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Draft Warringah Bike Plan, Public Submissions Needed!

Draft Warringah Bike Plan will be on Public Exhibition: Saturday February 27 to Wednesday March 31, 2010
View the Draft Warringah Bike Plan and Bike Maps:
The Draft Warringah Bike Plan and Bike Maps can also be viewed at the following locations during the public exhibition period:
Council's Civic Centre, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why
Warringah libraries: Dee Why, Belrose, Warringah Mall, Forestville and Terrey Hills
Have your say
Public submissions will be accepted up to 5pm on Wednesday March 31, 2010. A submission should:
Clearly state that it relates to the Draft Warringah Bike Plan
Include your name and contact details (email address, telephone number, postal address)
Where to send your submission
Email: [email protected]
Post: General Manager, Warringah Council, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why NSW 2099
Fax: 9971 4522 Attention Planning and Development Services
Information Stalls
Council staff will be at the following shopping centres and markets in March to answer your questions:
Forestville Shopping Centre
Saturday March 20, 9am - 2pm
Narrabeen Markets
Sunday March 21
Terrey Hills Shopping Centre
Saturday March 27, 9am - 2pm
Warringah Mall Dolphin Court,
Sunday March 28, 9am - 2pm
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Turn to page 167, there is a Survey. And you can win prizes
Well, maybe they are not fantastic for us grown ups
But none the less. I like there incentive.
There is also a small section relating to mountain biking and the need to provide adequate facilities, i will try to find it again later.
Still not used to 2010
I thought I recalled filling that questionnaire in a while ago .....
Just taken the opportunity to comment on a couple of points by email to the council that are important to me. I think is is generally commendable that there is consideration to cycling in the area.
Draft Warringah Bike Plan
I have looked over the plan on the web and would like to comment on the following two points which I believe are major safety concerns based on my experience as a bike/car owner and user.
1. "Route Network Priorities” page 19 shows a priority 4 stretch of Morgan Road and Oxford Falls Road West, enclosed by Forest Way and Wakehurst Parkway. This section is unnavigable by road style bikes along the sign posted gravel section crossing the creek. I ride this road several times a week as a commuter between the beaches and Belrose and have resorted to using a mountain style bike. The gravel section is extremely rough with broken uneven road surface interrupted by wheel hugging pot holes and loose gravel which is very damaging to bike/car and dangerous to rider. An attempt to avoid the most dangerous parts of the road necessitates erratic riding/driving behaviour. Despite these issues I consider this a preferable cycle route to alternatives which carry more traffic, but disappointed that the RTA/Warringah Council allows such a dangerous road to receive such low planned priority. The priority of this road section should be “immediate”. Some other sections of this road have very uneven/rough edges and can contribute to erratic riding/driving behaviour which could cause an accident.
2. McIntosh Road, Narraweena has a section of bike path shared with pedestrians and intersected by driveways and side roads. I consider this type of path unsuitable for commuters and family bike riders alike. Cars reversing out of drives in front of riders as they negotiate pedestrians, strollers and dogs on leads is verging on madness. The slow pace this stretch of path necessitates to remain safe makes it near to useless and I resort to the road. I hope this type of path is improved upon in the plan.