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NPWS - Draft Plan of Management for Glenrock

Its been a long time since I posted here on the Glenrock POM (not sure I have), or really had anything to post. I do now so I have created this thread as a spot for people to ask questions about, or discuss news as it arrives.
The big news is that the Draft POM is being launched on Monday 16th Feb. I will be at the launch and speaking to the politicians on offer, but basically the chance is just about here for everyone to have their say.
Ed: Update 22-Feb: The plan is now out for comment. It can be downloaded here (this page also includes details of how to comment):
I would encourage everyone to submit a comment. It doesn't have to be wordy, even something simple as, "Please adopt the network of MTB trails as I love the sport and this will encourage me to visit the park." will do (although please don't copy that word for word - they weed out duplicates).
I do not know at this point exactly what is in the POM, but I do know the following.
- The planed exclusion in the southern area will be contained within the Draft POM.
- World Trail have been commissioned (and completed) an extensive report on all the trails north of the lagoon. Included in the report is a risk assessment and signage plan, a maintenance plan and works documentation. This report is very comprehensive and gives us a sound basis from which to develop safe and sustainable bike riding in the reserve. This document will be on display at the launch..
- World Trail will be back shortly to undertake trail works in the Northern area as well as training up a volunteer Trail crew and NPWS staff on the maintenance and construction of sustainable mtb trail. These works will be undertaken by World Trail, NPWS staff and volunteers. One component of the works is to train staff and volunteers in the construction techniques.
What we don't know
- Dirt Jumps, the mud jumps were spoken about and looked like they could be retained and rebuilt to a standard. I am not sure if the NPWS followed through on this.
- DH trails, I am guessing that they are not in the draft. We will need as many submissions as possible to try and retain at least on (or the creation of another).
Basically there are good and bad points in the draft POM, and it is a matter for each individual to weigh up what the POM means to them in terms of access to the park.
For what it is worth, the local NPWS here have stepped well outside their comfort zone and pushed the envelope of their own policy to get where it is and I think that whether you agree or not with what they are putting forward, this needs to be acknowledged.
Finally we are being treated as a legitimate user group and are being consulted on issues in the park that concern us. This is a positive step and here's hoping we can push the momentum forward.
Once the draft is out, I will post links to it and how to put in a submission.
The plan is online here, this page includes details of how you can submit comment on this plan:
I encourage everyone to put a submission in. If you like the POM, write in and tell them. If you don't like the POM, write in and tell them. The only thing I would ask is that submissions are kept level headed and are not an all out attack on NPWS and/or their staff, we need submissions that relate to the POM, not vendettas against the organisation.
- Login to post comments
Looking forward to reading it.
Finally, the draft POM is here.
I haven't read the whole thing yet, but here are a few scanned pages of the mtb related issues that jump out quickly. World Trail are locked in for March/April for trail works and training of a trail crew (and NPWS staff).
The document will be available on the NPWS website in the next few days and submissions will be open for three (3) months.
I'll stick the scanned in for up for now, and put a separate post up with my discussions today with NPWS.
POM Map and mtb approved trails.

Mtb section of POM

High Priority Action List

Medium Priority List