ship...hahha only jokeing!!, did not want this to happen, only put a training ride up for local ride, as I have only 3-4 h to play with!!! and would not be able to keep up with you guys anyway.....

leopafe's picture

Another one for group B, if it is still on.



LadyToast's picture

Myself and Critty are still on for group B. 70 sounds good to me, then start tapering down before DW.

I still assume the 8:30 start time applies to both groups?


Deano's picture

im still in for group B, one of my mates has cancelled but theres still two of us

If your not out there doing it,
Someone else is

Steve 01's picture

applies to both groups as does the route, hope it isn't raining in the morning

leopafe's picture

I think I'll miss this one.


Rob's picture

The conditions on our ride were pretty filthy - hope you boys faired better up North!

Carlgroover's picture

at Lidsdale, the weather and track was dry with only a few spots of rain, the track was awesomely fun with plenty of speed and grip and designed by our own Flynny (thanks Flynny for a top job). Smiling

LadyToast's picture

Well my body is buggered but I feel great that I finished what was easily the hardest bike ride I have done in my life. If I have thought we would be doing over 100 kays I would have had second thoughts, add to that the fallen trees and sticky sludge that we had to push through and it's amazing I made it at all.

Thanks to all the guys on the ride, a real pleasure riding with you.

One thing is for sure, there won't be any records set at this years dirt works! Smiling


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