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Action Needed: Current Trail Advocacy Campaigns
This thread will attempt keep up to date on trail advocacy campaigns currently requiring action.
It's worth noting that behind there scenes there is pretty constant stream of lobbing by riders and their supporters. Many people do a lot of work on this, which inevitably leads to some government or local authority department putting out some plan or strategy or policy document for public comment.
This is where you come in: Without public support for such documents, all the work in the background to persuade authorities to get this far will have been for nothing!

Vote for more MTB Trails!
Do you want to see more MTB trails in NSW? Then please show your support by voting for the Wylde MTB Trail in the Premier's Peoples Choice Landscape Awards at:
If Wylde wins, then we have demonstrated a popular demand fro MTB trails. We just can't let a seawall at Cronulla beat a MTB trail!
Even if you have never ridden Wylde, or don't even live in Sydney or NSW, your vote(s) will all help the cause of gaining more MTB trails.

Draft Newcastle Cycling Strategy and Action Plan
Not sure if people are aware, I wan't until NPWS showed me, that Newcastle Council has its draft Cycling Strategy out for comment at the moment.
The plan can be viewed at

We Need You, Now! The Future Of Northern Beaches Mountain Biking Is In Your Hands!
On Thursday 30 June 2011 a survey will go live on Council's website that aims to collect demographic and participation data from residents and visitors who ride mountain bikes in Warringah. The survey is an important component of the mountain bike research that is being undertaken by Council. It demonstrates to the mountain biking community that we are looking closely at the current and future provision of facilities in Warringah.

[Montview] Come to April Meeting
Public meeting in April (Date & Time TBA) for any people interested to come a long and comment on the Montview Plan.
This is essentially pumps and jumps and should assist in accelerating other forms of off road cycling. Council plan to run a public meeting to get the public’s feedback about the plan to make sure they are doing what we want.
Montview is a flat sports field located in Hornsby Heights with some degraded land on it's east end.

Great turnout and well presented by DECC staff.
It's exagerating to the point of missleading for people to be using words like "screaming", "flying", and "thundering" in relation to off-road cycling. People should not use these words if they want to be taken seriously.
My GPS/datalogger tells me I average about 8kms/hour on tight narrow single track. A human walks at about 5km/hour. Get real, and get used to SHARING these assets with other users.

More MTB impact Studies
Former MTBA president, Gillian Duncan has informed us of 2 more studies into the soil impacts of MTBing
"Hello everyone
Gap Creek Trails Alliance has just received the final report from Dr Stu Clement of a scientific study of Gap Creek Circuit over 12 months. Soil erosion was measures at 20 transects, finding that 10 points did not change, 5 points had minor change, 2 noticeable change and 3 significant change. The amount of soil loss at these significant loss points would fit into a garden trowel, ie about 3cm loss.
The final report is attached here in a small version.

Narrabeen Lagoon Plan of Management Input & Workshop
Just had this from the council...
Basically - another opportunity to have input into a council's PoM (Plan of Management). It finally seems that the local authorities are trying to cater for riders. I know there have been a lot of these lately, but we need to support them all. Due to the diversity of land tenures in the Northern Beaches we have to jump through hoops for each land owner in order to get a seamless trail network in the region.
Credit to them for giving us the chance, please don't let this opportunity go to waste.

BMORC web site as PR point
Hi guys, I'm just writing some letters to council and thinking about whether to mention BMORC, and if so, how. Also, having just read that we now have some stickers, I'm wondering what it is that people will do when they get that sticker.
What they're gonna do (I hope), is visit the BMORC web site. And this is also what I'd like my councillor to do when I send him/her a letter.