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Barrington tops early july

Would anyone be interested in going for a ride at Barrington Tops in early July?
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You are hereForums / Archives / Tentative Planning (MTB) / Barrington tops early july
Would anyone be interested in going for a ride at Barrington Tops in early July?
It will be c-c-c-c-cold.
Which trails are you thinking of? Staying overnight? It's a bit far for a day trip.
Hey Rob!
This site has grown so much! Nice work mate!
Yeah, I figured it would be a bit chilly. However, I really want to explore the area, and this winter will be my last time in Aus for a while.
I was thinking of starting with the trails mentioned on the nobmob site, trying to explore some of the other nearby routes, and perhaps even taking a few photos of the snow!
Google tells me it will be a 5 hour drive there, so staying overnight makes sense. When I go far away for riding I tend to do a 3 day trip - 1 day to pack and ride there, 2 full days of riding, and driving back after dark. Obviously while I like to do this, others might want to spend more or less days there, or drive down in the morning.
As for the weather... well... we have this drizzle here at the moment. It is annoying. You feel uncomfortable walking without an umbrella, but feel stupid if you walk around with one. Sydney winter is a little like that. 14 degrees is uncomfortable, but not cold enough to be cool. Now, if we had thunder and lightning here, that would be awesome. Drama! Excitement! I'm hoping that once the temperature goes low enough, things will just be cool
The temperature range is supposedly -4-10°C in July, but in the frost hollows apparently it can sink to almost 10 below that!
Camping at Polblue would be fun ( c 1500m altitude) but a bed and breakfast at Scone or Gloucester might be a little more comfortable.
I did Barrington with a couple of mates about 3 years ago about this time of year. It was the worst ride (but probably the best weekend away) I can recall in a long time. The track down to Polblue looks great on the Topo's, but we should have taken the hint by all the snowgums. I swear that the track down to Polblue was a gradual decline, but because of the mud, was like riding uphill it was so thick. To top it off, without even stopping we were covered in leeches. Thats when we decided that the Barrington Pub was looking a much better option than a wet night with our new found insect buddies. The warm dinner was not meant to be us!
I swear that if the humidity rises above 10% on the coast, there are arctic storms on Barrington. Cold is one thing....cold and wet is on another plane altogether.....and I draw the line a leeches!
I am also not sure that you can access the start point at the top of Barrington, as the gates are often locked in winter to general traffic. Check out NPWS for details.
This is definately a spring/summer ride and only if it has not been wet.
Thanks for the tip mate mate, I might do it myself then. I don't want to trick anyone else into sharing the misery