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Massive Northern Beaches Ride 2008

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Jamieson Park, off The Esplanade, on the southern shore of Narrabeen Lake
It's been more than a year, and I get asked a lot about setting up another "Massive Northern Beaches Ride". So here it is, back again, bigger and brighter for 2008. An EPIC if there ever was one. And it even comes in 1 week ahead of the Fling, so represents a great opportunity to put in about 60km on your local trails beforehand.
Riding from our LZ at Narrabeen Lake, heading generally west and north through Oxford Falls, Red Hill, over to Terrey Hills, and all the way back again. We may alter our choice of trails a bit on the day, depending on our logistics. We may also need to get creative in the Oxford Falls area but I am sure it can be done.
From memory, we can stop at Terrey Hills shops to fill up on water too.
Given this is a training ride, I would estimate this would most suit the more experienced riders amongst us, and particularly those looking to complete a decently paced training ride. I think last year's ride was about 60km.
Who's in?? Just like the last time... this will be MASSIVE!

Were you there and have a story to tell?
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My sort of ride anything over 50km has to be good.
I'm in for the first bit at least - I just luv the NL training loop.
I'm going to start training right away and also get some new chamois for the day - I can't wait!
sure you don't train too hard!
You are always pushing yourself to the limit!!
I am not sure if that is good for you.
I once heard a wise man say "balance is the key - young grasshopper" - it struck me as profound and I try to follow this teaching every day - you know for every little bit of Ying here, you need a little bit of Yang there.
That's why when Little Ditti said he wanted to go "massive" I said I would only go part of the way with him - I think my body is ready to go all the way, but my mind isn't quite ready and I would hate to pull out half way through and disappoint him.
Caro - so yes you are right, pushing myself when my mind and body are not in sync is not good for me and I thank you for your kind thoughts (Are you an Aquarium by any chance?)
While I have upped my physical training to now include Pilates and Tai Chi, I need to strengthen my mind and to this end I now do 30 minutes of Mr Wisdom's Whoppers or Sudoku before I go to bed - I know it is stimulating my mind because I can never sleep afterwards.
Oh Beany,
what beautiful and insightful words. I wish more people were open-minded and self reflective like you are. What a joy!
I am sure your contact with the eastern traditions is enriching to your life and makes you see and appreciate the world with different eyes.
I am so glad to hear you are looking after yourself and are not following Ditty's lead blindly. You know what he is like... the bigger the better... and that just doesn't work for everybody, especially not for a sensitive soul like yours.
Caro - I truely think we have connected and because of that I am so tempted to try Ditti's massive ride (even though I don't truely believe that bigger is better), but alas I have a conflicting appointment in my calander. My fav group (Jane Little and the Mood Swings) is playing in Mildura and I promised Rodney I would take him. There is room in the car for one more if either Ditto or you feel like an adventure?
I hope to meet you soon.
It's the day before the Sydney to the Gong... don't bail at the last minute (for either ride)
I would have been keen for this but also am doing the Gong ride and thought I better save my legs for that.
... for the Gong. It's on the road... smoooooth rolling all the way
Yeah but I am thinking of scumming it home.
Same case as Brian, would have loved to do a NB Epic but for the Gong ride the following morning. Just not fit enough to back up the following day unfortunately (i am no scummer).
my Intense 5.5 ~ my NS Suburban
i was just happily reading what seemed like a budding romance between Beany and Caro and in you step with a proper riding comment - what were you thinking!!!
Liam, your ride sounds like fun - I will do part of it and see how i go!!!!
I think that is exactly what you said at the last one?
I will go easy on you.
to put myself down for this ride (possibly on the track too). If anyone drops out let me know and I'll jump in their grave.
room for one more in my place. i think this ride is just suicide with the city to gong and back the next day. have fun guys.
I would take this spot but I've just agreed to help someone move....bugger!
Have a good ride.
Gazza - one large MTB ride, followed the next day by one large scum... or... one extra large scum? This is your choice and you picked what? Sad days
its for charity mate!( said in my best smashy and micky voice) only poms will appriciate that!
Hot potato hot potato...
unfortunately due to work commitments I can't make this ride.See you's at the fat tire festival.
I couldn't get anyone to look after the kids so I'm out. It's a shame as it looks like an awesome ride.
Hi, I thought i would finally register after a considerable time lurking. Am riding the Fling and would love to join up with this ride, enjoy the day and meet a few new people, hope thats OK
Liam I think I'm coming. I was scared that Friday was going to be a horror and I couldn't make it, but now unless the buyers get spooked all is good and I'm going to treat myself to your massive ride (well as much as I can handle).
Caro, it will be good to put a face to the name (you have been very sweet) and I wait to see Bruce show off his enormous talent and perform some tricks.
