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How do you guys prepare the week before the Fling

As the title suggests I am wondering specifically what sort of rides and for how long, will you do in the 7 days prior to the Fling on Sun week?
Do you ride on the weekdays in the last week? What sort of nutrition (eg magnesium supplements, etc) do you take if any?
I notice there is a six hour ride planned for Sat, is this too long so close to the race? I really have no clue, hence the questions.
I tend to rest for the 5-6 days prior and pop a few magnesium pills for cramps, maybe drink some Endura a couple of days beforehand. I am only in it to finish though!! This is my 4th 100km+ race.
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I'm a novice at the 100k race, but a self professed expert at tapering so here is my plan.
Start to reduce training between 1 and 2 weeks out from an event - you can't add strength in this time. I try to do enough to maintain fitness but reduce the load enough to let my legs recover. I like to do circuit or boxing classes to keep the cardio up and a couple of hard short sessions on the bike (45 minutes or so).
I have been advised (by my wife) that I need to start hydrating the week before i.e. drinking a lot more water than I usually do. While a lot of it will be p1ssed out, a lot will be absorded into your cells and be used at race time. I was also advised to cut down on my coffee, beer and juice intake, all these are diuretics - I'll cut down on the juice.
I have also been told to increase my carbo intake in the week before the race to build up the reserves of energy your body is going to use. The body will use this energy source first and more can't be metabolised during the race. I'm not going to eat a lot more each meal just substitute more carbs into the diet.
I will take a dose on Endura each day in race week, a couple the night before, one before the race and a three shots during the race - its a fine line between cramping and getting the squirts.
Finally, I like to visit the Chiro in the week before an event to get everything aligned (I don't know if this does anything, but I do love to be manipulated by a good looking woman).
... I may take on board:
"I'll cut down on the juice"
"increase my carbo intake" ... I like pasta!
"to be manipulated by a good looking woman"
A manipulative woman?
On the subject...
See here:
I once heard a guy talk about "super hydrating" prior to a big triathlon.
I asked him what his approach was to avoiding excessive leaching of water soluble vitamins and minerals.
He didn't have a clue what I was talking about.
Beware of drinking too much fluid because whereas most of it will be excreted, you won't know what its taking with it. I guess "drinking a lot more than I usually do" is VERY subjective.
Ummmm, never heard of juice being a diuretic.........?
I should specify Orange Juice - I think it is the citric acid. Cranberry juice is fine
I have been converted....
Several alcoholic bevvies the night before and a few hours sleep and away you go!
If you have access to a good woman I'd throw that in as well
It worked last time so I am sticking with it!
I tend not to ride in the last week or so (cos I am slack) I find that being totally fresh is a key ingredient to a good performance. Freshness (of legs and mind) outweighs the extra kays in my mind.
Not to be confused with the Pikey method of preparation above.
Good luck!
The Merida MTB Marathon site has good training recommendations for MTB marathons
Specifically for the week before they recommend
I go to Dr Bob the chiro too - I didn't realise he was a woman? That explains why every time 'he' touched me I got a, never mind..
Morgan - no wonder people are saying you are full sus now.
I'll put you in contact with Stephanie, Dr Bob she ain't
" its a fine line between cramping and getting the squirts." That is so true. Last year in the Fling for about the last third I kept having to stop behind a tree, all too frequently! I could shaved 10 minutes off my time at least if I hadn't to keep stopping!
I cramped bad the whole of the Dirtworks so I was not going to let it happen this time and I just guzzled fluid for 110kms.
One thing I did find out though, salt tablets. I found these about 100 times better than the magenesium ones. They're cheap and you can take as many as you want throughout the race.
My plan for this year's race is a lot of beer and not too much sleep the night before the race. A late breakfast, coffee and then be sitting on the finish line drinking more beer as Goatman and the boys finish their race.
What would 'uncle Chopper' say?
Thanks for the responses guys, some great links there!!! Not sure about the Chiro though!!
Hardly, I took Chopper's advice and decided to MAN THE F___ UP!
Beers, late night, late breakfast, and I still plan to be already drinking beer on the finish line before you've finished!!
i used to get hellish back pain over long distances untill i started seeing a chiro a few months back. Now with regular stretching and the odd chiro session before a big ride i feel great. Im gonna see one before the gong and back ride then see one a few days before the fling. Ive become addicted to that "breathe in.. Breathe out".. Crunch! Click! I also take magnesium tablets every day now then turn to the more potent powder a few days before the event. If you've been taking it for a while i think your guts get used to it and you shouldn't get jedi's problem!
My frequent "pitsops" were due to too much liquid, not the type. I was mixing up between Endura mix and plain water, and indeed for the third stage of the race I was only drinking plain water ( was over mixing in powder and didn't feel like I was going to cramp) and that's when I had to find a tree the most.
And Goatman I've heard that the Chiro's just make you bulk up too much - oh hang on, I think that's Chipolatas...
- I find in the 1-2 weeks before a big event, I keep riding but keep my general intensity low (try to keep under 80% of MHR).
- I have a rule-of-thumb that I'll do at least the race distance over the week prior's commuting/training.
- The Sunday before I'll try to do 60-70% of race distance or time, at a decent intensity but not going anerobic at all. (Somewhere over 91% MHR)
- I'll do a few intervals to keep some intensity 'memory' in my legs, but not so much as to deplete my glycogen stores.
- Something I'm not always good at, but does really help is getting to bed a bit earlier in the few days beforehand, especially if you are going to camp the night before the event.
- Eat really well & snack a lot: fruit, nuts, protein shakes, toast and jam/avocado
- Keep your vitamins up
- If you can afford/justify it, get a good leg massage a few days out (I can't justify it usually, but the couple of times I have it's been great)
It's the training over the months previously that sets you up for the event, the last week is just icing on the cake.
I am doing the full Gong ride this weekend in preparation for the half fling. Thats as much thought as i put into it.
Thanks for all the tips here though. Some of them I can use for next week. I think on the day though, the best tip is definatly MAN THE F@#K UP.