I'm getting giddy with excitement
Well, don't hyperventilate or anything there, Beany. You may also want to put your star up as attending the ride too.
To all riders, please make sure you bring plenty of water if the weather proves to be warm that day. But, once we get as far as Terrey Hills, we will have the opportunity of refilling Camelbaks at a tap in the park. See you Saturday.
I am so disappointed that I won't be meeting you tomorrow! I was really looking forward...
and now it is going to be months!!! before I can ride again... heartbreaking!
I am sorry to read that you don't want to ride tomorrow. Maybe you'll change your mind... The boys are so nice and I know that Liam would look after you, so you don't have to worry hurting yourself!
Take care!
anyone care to google spot the exact start point for me?
not 100% sure where it is.
Jamieson Park.
I said GOOGLE not whereis!
hehe jk
Thanks mate, will see you all there bright and early tomorrow! woo
Yerch! Sorry, but riding around for 6 hours in this?... I'm out. Yes, yes, I need to TTFU
Thanks heaps to everyone for helping out with the busted der. today.
No more XTR for me. Should have taken Jeffs advice when I bought it and got 2 XT's instead.
More practical bike jewellry for me from now on.
So general thanks to evryone for their patience and help.
Special thanks to...
Ev etc for helping with the failed SS conversion
Dylan for ringing the shop (and the good riding skills)
Loz and Ben for escorting me to the shop (and for Bens persistence in the face of injury)
Adrian at Belrose cycles for fitting a new XT on the spot
Chris, his Dad, for taking the money at Mona Vale cycles (saving me a trip to Belrose)
And for tightening the new cable
All at a very reasonable price
Mountain biking and the people who do it are awesome
no you're awesome!
Glad you got it all fixed mate
you got back to the cars before Buck and I! We had a decent maccas lunchstop which was no fun for the remainder of the ride back tho
Thanks Liam for organising and to everyone for coming! Had a tops day and the trails were fantastic, lots of new ones for me too, so thats great!
Could not be bothered cleaning the bike, that can wait till tomorrow..
I think its time for a grandpa nap now...
Once again I proved to have a skill in crashing in front of cameras. Looking forward to the video Dylan
Thanks for the ride Liam. Sure was fun.
if you post that one again, and thanks to Jeff as well for doing a great navigation job. I had a great time on all the single tracks and techy climbs and descents (I walked a few but) and even the rain held off, but the cloud kept it cool. Once again a top crew turned up and made the day.
Thanks Guys.
I reckon Liam should've had my XT rear mech in his back pack for just this occurance....
Shame on you Liam. Your no boy scout!
... thanks a lot for that gr8t ride! and ditto to all other coments, such fun, but hard...!
"Once again a top crew turned up and made the day." Yes, John well said.
and.... there was Lozza's phone call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The video you've all be waiting for ..
I also put some pictures up, top day out, cheers guys.
.. done LadyToast, you guys can f^#!ing ride!!!!
I just did not want to put a scratch on the FAT, I give it a go next time!!
Thanks guys, what a cool day....
Nice on Dylan... the boy has skills!
rode everything with ridiculous ease!
fantastic rider
Great video Dylan! Nice editing work too, hehe
Great day, enjoyed it very much!
my daddy tells me you are the best rider.
you should teach me to ride not my daddy
Bella was a good day for me that's all. I'll be the biggest crasher next time, you'll see. Most probably in the Half Fling next weekend.
Bella, your daddy is always right, listen do daddy, unless he's teaching you to do canyon drops, then go and tell mummy!
Video wise, I remember talking to someone about helmet cameras (sorry can't remember who, perhaps Jeff or Lozza?) and how it might be nice chip in for a NoBMoB helmet cam for those big group rides. I think you can pick them up for $200, and they run for 3 hours or so. Sometimes they might capture something rare and decent (like Buck's exquisite maneuver yesterday). They are the sort of thing that I can imagine buying and using a few times and forgetting about but would be a lot better value for those great group outings...
Hell, I might even send Bucks ballet into Australia's Funniest videos - Buck, wanna split the winnings?
Yay my chance for national fame!
If someone gets a helmet cam just make sure you follow me for the best footage
LadyToast, It was me you were talking to about the helmet cam and a communal one could be good for the MoB. For $10 each amongst the regulars and then just swap it to another person on the next ride. As Buck says, we'd get some good shots I'm sure.
... anyone have a Motion base report on the "Massive Northern Beaches Ride 2008" ????
would like to see it!!
Glad you all enjoyed the ride. We will try to complete one of these Northern Beaches epic's every year now. It already sounds like we have a few takers already for 2009.
Shame that Beany was not there to enjoy the ride with us. Maybe next time.